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DV2016 Winners From ASIA ?

Dear Britsimon,

im from asia, My CN number is 1xxx (between 1000-2000), when is my estimate interview months? should i submit ds-260 very soon?

my passport will be expired in 10 months, can i submit ds-260 using old passport and bring new passport for interview? will it be cause me a problem?
any better suggestion?

thank you very much
I forgot to mention that my case is from Iran. Does it make my chance better or worse? Any ideas where the cutoff range generally is?

OK - yep - that is pretty important info. The question for you then will be whether you placed on AP or not. You will be current in August and that leaves little or no time to conclude the type of AP that many Iranian cases go through. If you have worked for the Iranian government or military those are high risk factors for AP.
Dear Britsimon,

im from asia, My CN number is 1xxx (between 1000-2000), when is my estimate interview months? should i submit ds-260 very soon?

my passport will be expired in 10 months, can i submit ds-260 using old passport and bring new passport for interview? will it be cause me a problem?
any better suggestion?

thank you very much

You will be current in the early months October or November. If you want an early interview submit your DS260 soon. I would personally replace the passport now - since it will have less than 6 months validity after your interview. You canb either wait to submit your DS260 when you have the new passport or you can submit now, then unlock and update your DS260 once you have the new passport.
OK - yep - that is pretty important info. The question for you then will be whether you placed on AP or not. You will be current in August and that leaves little or no time to conclude the type of AP that many Iranian cases go through. If you have worked for the Iranian government or military those are high risk factors for AP.
Dear Britsimon, Can you please tell me what AP is? And how do I know if it is on AP? I have not seen anything mentioned on my account yet.
I have not worked for the Iranian regime and I have only done the one year mandatory military service.
Also, I am currently living in Canada and in a couple of months I will be receiving my Canadian citizenship. Will that affect me in anyways?

Hello Britsimon, read your 2015 analysis, appreciate the analysis. Husband just won the DV2016 lottery, we are 2016AS79**... Extremely excited but also nervous as we have been trying for a green card on a 10 year journey through employment routes to no avail, and sadly had to leave our US home 3 years ago... Couple of questions, is our case number safe? What are the implications of 84K? Any impact on the quotas or just makes the initial pool smaller?
Please help me!
I win the lottery 2016 with CN about 3500, I would like to get married with my fiance. (I filled the entry form as a single person.)
please answer my question about this;
which one is the best time to register my marriage? before submitting DS-260 or after that? ( I want to know that how much time I have to submit my DS-260 form to avoid delays in my case?
case number within#100
my wife is pregnant and the due date around SEP. do we have to file DS-260 now or wait and fill it later?
Dear Britsimon, Can you please tell me what AP is? And how do I know if it is on AP? I have not seen anything mentioned on my account yet.
I have not worked for the Iranian regime and I have only done the one year mandatory military service.
Also, I am currently living in Canada and in a couple of months I will be receiving my Canadian citizenship. Will that affect me in anyways?


AP for Iranians is a period of additional background checks. Your immigration to Canada might have helped things - all you can do is wait and see. Good luck
Hello Britsimon, read your 2015 analysis, appreciate the analysis. Husband just won the DV2016 lottery, we are 2016AS79**... Extremely excited but also nervous as we have been trying for a green card on a 10 year journey through employment routes to no avail, and sadly had to leave our US home 3 years ago... Couple of questions, is our case number safe? What are the implications of 84K? Any impact on the quotas or just makes the initial pool smaller?

Because the 84k is such a reduction in selectee numbers, the initial assumption is that most if not all selectees will be current. However, we don't have much information at this point so that is just a guess at the moment - let's wait and get more information...
case number within#100
my wife is pregnant and the due date around SEP. do we have to file DS-260 now or wait and fill it later?

As britsimon says, fill in the form now. It is quite easy to add a new baby to the case.
You will probably have an interview in October (if you fill your DS forms in now) so will already have your interview notification when the baby is born (you get told about 6-8 weeks in advance). Make sure you apply for a full birth certificate and passport for the baby as soon as it is born. Contact the embassy (once a case is scheduled it goes from KCC to the embassy) and tell them you have a new baby and they will advise the best way to add the baby to your case at that stage.

And congratulations on the impending arrival :)
AP for Iranians is a period of additional background checks. Your immigration to Canada might have helped things - all you can do is wait and see. Good luck
Thanks Britsimon,
So from my understanding, having a dual citizenship won't cause any problems for me to get a green card?
Because the 84k is such a reduction in selectee numbers, the initial assumption is that most if not all selectees will be current. However, we don't have much information at this point so that is just a guess at the moment - let's wait and get more information...
Thanks, I guess we wait and see what happens!
A separate question for knowing folks, thanks in advance. My daughter is under and is living in USA as an F1 holder, second year college. When we, hopefully, get called up for the interview, must she physically attend with us outside the USA or can she be interviewed separatedly in the States?