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DV statistics 2006 included


Registered Users (C)

2006 I could say was not so good year for EU, since they have issued only 15625 which is far away from the average 19000-20000, while the other regions seems are within average.
When one check Visa Bulletin for that year the cut off nums. moved so slow (Nov-3900, Aug-16000, Sep- current) and this could be one of the reasons, on the other hand around 22000 people have been selected from EU for DV2006 which is less than this year.
However as conclusion it will be much better for people with CN above 16000-18000 if the cut off nums. move faster, as they have started this year, instead like in the yr 2006.
stat question


to be quite honest I am so confused, everytime i think I understand it I really dont, please bare my question and try to make sense out of it, in the file attached for Ocenia 2006 it says that Australia had 318 visa numbers issued, so that would be out of 532 winners, and all up in Oceania region there were 831 winners out of 1398, if you add up all the winners in the region.

and if you divide the number you get about 60% of the original number end up winning, I am guessing most of them have low CN numbers, now to my question if my number is in the low 12XX, I really dont stand a chance do I?, or is there a record somewhere of people who ended up with visas from the Oceania region and what CN numbers they had?

Thanks for your time to read the question, and i understand if you dont answer it, quite honeslty I dont think it makes any sense either :)

yes asd 22 as I mentioned before about dv-cutt-off numbers for europe in my previous posts...on average only 69 to 70 percent of the winners from europe end up getting interview to be selected statistically.so this year the cutt-off number will stop somewhere between 18.400 to 18.900 .I doubt it will make it closer to 20.000 number. As I pointed out already. there is no one out there having more than 16022 number out there for dv2007 interview. So your theory is correct...
yes asd 22 as I mentioned before about dv-cutt-off numbers for europe in my previous posts...on average only 69 to 70 percent of the winners from europe end up getting interview to be selected statistically.so this year the cutt-off number will stop somewhere between 18.400 to 18.900

I appreciate that every on this forum is constantly trying to second guess the DV and visa numbers (me included) but I have to say I disagree with your posts. After extensive research into to DV I have realised that there far too many variables involved to make this kind of sweeping conclusion. It is a generally accepted fact that many from the EU don’t tend to peruse their visa applications, in comparison to say AS or AF regions. this can help to explain the lower EU numbers. Most of the EU countries have fantastic social and economic conditions, just like the US and people from many of those countries have a real choice, and some decided that its just not worth the hassle of moving to the US after all, why move from family and friends and good jobs? When you can have a just as good a live in your home country.
Also there are a few countries in the EU region, not in the actual European union that have very high applicant numbers, UZBEKISTAN 3,101 TURKEY 2,188 ALBANIA 2,862. These three countries alone make up 1/3 of total EU applicants. These countries can only get a certain amount of visas and while they are all below the 3500 visa threshold allowed, it is likely that the visa numbers will get tied up in these countries quickly, This situation will distort the EU numbers some what. When you take out these countries you are left with about 16000 applicants, and it is likely that many of them may not bother to purse there visa’s. even if 20% did not, we would be down to 13000 applicants and don’t forget that not every one who applies and gets interviewed will be successful either. You could probably take out another 10/15% again leaving the actual numbers very different from what they may have seemed at first.
You also have to take into account that numbers may be current, but countries just may not have the time or resources to schedule interviews for everyone, or may not have enough numbers to go around for all people current. Some embassies may be quicker then others at processing too.

Anyway my general point is that your post above is a far to simplistic view of the DV and there are many more things to consider if you are to make a balanced opinion.

.I doubt it will make it closer to 20.000 number

You may be right, but you are really just guessing, no one knows and if this is based on your percentage analysis then it is a flawed statement based on another inaccurate statistical guess

As I pointed out already. there is no one out there having more than 16022 number out there for dv2007 interview. So your theory is correct...

