• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV Lottery Re-draw Oct

@Obeezyb What is the point that you're trying to emphasize? Do you mean that they could issue more than 50,000 visas in a fiscal year? Is that what you mean?

Those are interesting statistics, but what I don't know is whether or not the 5,000 visas that automatically go to Nicauragua are included in the number. Remember, there are actually 55,000 visas alloted in the DV Lottery each year, but because of some treaty, 5,000 of them go to Nicaraugua. So...1995 and 1997 show overages, but there are no other years that go beyond 55,000 besides those two.

If Nicarauguan visas are included in the stats, the yes, it does show that the numbers have not been exhausted, besides 1995 and 1997. Hard to fathom, since there are so many of us CRYING for a spot!!!!
I remember reading on the forums, and you all know how I'm a sponge for all things DV lottery!, anyway, I remember reading that someone at the Sydney consulate was told during their interview that "not all Australian DV visas are given away".

I immediately want to scream "over here....look...over...here!!" and point them to this forum lol

Not long now.

If it is a no for me I will just focus on my exams which are all in November. Time will move along until next May, just like it did last year. Christmas will be upon us, then a whole new year.

But until then.....I have how many hours to wait now :)

Warm wishes everyone

I remember reading on the forums, and you all know how I'm a sponge for all things DV lottery!, anyway, I remember reading that someone at the Sydney consulate was told during their interview that "not all Australian DV visas are given away".

I immediately want to scream "over here....look...over...here!!" and point them to this forum lol

Not long now.

If it is a no for me I will just focus on my exams which are all in November. Time will move along until next May, just like it did last year. Christmas will be upon us, then a whole new year.

But until then.....I have how many hours to wait now :)

Warm wishes everyone


Qewty - about 8 hours to go now!!! Are you staying up late to check?

Perhaps we'll get up after midnight just to check the website!

I suspect I will still be awake Sukie, I'm working on a 2,000 word paper at the moment so it's a good bet I will still be online!

I'm actually trying really hard not to get excited, but as the hours tick past, the more my imagination goes nuts! So many "now if this happens, we need to do this first, and then that and and and...!"

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@Obeezyb What is the point that you're trying to emphasize? Do you mean that they could issue more than 50,000 visas in a fiscal year? Is that what you mean?
The numbers don't lie,they do(at times )issue more than 50k visas in a year.They also do go beyond the 7% cap for some countries :eg. Ethiopia & Egypt.

Check the links below:


those are interesting statistics, but what i don't know is whether or not the 5,000 visas that automatically go to nicauragua are included in the number. Remember, there are actually 55,000 visas alloted in the dv lottery each year, but because of some treaty, 5,000 of them go to nicaraugua. So...1995 and 1997 show overages, but there are no other years that go beyond 55,000 besides those two.

If nicarauguan visas are included in the stats, the yes, it does show that the numbers have not been exhausted, besides 1995 and 1997. Hard to fathom, since there are so many of us crying for a spot!!!!

instructions for the 2013 diversity immigrant visa program (dv-2013)excerpts

4. What is the numerical limit for dv-2013?
By law, the dv program makes available a maximum of 55,000 permanent residence visas each year to eligible persons. however, the nicaraguan adjustment and central american relief act (nacara) passed by congress in november 1997 stipulates that beginning as early as dv-1999, and for as long as necessary, up to 5,000 of the 55,000 annually-allocated dvs will be made available for use under the nacara program. the actual reduction of the limit by up to 5,000 dvs began with dv-2000 and is likely to remain in effect through the dv-2013 program.

19. How many individuals will be selected?
There are 50,000 dv visas available for dv-2013. Because it is likely that some of the first 50,000 persons who are selected will not qualify for visas or pursue their cases to visa issuance, more than 50,000 entries will be selected by ca/cst to ensure that all of the available dv visas are issued. However, this also means that there will not be a sufficient number of visas for all those who are initially selected. All applicants who are selected will be informed promptly of their place on the list through the e-dv website’s entrant status check. Interviews for the dv-2013 program will begin in october 2012. Selectees who provide information requested in the notification instructions will be informed of their visa interview appointment through the e-dv website’s entrant status check four to six weeks before the scheduled interviews with u.s. Consular officers at overseas posts. Each month, visas will be issued to those applicants who are ready for issuance during that month, visa-number availability permitting. once all of the 50,000 dv visas have been issued, the program will end. In principle, visa numbers could be finished before september 2013. Selected applicants who wish to receive visas must be prepared to act promptly on their cases. Random selection as a selectee does not guarantee that you will receive a visa. Selection merely means that you are eligible to apply for a diversity visa, and if qualified, issued a diversity visa. Only the first 50,000 selected applicants to qualify will be issued visas.


