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DV Lottery 2012 lawyer action in the US Department of State

Microelectronic engineering & I would want to specialise in nano technology in my future but this time part time along with the engineering job
BTW, what are you studying at UQAM?
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Microelectronic engineering & I would want to specialise in nano technology in my future but this time part time along with the engineering job
Graduate studies or undergrad? If you win and decide to go to US, you may be able to transfer some of your credits to most state universities in the US.

Bon chance
engineering, undergraduate. I know i could transfert some of my credits so i will work my butt off to get mostly As this way i could maybe get in UCLA, or even MIT
Graduate studies or undergrad? If you win and decide to go to US, you may be able to transfer some of your credits to most state universities in the US.

Bon chance
yes, add to that that most of the peoples who are crying are the ones who never went to the USA so they still picture it as the hollywood thing... It's kind of understanble.. me the first time i went there I was exited espoecialy at the border in buffalo... spent 15 days then went back to montreal... the next time I went there, It was like normal, like going to another city because i allready tasted what usa feel like... now If i lose, i study & go there like every month or 3 weeks (i will study so it is not like working ect...) & if i win, i will try my best to move there after my university because i do not want to jeopardise all my future over some rushing immigration...
Same here. I've been visiting the USA for many years for vacation. To be honest, what we enjoy the most are change of scenery, shopping and the food (all the prices are cheap). The longest we've stayed was 2 weeks. However, we started to get bored after our money was running low and wanted to come home. However, if we do not win, we were thinking about buying a vacation home in the USA (which is a buyer's market since the down-turn of the economy). This will enable us to visit more frequently and kinda reduce cost of hotel accomodations etc.

In addition, i can imagine how difficult finding employment will be (that is new immigrants competting with qualified unemployed Citizens and persons who held GC for many years) are. Having said this, I've heard that menial jobs are hard to find over there.
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Same here. I've been visiting the USA for many years for vacation. To be honest, what we enjoy the most are change of scenery, shopping and the food (all the prices are cheap). The longest we've stayed was 2 weeks. However, we started to get bored after our money was running low and wanted to come home. However, if we do not win, we were thinking about buying a vacation home in the USA (which is a buyer's market since the down-turn of the economy). This will enable us to visit more frequently and kinda reduce cost of hotel accomodations etc.

In addition, i can imagine how difficult finding employment will be (that is new immigrants competting with qualified unemployed Citizens and persons who held GC for many years) are. Having said this, I've heard that menial jobs are hard to find over there.

Well, If someone plan on immigrating somewhere to do menial jobs, then he might be very desperate. & Due to many illegals & immigrants, menial jobs became very hard to get add to that that illegal work for a very low wage thus making thoses jobs very underpaid
In addition, i can imagine how difficult finding employment will be (that is new immigrants competting with qualified unemployed Citizens and persons who held GC for many years) are. Having said this, I've heard that menial jobs are hard to find over there.

That is so true.Friends of mine who are US citizens currently work two jobs to be able to pay for they living expenses, although they hold a BA or MA, but many companies pay less due to the bad economy.I feel sorry for everyone who thinks getting a GC and moving to the US is like moving to Disneyland where money grows on trees.It does not mean that it is impossible to make it here,but with the current economy it will be very hard!!!
That is so true.Friends of mine who are US citizens currently work two jobs to be able to pay for they living expenses, although they hold a BA or MA, but many companies pay less due to the bad economy.I feel sorry for everyone who thinks getting a GC and moving to the US is like moving to Disneyland where money grows on trees.It does not mean that it is impossible to make it here,but with the current economy it will be very hard!!!

It's all relative. No sane person is envisioning a utopia.
Well, If someone plan on immigrating somewhere to do menial jobs, then he might be very desperate. & Due to many illegals & immigrants, menial jobs became very hard to get add to that that illegal work for a very low wage thus making thoses jobs very underpaid
Yup, they may not intend to do menial jobs, but they are what's available in the USA at this time.
Yes you will become cheaters.....you can't help it getting the NL and were to believe you were a winner, but if you get it while something was wrong, than it is called cheating!

Just as many people who thought they won the lottery (money) because the wrong numbers were printed in the newspaper and than found out they didn't win...they never received a penny.

The same counts for people who by mistake get thousands of dollars/euro's in their account due to a bank error...do you think they get to keep it or are able to sue for it.

