• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV2007 CP only

Dear Anahit,
I have read all your messages posted under this specific topic.
Congrats on your sister's visa approval case!!!
As I understood, your sister had an interview at US Embassy in Yerevan, correct? in dec of 2006?
I would like to share my experience with you and other members of this forum hoping to get some helpful information from all:
-My brother won DV-2007 and was scheduled for Jan-10 2007 in US Embassy in Yerevan. When he and his family arrived, the person who accepted docs at the first window after reviewing my brother's docs, told my brother that he is not eligible for this program and he should not pay the fee ($755 per person) because his visa will be denied and he will loose all moneys since they are not-refundable.
This person explain why my brother is not eligible: because he has a 8-years of school completed instead of 10 years. All other docs looked good, this was the only one reason.
According to the program rules, the eligible is determined based on the following: "“Applicant must meet either the education or training requirement of the DV program.
Education or Training: An applicant must have either a high school education or its equivalent, defined as successful completion of a 12-year course of elementary and secondary education; OR two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation requiring at least two years of training or experience to perform”.
So my brother has a 6+ years of working experience.
to shorten this story : at that first interview my brother agreed and just turned over and went home. No paper of denial was issued to him.
After that I called embassy and spoke to that same person, and he said your brother can come for a new interview. I told this guy that the eligibilty must be based on two OR factors- education /or work experience.
so at the second interview, I gathered an affidavit of support for each of my brother's family members including bank's /work's verifications and also the pre-arranged employemnt letter from here in US and sent to my brother so he can present additional docs to the officer.
Ok, once there, this person again told my brother that don't pay the money because a US consul would like to meet w/you. And he didn't even bother himself to reveiw newly presented docs. And the consular explain to my brother the samething that he is not eligble because he didn't completed 10 years educ program at school and that's it.
No denial papers were issued again simply because you need to pay the fees and then officer issues that letter.
So my brother has nothing in his hands except verbal explanation by consul that he is not eligible.
So I am asking if anybody was in the same situation and how it was handled?
Can anybody help me on this question? what should my brother do? where else to go?
I have been trying for this lottery for 10 years and 2006 was a winner's year for my brother.

Please advise.

Thank you very much,

- My brother has a Plumber experience.

How would I know if it's listed as "qualifying " work?

Thank you,
annushka said:

- My brother has a Plumber experience.

How would I know if it's listed as "qualifying " work?

Thank you,
Hello, Anna.
I'm really sorry about your brother's situation.
Whoever filled out the application for him and his family for 10 years should've explained to you the 1st requirement of the lottery. :D
Your brother is not qualified neither by education nor by work experience! :(
"To qualify for a Diversity Visa on the basis of your work experience, you must, within the past five years, have two years of experience in an occupation that is designated as Job Zone 4 or 5,..."
Here is where you can get that information: http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1319.html
Unfortunately, plumbing is a Zone 3 job: http://online.onetcenter.org/link/summary/47-2152.02#JobZone. http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1319.html.
As far as for the "newly presented docs", they had nothing to do with this requirement, they were for affidavit of support.
I really don't know what to advise you at this point. :(
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annushka said:
Thanks Anahit for your response.
Read the links I provided. Maybe you can find something close what your brother has been doing which qualifies for the lottery. I didn't read the whole thing. Becides, you have more information about the specifics of what he's been doing.
good luck!
Anahit said:
Read the links I provided. Maybe you can find something close what your brother has been doing which qualifies for the lottery. I didn't read the whole thing. Becides, you have more information about the specifics of what he's been doing.
good luck!

Thank you. In my brother's job desriptions there is a listing reference to the supervisors duties as to " train,distribute, assist to the lower level of team members" and etc. The other lines include the regular working duties as a plumber. I know for sure that if he would have a Supevisor's title in his work experience he will defintely quilify.
We have consulted w/lawyer here in US and he told us that my brother should quilify and we must act now to find something else before the final cutoff dates in Sep 07. But we don't know what else to do???

Anahit said:
Did the lawyer say on what basis?