b. Diversity immigrant (dv) category

section 203(c) of the ina provides up to 55,000 immigrant visas each fiscal year to permit additional immigration opportunities for persons from countries with low admissions during the previous five years. The nacara stipulates that beginning with dv-99, and for as long as necessary, up to 5,000 of the 55,000 annually-allocated diversity visas will be made available for use under the nacara program. This resulted in reduction of the dv-2012 annual limit to 50,000. Dv visas are divided among six geographic regions. No one country can receive more than seven percent of the available diversity visas in any one year.


e. Important notice for diversity visa (dv)2012 entrants

successful entrants are encouraged to send in their required documents to the kentucky consular center (kcc) immediately, so that an interview appointment at the appropriate u.s. Embassy or consulate can be scheduled in the near future. In order for an appointment to be scheduled with either a u.s. Embassy or consulate, entrants must first submit the form dsp-122 and form ds-230 to kcc. Embassies and consulates only have a limited number of appointments each month, including september, for dv applicants, so it is vital that successful entrants mail these documents to kcc very soon. There is no guarantee that a successful entrant who submits all of the required documentation to kcc will either be given an appointment or issued a dv.

there are several reasons why successful entrants should submit their documents to kcc now. First, there are 50,000 dvs available for dv-2012. Once all of the 50,000 dv visas have been issued for dv 2012, the program will end.


*Employment Third Preference Other Workers Category: Section 203(e) of the Nicaraguan and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) passed by Congress in November 1997, as amended by Section 1(e) of Pub. L. 105-139, provides that once the Employment Third Preference Other Worker (EW) cut-off date has reached the priority date of the latest EW petition approved prior to November 19, 1997, the 10,000 EW numbers available for a fiscal year are to be reduced by up to 5,000 annually beginning in the following fiscal year. This reduction is to be made for as long as necessary to offset adjustments under the NACARA program. Since the EW cut-off date reached November 19, 1997 during Fiscal Year 2001, the reduction in the EW annual limit to 5,000 began in Fiscal Year 2002.


If nicarauguan visas are included in the stats, the yes, it does show that the numbers have not been exhausted, besides 1995 and 1997. Hard to fathom, since there are so many of us crying for a spot!!!!
check out Nicaragua's stats on the above link

As Oct 23. 2012, when i checked all it shows is:
"Based on the information provided, the Entry HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED for further processing for the Electronic Diversity Visa program at this time. More entries will be selected in early October 2012, so please keep your confirmation information until at least that time."
It looks like additional selection has not been done, otherwise it would not ask to keep info until early Oct. Or the web admin is so lazy to change wording, who knows...

As well as before cehcking you will get this:

The U.S. Department of State Electronic Diversity Visa Entrant Status Check for Diversity Visa Program for DV- 2013 is available until September 30, 2013. The Entrant Status Check for (DV -2012) applicants will remain open until September 30, 2012.
Entrant Status Check Instructions

Please be sure to have the Entrant's Confirmation Number, Last Name/Family Name/Surname, and Year of Birth in order to check the entrant status online.

Please click on the link below to continue."
Thanks for the link !

From what Ms THURMOND said the following is still possible:
They already selected 105k but did not inform them all. In the past they just sent a letter. This year is the first time that people have to go back and check

So it is a practice we’ve done in the past, but this is the first time that people have to check back in to find out if they were selected as part of the second group.

This is an explanation of what has happened. She means some people call it additional selection, but what simply happened was just sending more letters out of those 105K in the past or putting more winners on the website (now).

King is trying to say something as well, but she cannot manage what she is saying. She frequently asks Thurmond for help or Thurmond just interrupts King when she is losing common sense.
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There was not a re-draw, there was an extra draw, and it took place on the 22nd October as they stated. Apparently there were some extra applicants chosen on that day.

So the extra draw was made and the winners were announced in the system? I'm asking as that strange text about the early October is still on the web page. Does that mean that the winners are not announced yet or there will be more?

So the extra draw was made and the winners were announced in the system? I'm asking as that strange text about the early October is still on the web page. Does that mean that the winners are not announced yet or there will be more?


Yes, more entries were selected on October 22nd. If you still see "NOT SELECTED" upon entering your confirmation number, that just means you are not one of the lucky ones.
If you had read previous posts, you would know that some of us contacted KCC and were told to hold on to the confirmation number until September 2013 and periodically check to see if we were selected. There are no guarantees that apart from the additional October 22nd selection that took place there will be any other but feel free to check your confirmation number as much as you want in the future. I also encourage you to read previous posts prior to asking questions. The answers are there already.