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DV2014 Entrants

Friends I am hoping the DV Lottery will continue for all hopeful legal and law-abiding immigrants.

I don't have any links as such but I do know from the news and from my brother in the US that the immigration system is going through a massive revamp in Congress/House/Senate and there is much debate about its present form.

Don't forget that incidents like the terrible tragedy in Boston are one of the factors that raise questions about the DV Lottery because it is an easy door for troublemakers to get through (I think there was a case of one terrorist who got through the DV Lottery and was caught out) so the US Authorities want to clamp down and tighten the screws on immigration.

From what I have been reading the Republicans are against the current structure of immigration whilst the Democrats are not really saying anything as such. The DV programme got started during President Clinton's two terms in office and then President Bush came in and had two wars to deal with in Afghanistan and Iraq so there was more attention being paid to counter-terrorism agencies and the wars instead of immigration.

So it all depends on who has the majority say in the House/Congress/Senate. The issue at hand here is that if a Republican president comes in after President Obama then you can be sure that the immigration system will be revamped.

From what I hear, the US Government will be deporting some 1m to 2m people (illegals or immigrants chewing on the welfare system) over the coming year so there's a lot going on.

People who are holding Green Cards for years but living outside America and making money outside America (and subsequently not declaring their assets or income) and simply entering the US when needed to stamp their passport and leaving again have also been told that their residency will be revoked if they don't enter and stay in the US permanently or apply for naturalisation or stay in the US and pay taxes. In summary the US Authorities are saying "why should you be given a residency when you don't even want to live in America or pay taxes when there are people who genuinely want to live and work here."

We need to analyse the wider picture (at least from my analysis its how I see it) and I know this has nothing to do with DV selection but I just thought of sharing my views with potential immigrants.

- In 2014 the US Government will bring back its troops from Afghanistan and we are talking almost 150,000 people (that's basically the total of 3 DVs if you look at it) and many of which will leave the military and enter civilian life therefore they will need jobs. Immigrants will not be given preference over US citizens who have served in the armed forces and now require jobs or welfare (which is pretty limited at the moment and I'm sure some of you have seen how ex-soldiers are living out of their cars).

The Nasdaq and Dow Jones are zooming high at the moment I personally think its pumping air into a punctured tyre and I read on CNN that economists also have this view. My fear is that it is a speculative financial boom and if it tanks then it'll tank worse than in 2008. Look at the amount of foreclosures in the housing market and house prices aren't really going up. How is it possible that the financial markets are skyrocketing but people are still looking for work?

- Government expenses - what I mean is that the Federal Government is still looking for ways to cut costs in order to reduce the national deficit. Just recently I read that the Federal Government and FAA want to close down control towers at many small airports because it costs money to run them. Also recently I read that the toll staff at the Golden Gate Bridge have been replaced by automated machines/gates. I am also reading that police officers in many counties/small towns are being reduced to cut costs. When these cost-cutting exercises are compounded together they come to a massive amount of money being saved by the US Government.

- Immigration - this is what pertains to us. Think of all the illegals crossing over Mexico or coming from Europe or Africa or asylum seekers (like the Tsarnaev brothers) They may not see it but they are a liability on the system. Many of these illegals are criminals and end up costing the government money (more police, Federal resources e.g. FBI expenses, court cases, Border Control et al.). Those who aren't criminals sit and sit and sit for years without a social security number or Green Card or job or don't pay taxes in the hope of becoming legal (like what happened in the last US election with the Latino population). Compound the number of illegals not paying taxes but living there and poaching jobs which should ideally go to someone who is legal and do the math.

I could go on and on but it pretty much comes down to how much money the US Government wants to allocate to immigration or rather if they should allocate Federal Government spending on immigration as opposed to anti-terrorism (which is the major issue of the 21st century so far) or anti-organised crime (the RICO statute) etc. and who gets priority over jobs.

Then again I may be mistaken and not everyone would share my opinion or thoughts :)
There are a huge number of factors involved in US immigration. That article may say the bill as it currently stands will not pass, but that doesn't mean that's it's over. They will probably continue to work on it until it is more likely to pass.

Having said that, it takes time. There's several steps it has to get through, so I think it's premature of anyone to assume that DV2014 or DV2015 will be the last one. All we can do is wait and see what happens.

I've been reading the Bill myself, trying to understand what they are proposing, and there are a lot of changes and new introductions. Even if DV is repealed via this bill, new visa options are also being created, which many of us may be able to take advantage of.