Basically all people who are still going on about it show what they will do when they find money or by accident get money in their account....they shut up and spent it likes it is theirs.

Doesn't sound so sweet when you hear it this way...

Now you went from a person I felt sorry for, to a person who is showing to be a thief and not wanting to do things the legal way....you rather cheat others out of a chance.

Whose Mole’s are you Bentlebee? Department of State’s? or Those online companies which charge fees to unsuspecting DV players, that are petrified that such a lawsuit might end the DV Program, hence their major source of income?? You are being paid for doing some damage control on their behalf: Aren’t you? It is inconceivable that you would have written 1,332 posts, as of today, without a reasonable motivation. No way!!! So….tell us; really, who are you working for?
engineering, undergraduate. I know i could transfert some of my credits so i will work my butt off to get mostly As this way i could maybe get in UCLA, or even MIT

There is no way in hell you will get in those colleges. Sorry but it's true.
I know it is hard to get in but I also know that you base that on my english on an internet forum... by the way, there is no microelectronical engineering study in niehter one of thoses uni
There is no way in hell you will get in those colleges. Sorry but it's true.
Why the whole world laugh ?? You know you will never feel like the ex winner because you did not hearted by what happened , when your hand i the water it is not like when it is on the flam ,
I you cancelled ur master exam to send the paper early or sold you car or even just had some moments of happy dreaming and then the redraw happened you will understand why i say victims
But it seems you are not So plz dont try to give us explanations or philosophy lessons ,or do not try explain why we are wrong or why you are right , We all know that we must respect KCC decisions , But at least leave us speak and do not be annoying to others

I WAS PICKED AS THE WINNERS !!! My name and my sister's name were on the list. We got the news about the cancellation. We were so upset. We were thinking all possible ways to make it work. But then we realized, life goes on !!! So, don't tell me how I should feel if you dont know anything about it as well.
The reason why i did not put i was the winner was because i have moved on.

And you are quite stupid by skip your master exam and sold your car after you got the letter. Your green card were not even approved yet. You just have the chance to apply, does not mean that you are guarantee to have one.
so if you do a lot of stuffs like skip exam and sell your car, don't blame the system !!! it's all your fault !!!
That lawyer reminde me something , oh yes ! he talks like that lawyer in seinfeld sitcom ! now you have a case !
what case ? did you read instruction for lottery ? lottery is a chance not a right for you and me or any body else .
do you think they made it just for you to go to USA ? NO ! it is random selection but it is not a real lottery that you drop a coin and risk it for riward . usa lottery is random selection to fullfill visas for countries that didnot sent enought to usa .
yes , program glich hurts a lot of peopel and for that imigration department excuse you all publicly .
most important is department of state holds right to deny your case any time , how does it feel to rejected after interview ? oh yes you sue them right ? like cosmo cramer ?
or nuke them ?
thats why peopel round the world laughing .
i know , and i fell your pain , but if you consider yourself as a person eligable to live in usa why dont you apply individually ?
oh right you thinking making butter from litter ! that is wrong , so wrong . fix your life , change your life style and get rewarded frome reall things not luke .
That lawyer reminde me something , oh yes ! he talks like that lawyer in seinfeld sitcom ! now you have a case !
what case ? did you read instruction for lottery ? lottery is a chance not a right for you and me or any body else .
do you think they made it just for you to go to USA ? NO ! it is random selection but it is not a real lottery that you drop a coin and risk it for riward . usa lottery is random selection to fullfill visas for countries that didnot sent enought to usa .
yes , program glich hurts a lot of peopel and for that imigration department excuse you all publicly .
most important is department of state holds right to deny your case any time , how does it feel to rejected after interview ? oh yes you sue them right ? like cosmo cramer ?
or nuke them ?
thats why peopel round the world laughing .
i know , and i fell your pain , but if you consider yourself as a person eligable to live in usa why dont you apply individually ?
oh right you thinking making butter from litter ! that is wrong , so wrong . fix your life , change your life style and get rewarded frome reall things not luke .

So true.. and I remember that episode. lol And everytime Kramer screwed up by agreeing on the first thing they offered to settle lol

I never laughed at ex winners, but seriously, some were acting very immature, attacking Obama's twitter, crying on facebook, claiming to have been mistreated, as if USA promised them a place in Heaven and then changed mind... But nothing was promised really.. I wonder if they now even stand a chance to be accepted by other countries ?