Yes, based on the work experience.
Unfortunately, no lawyer can help us to proceed any further because my brother doesnot have any "denial' letter issued to him.
All he has is just a "verbal explanation that he doesn't qualify".
So, we are completely lost on what to do?
annushka said:
Yes, based on the work experience.
Unfortunately, no lawyer can help us to proceed any further because my brother doesnot have any "denial' letter issued to him.
All he has is just a "verbal explanation that he doesn't qualify".
So, we are completely lost on what to do?
Well, did he even check your brother's work experience, or just told you the rules of the lottery? As you can see, not every "work experience" could qualify a person for DV visa.
I don't see how the "denial letter" would help the attorney to help you. He/she should be able to tell you if your brother has a chance of getting the visa based on his work experience, since he is not qualified by his education. It's that simple.
They actually did your brother a big favor by not making him pay the fees and then giving him the denial letter.
on another forum a person really quickly got his high school diploma (eksternom) for that purpose. I do believe he got his visa. He had several months to prepare - by the time of his interview he had his diploma.

P.S. I agree with Anahit - the consul was very nice not to take the money for the unissued visas. Not everybody is so lucky. Some people lose as much as $775*5 per family without getting the visas, and that doesn't include the medical exam...
So, it's not too late...
Anna, see if your brother can somehow get his high school diploma, and then go for the interview. I am getting an impression that the consul wanted to give him a chance to fix the situation.
Anahit said:
So, it's not too late...
Anna, see if your brother can somehow get his high school diploma, and then go for the interview. I am getting an impression that the consul wanted to give him a chance to fix the situation.

Anahit, thank you.
You think it's possible that consul was actually giving a chance to my brother?
I never thought about that. But maybe it's the case, maybe that's why twice on the interview they didn't allow him to pay because he would definetly get the denial response from the officer...???

And also, my brother mentioned there that he completed only 8 grades and did not come back to continue his school education.... You know that getting a high school diploma won't be difficult at all, it is just a matter of explaining to the embassy's authority on how come you haven't presented at your previous interview and brought the diploma now??? My brother has to have an answer to this possible question. Let me know if you could think of any possible answer(s).
annushka said:
You think it's possible that consul was actually giving a chance to my brother?
I never thought about that. But maybe it's the case, maybe that's why twice on the interview they didn't allow him to pay because he would definetly get the denial response from the officer...???
Going thru with the interview would first of all mean paying the fees. So, yes, most likely, they didn't let him to do it and pay the fees because he would have been denied. And, since he didn't get the denial letter he should try his best to change the situation.
And also, my brother mentioned there that he completed only 8 grades and did not come back to continue his school education.... You know that getting a high school diploma won't be difficult at all, it is just a matter of explaining to the embassy's authority on how come you haven't presented at your previous interview and brought the diploma now??? My brother has to have an answer to this possible question. Let me know if you could think of any possible answer(s).
Besides just verbally mentioning about his education, it is all in the applications he filled out for the interview (DSP-122, DS-230).
Every country has a way of getting a high school diploma by taking an exam externally. Armenia shouldn't be an exception. You need to do some research or contact the authorities there to find out about the rules.
of course, knowing the situation in the country, the consul might assume that the diploma was bought on such a short notice. And that would mean lying to the consular officer in order to obtain immigrant benefits and a life-long ban on ever entering the States.
LucyMO]of course, knowing the situation in the country, the consul might assume that the diploma was bought on such a short notice.

You are absolutely right... that's exactly how consul will think....
Anahit said:
You need to do some research or contact the authorities there to find out about the rules.

- Thanks Anahit. I have emailed to "edu@edu.am" asking them about that option if there is one availalbe. No response yet and I am not sure if I will get the reply back from them.
I am also contacting my brother to see if he can research in Yerevan about that too.
Our plan is that if it will be possible to obtain the high school diploma thru external exam, then my brother will call the embassy again asking if he can have new interview after that exam?

Our plan is that if it will be possible to obtain the high school diploma thru external exam, then my brother will call the embassy again asking if he can have new interview after that exam?


Hi Anahit,
my brother called Ministry of Education and yes, it is possible to take an exams and get the high school diploma in Yerevan! This must be done during the months of May and June only. Tomorrow my brother will call embassy to ask if they will allow to schedule another interview once he'll get his school diploma.
I am hoping for their positive answer...

thank you for your help.