There are no absolutes at this stage, so I don't see the need for concern. If you want to educate yourself further, I recommend going to the home page of this website. Rajiv has collated a lot of information on this immigration reform bill, so that is your best source of information. His videos explaining the reform are particularly helpful.
momo , the US economy is doing good, and the unemployment rate is now 7.5% ( it was 10% in october 2009 ) and it will probably fell down to 6% in the middle of 2014.
Don't forget that incidents like the terrible tragedy in Boston are one of the factors that raise questions about the DV Lottery because it is an easy door for troublemakers to get through (I think there was a case of one terrorist who got through the DV Lottery and was caught out) so the US Authorities want to clamp down and tighten the screws on immigration.

Please do not buy that argument, some people here looove to use it as an excuse. Every single immigrant category; family, employment, asylum, DV, go through the same exact background checks. DV by itself does not introduce any extra vulnerability. Besides, somebody who wants to harm people in US will not try his/her chances by entering DV lottery every year! He or she will find another sure way of getting in. I do believe DV serves a good purpose and should remain. Out of a million green cards given every year, only 50K are DV, it is virtually a non-issue.
i checked my status, and i couldn't believe my eyes when i saw i was not selected.. Hmm iam frm nigeria! Well do i still have to wait for any other draw?? Cos iam already looking at europe as plan B..
Hey salut BurundiWinner! Tu vas bien? T'as deja prepare tes documents?

Je veux aller au Burundi pour la derniere fois cette annee si j'aurais la chance (il y a 20 ans que j'ai quitte le Burundi!).

Bonne chance!

Je suis très bien, vous? Tout est fait, en attente de mon médecin la semaine prochaine.

My English is so much better than my French:(
I hope they will do something about skilled workers that want to immigrate in Usa, i can't rely on loterry as it's completely random, i can't make plans on top of lottery. :(
I hope they will do something about skilled workers that want to immigrate in Usa, i can't rely on loterry as it's completely random, i can't make plans on top of lottery. :(

Well, I'm not sure what you mean by skilled workers, but there is H1B. Just saying.
Please do not buy that argument, some people here looove to use it as an excuse. Every single immigrant category; family, employment, asylum, DV, go through the same exact background checks. DV by itself does not introduce any extra vulnerability. Besides, somebody who wants to harm people in US will not try his/her chances by entering DV lottery every year! He or she will find another sure way of getting in. I do believe DV serves a good purpose and should remain. Out of a million green cards given every year, only 50K are DV, it is virtually a non-issue.

I should have been a little clearer my friend. It was something I read during a criticism of the DV lottery. I personally don't buy it myself...the Tsarnaev brothers came as asylum seekers so your argument is valid.
Congrats again to all the winners!

Does anyone know if KCC has made a press release on the lottery results yet? They normally do so on the day, saying how many people were selected and notified, with stats etc.
many companies have stopped filing h1b visas. they cost the companies more money. plus USCIS constantly checks up to make sure the h1b workers are not used as cheap labor. We got frequent raises. so h1b is more difficult these days. mostly if the company is desperate.
I should have been a little clearer my friend. It was something I read during a criticism of the DV lottery. I personally don't buy it myself...the Tsarnaev brothers came as asylum seekers so your argument is valid.

Yes, there is this urban legend about somebody who was a relative of somebody who got GC from DV turning out to be a terrorist or something along those lines, and people keep repeating the same story over and over as if DV is an open backdoor or something. What I am saying is that everybody goes through the same background checks. If they want to tighten them, that's fine, but blaming DV is not sincere.
Yes, there is this urban legend about somebody who was a relative of somebody who got GC from DV turning out to be a terrorist or something along those lines, and people keep repeating the same story over and over as if DV is an open backdoor or something. What I am saying is that everybody goes through the same background checks. If they want to tighten them, that's fine, but blaming DV is not sincere.

Don't get me wrong aos13, I myself dreamt of coming to America since 2003 and whenever I heard people I knew of winning the DV I was so envious but I had no hope until I applied in 2011 never expecting to be selected. I personally think it is a fabulous window for those wanting to come to America so no bad points from me...you know how it is with written stuff circulating around and us human beings having a tendency of taking some things at face value.
well the company has to file for LC first When that is approved then it goes to uscis. I actually gave u wrong info. The labor dept is who checks up on salaries. i used to be on h1b.
I am kindly asking every selected entrant to report here with an aprox of his/her selected number and additional infos like this:

- CN (aprox with an XXXX termination)
- age
- education
- number of applications (years)
- marrital status

It will be interesting to have the info and compile them for a statistical thing

I am kindly asking every selected entrant to report here with an aprox of his/her selected number and additional infos like this:

- CN (aprox with an XXXX termination)
- age
- education
- number of applications (years)
- marrital status

It will be interesting to have the info and compile them for a statistical thing


- CN EU44xxx
- age 22
- education high school
- number of applications 3
- marrital status married