This is only one forum and most of what gets posted on here is taken at face value, no way of proving it, I could just as easily say I know some one that has a CN higher then this and who could ever prove me right or wrong?. There are 40-50 thousand people involved in the DV2007 yet we only see posts on here from a few hundred people at the very most. Just because no one has posted a successful CN above 16022 is hardly conclusive evidence that there is not one, use your head!! :)
You are of course entitled to your opinion and this is a discussion forum, but if you are going to make such concrete statements you should have concrete evidence to back them up. Time of course time will tell but I for one believe that CN’s will all go current again this year for all regions, apart from some individual countries that may reach there quotas during the fiscal year.

2006 I could say was not so good year for EU, since they have issued only 15625 which is far away from the average 19000-20000, while the other regions seems are within average.around 22000 people have been selected from EU for DV2006 which is less than this year.

When you think about it 15625 out of 22000 is about 70% when you take into account the people who did not qualify (say 15% ) and the people that did not want to peruse (say 15%), this is probably about right although there were not that many visas issued I am sure the majority of people from the EU who wanted a visa had a chance at getting one. You have to look at the bigger picture its not just about the amount of visas issued its about lots of things.

With out access to the kind of statistics that KCC would have all our theorising is just that... "theorising". If I manage to get a visa for DV 2008, with my high CN then we will see once and for all that High CN’s can get you a visa in the end just as a low one can.
My point was that only for us with high CN is much better that the cut off numbs move faster like they have started this yr, instead of the fashion in 2006. However one can see that reduction in 2006 mainly come from the issuance of less GC only to several countries like Albania, Bulgaria and Poland.

...I am sure the majority of people from the EU who wanted a visa had a chance at getting one.

I also agree that there are so many factors that influence the cut off numbs. So I would not take the freedom to make any predictions, but I am very positive that from all people selected from EU, everyone who has returned the forms and satisfied other requests will get GC nevertheless CN, this will only determine the time when one will get it.

.so this year the cutt-off number will stop somewhere between 18.400 to 18.900 .I doubt it will make it closer to 20.000 number. ...

I fully disagree with Jimmykent about his predictions, because he is making some strong conclusions based on info from only two counters in EU, while he does not know what is going on in around other 30. Also he suggest that interviews are scheduled not regarding to cut off from Visa Bulletin, but on some his own theory. More over, when I called US Embassy I think was this May they told me that if the next yr(2008) is similar to this, that my CN (22xxx) should be current in the same period, because in this year for Jul was 23000. So they knew that 23000 was the num for Jul 2007 and they stick to Visa Bulletin, they have not said to me no chance because every yr we schedule only to 16000 or 18000.

There are 40-50 thousand people involved in the DV2007 yet we only see posts on here from a few hundred people at the very most. Just because no one has posted a successful CN above 16022 is hardly conclusive evidence that there is not one, use your head!! :)

I agree totaly, so it is much better to use the forum as source of valuable info which could help us throw the process, or asking practical questions, instead of sharp predictions based on some cases on this forum.
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The other side of the coin

I pointed out already. there is no one out there having more than 16022 number out there for dv2007 interview. So your theory is correct...

The other side of the coin is that all numbers are current for europe and there is nobody at all from europe who has complained that they aren't getting an interview.
Its not true

The other side of the coin is that all numbers are current for europe and there is nobody at all from europe who has complained that they aren't getting an interview.

My case number is 2008EU000005XX, and in visa bulletin was current up to 5800, so up to know I dod not get any Interview appointment or notification
My case number is 2008EU000005XX, and in visa bulletin was current up to 5800, so up to know I dod not get any Interview appointment or notification

I did told you to calm down, but I have my interview date. Please call KCC or send an e mail to find out what the problem is. If by now you don't have any information, then there is cause to worry, except you submit your forms late. As someone said on Nigerian thread, may be your case can not be processed, pray hard and get in touch with KCC to update you.
I did told you to calm down, but I have my interview date. Please call KCC or send an e mail to find out what the problem is. If by now you don't have any information, then there is cause to worry, except you submit your forms late. As someone said on Nigerian thread, may be your case can not be processed, pray hard and get in touch with KCC to update you.

