EAD Renewal - How long will it take? pl help


Registered Users (C)
Hi Gurus,
I live in Columbus and send papers to Cincinnati for EAD renewal on 27th September '02. The check was cleared from my account on 7th October'02. So far I did not receive any information from INS. My EAD is going to expire on 12th November'02. I am in tense.

1. Can anyone tell me how long will it take for me to get the reply from Cincinnati?

2. Whether can I get my renewal before the expiry of the current EAD?

3. Is there is a way to contact Cincinnati tofind out the status?

Please share any kind of info.

koinahi :mad:
Thanks Jaxen,

but I was told that Cincinnati stopped issuing walk in EADs. They will issue a letter with appointment at local office once your EAD is ready for pick up. I may be wrong.
Is there anything that I can do to speed up the process (by calling or ....) ? Let me know if any.

Hello Koinahi,

I am in the same boat. Live in Columbus. Sent Appl. for renewal 20 Sept. They cashed check 10 Oct.
But, Haven't received anything to date.

Let me know if u hear anything.

Thanks for your posting. I will keep you updated. When is your EAD is going to expire? Is there a way for us to contact Cincinnati or Columbus offices. Thanks for any input from any body.
Got it finally

Thanks everybody for your moral support. I got scheduled for EAD renewal on Tuesday, 5th November'02 finally ( Just a week away from my EAD's expiration date). God is great ......
