Hi Helen, Sorry I am lost. I have been busy to start a new life in the US. Life in the US is good but the transition period that you pass through till you get settled might be the toughest. This time can be simple or difficult. If you have someone in the US who is close to you and with whom you can spend a few months, that would give you a great relief. You have kids as I do and that may even add some discomfort to you. One option is just to go by yourself or with your husband, get things settled and then take the kids. My whole family (me, my wife and our two kids) went together but fortunately we had no problems as we had a comfortable host. You have to be very sure about your host; otherwise, the first few months may be very tough. Regarding getting a job, it is personalized. My wife and me are both in the medical profession and we were able to get jobs and settle relatively fast. Even then, you need some money at your hand to process things. You either need to take some money from Ethiopia or there should be someone ready to give or lend you money. So in short, you need both a good host and some money. I believe jobs in other professions are also available but you need good information and contact. Recommendations have great value in the US and if there could be someone in the US who can recommend you for some kind of position, that would be a great thing. Start to search the internet while you are there in Ethiopia and prepare your mind on what kind of job you are looking for. You must know that you may need to do jobs that you don't like especially when you have a family as you need to start your own life sooner. Such kind of jobs are not difficult to find. Overall, be ready for a little rough time at the beginning but it all changes fast. I wish you all the best and God be with all of us.