My dear
Thank for your respond.
I called twice KCC, firs in the end of the August month, I were told to call them back on septemer of 13 2007, than on september of 17 I called second time, again I were told to call them back on October of 20 this year..
Is that Ok??!!!!
hey guys, I hope you are all right in your predictions and analysis for the fact that my number is eu18xxx. I hope I get an interview as well. I am terribly sorry if I upset some attendants of this forum. I was just giving my honest opinion. Again, I hope I am very wrong and wish All of us from Europe get interview dates...
Affidavit of Support

Anyone help me to understand about affidavit of Support. My appointment date is scheduled on Nov, 2007.

On the Visa category of travel.state.gov site, they gave important note that "The NVC cannot accept Form I-134 for immigrant visa processing. The NVC only accepts the appropriate I-864 form(s)." What is that mean? What is NVC stands for?

Which affidavit of support we have to use?

Isn't Letter of Recommendation enough to DV?
My case number is 2008EU000005XX, and in visa bulletin was current up to 5800, so up to know I dod not get any Interview appointment or notification

I was talking about DV2007. The fact that you haven't yet got an interview isn't that serious because you still have plenty of time. But for DV2007 winners not having got an interview date by now would be much more serious because their visas have to be issued by 30th September 2007.
hey guys, I hope you are all right in your predictions and analysis for the fact that my number is eu18xxx. I hope I get an interview as well. I am terribly sorry if I upset some attendants of this forum. I was just giving my honest opinion. Again, I hope I am very wrong and wish All of us from Europe get interview dates...

Don’t worry you have not upset any one :), we all know that every one is guessing here! I was just trying to get the point across that the more information you consider the better your guess can be. You just seemed to be making a point that did not really add up to me.

*nallbani88* don’t be worrying! You have a fantastic case number you have loads and loads of time, even if there is a mix up or something is wrong, you still have 12 months to get it sorted, I am sure you will be fine… :) when you ring back in Oct you will probably find you interview is scheduled in Nov. Although this does illustrate my point that all embassies are different, and will have there own scheduling/resource issues to deal with.

As a matter of interest nallbani88 what country are you from?
Don’t worry you have not upset any one :), we all know that every one is guessing here! I was just trying to get the point across that the more information you consider the better your guess can be. You just seemed to be making a point that did not really add up to me.

*nallbani88* don’t be worrying! You have a fantastic case number you have loads and loads of time, even if there is a mix up or something is wrong, you still have 12 months to get it sorted, I am sure you will be fine… :) when you ring back in Oct you will probably find you interview is scheduled in Nov. Although this does illustrate my point that all embassies are different, and will have there own scheduling/resource issues to deal with.

As a matter of interest nallbani88 what country are you from?

thank you alemitmee for your kindly respond
as a metter of the fact I am from Kosova/Kosovo former Yugoslavia, and US office for Kosovo is in Skopje /Macedonia
thank you alemitmee for your kindly respond
as a metter of the fact I am from Kosova/Kosovo former Yugoslavia, and US office for Kosovo is in Skopje /Macedonia

I have just been quickly reading up on the former Yugoslavia, so you are applying for the DV under the country Macedonia then? With about 340+ applicants? I bet the delays are just down to interview scheduling resources, I am sure you will be up soon for your interview! Let us know when you have it…
thank you alemitmee for your kindly respond
as a metter of the fact I am from Kosova/Kosovo former Yugoslavia, and US office for Kosovo is in Skopje /Macedonia

I have just been quickly reading up on the former Yugoslavia, so you are applying for the DV under the country Macedonia then? With about 340+ applicants? I bet the delays are just down to interview scheduling resources, I am sure you will be up soon for your interview! Let us know when you have it…