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Dv lottery 2011 from ethiopia

Dear Brothers!

The clinic that I gave my medication informed to my husband the result of his chest X-ray shows some kind of white spot on his lung, the clinic send him for further investigation to other clinic (to perform TB test). Labora2, ginger and fikaleb please say something on this issue? I am very tired of those issues acctually!

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Dear Brothers!

The clinic that I gave my medication informed to my husband the result of his chest X-ray shows some kind of white spot on his lung, the clinic send him for further investigation to other clinic (to perform TB test). Labora2, ginger and fikaleb please say something on this issue? I am very tired of those issues acctually!


Hi Helen,
A white spot in a chest x-ray that demands TST (TB skin test) is most probably a calcification (a reminant of an old spot of TB infection.) Most Ethiopians are exposed to the TB bacteria during their life time. Only some develop disease. Your husband most probably has been exposed to the bacteria (like most other Ethiopians) but cleared it without developing overt disease. Unfortunately that has left a mark (calcification) on his chest x ray. Currently your husband doesn't have any disease but has the sign that he has been exposed in the past. He now will go through the TST at IOM clinic. If the test turns out to be negative, that is great and nothing will happen. However, if the TST is positive, he will be taking anti-TB treatment which takes about 6 months. They will not allow him to travel to the US without completing his treatment. They will give the visa only to you and your child. He may follow you later. When principal applicants face a problem, they usually miss their chance because september 30 comes before they finish TB treatment. As your husband is not the principal applicant, this issue only affects him, not you and your child. Anyway, pray to God that the TST will be negative so that all of you will go together. Good luck and God be with you.
Dear Labora2,

Thankyou for your usual constructive response, my husband didn't have any kind of sickness or symptoms that makes him suspected for TB, he has never been exposed/sick by TB even a single day cough or symptoms of TB in his life. They order to make TB calture /not skin test/ directly and the result itself needs nearly two months. he already started giving samples of mucus for three days.

Dear Labora2,

Thankyou for your usual constructive response, my husband didn't have any kind of sickness or symptoms that makes him suspected for TB, he has never been exposed/sick by TB even a single day cough or symptoms of TB in his life. They order to make TB calture /not skin test/ directly and the result itself needs nearly two months. he already started giving samples of mucus for three days.


Hi Helen,
Sputum culture for TB takes 6-8 weeks. You have enough time to get the result on time. You probably need to check at the laboratory starting from the 6th week so that they would report the result on time. You will be done in July. Don't worry as his culture will be negative if he has no symptoms of TB. Good luck and God be with you.
Hi Helen,
I don't have any medical Knowledge, but what Labora has already told you
is detailed and in case you need more info then it is good to Google,
if you r sure, there is a possibility to go to the interview all the three of you
and ask the CO,what other options you have like if He alone can schedule the interview in any latter date,
other forum members also mentioned the CO @Addis are very Helpful and cooperative,
so go to interview and see all your chance and tell them you want to process now
for you and your daughter and schedule for your Husband after the Medical result

I am not good in praying, but I will think of you :)
Dear gingerr,

Thank you for your advices during the interview date i will try to tell/convince to CO like you suggest even though i am not still decided to go without my husband at all. But for some conditions like for the sake of my daughter getting better education and etc. I am very happy for the visa bulletin for June is already announced i.e. Ethiopia 30,650.

Hi Helen
what I mean is He can still make the interview
atleast for End of June to begining of July, but you all need to face the CO
this month at least, if things are positive then you all will fly latter after he has got his visa,
Incase he can't make it this time then you can apply for family visa after you moved with your daughter,and since his case is already known it wouldn't be difficult, during the interview you need to show confidence

thanks for the visa bulletin news,things r looking good :) am happy

Dear gingerr,

Thank you for your advices during the interview date i will try to tell/convince to CO like you suggest even though i am not still decided to go without my husband at all. But for some conditions like for the sake of my daughter getting better education and etc. I am very happy for the visa bulletin for June is already announced i.e. Ethiopia 30,650.

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Dear friends,
This fiscal year is actually going as never before for Ethiopia. Such kind of fast progression has never been seen for Ethiopia in the last several years. How wonderful!! Last July, the cut off number was only 25, 100. Now it is 30, 650.There are two more months to go, August and September. Hopefully everyone will be called for the interview this year. Thank God. Congratulations Fikaleb and good luck Gingerr. Helen dear, don't worry. What is yours is yours. You have to go to the interview with your husband but they will give the visa to you and your child. Your husband will be called again in July (when his laboratory test is ready) and get his visa. Good luck.
Dear Helen
Don't give up on God he will never let u and your family down.even if your beloved husband don't make it till the interview date don't hesitate to go for the interview everything will be fine.
Dear Ginger
I hope your case number will be current for the Month of August having seen the increment of the previous months.Good Luck to u bro

For July, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2011 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

All DV Changeability
Areas Except Those Listed Separately

Except: Egypt 35,000
Ethiopia 30,650
Nigeria 18,500
DV 2012 is to be redrawn doe to the Computer Programing error.


We regret to inform you that, due to a computer programming problem, the results of the 2012 Diversity Lottery that were previously posted on this website have been voided. They were not valid and were posted in error. The results were not valid because they did not represent a fair, random selection of entrants, as required by U.S. law.
If you checked this website during the first week in May and found a notice that you had been selected for further processing or a notice that you had not been selected, that notice has been rescinded and is no longer valid.
A new selection process will be conducted based on the original entries for the 2012 program.
If you submitted a qualified entry from October 5, 2010 to November 3, 2010, your entry remains with us. It will be included in the new selection lottery. Your confirmation number to check results on this website is still valid.
We expect the results of the new selection process to be available on this website on or about July 15, 2011.
We regret any inconvenience this might have caused.
Click here to view a message from David T. Donahue, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Visa Services:
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Hi Labora2, the affidavit of support letter from the sponsor, does it need to be signed in any specific office in US,
I am asking a family to send me one, but the thing is they have never sponsored any one before.

if you have any info, hopefully you had this same paper, while you processed your Visa.
by the way Labora you have exceeded your private message quota so we can't send you any private message :)
Hi Ginger
The US embassy at addis ababa have not asked the affidavit of support so far and i don't think it is necessary for singles
but if it is very easy for u to have one just in case it is good but it does not has to bother u coz it is not that much necessary here.
Hi Fikaleb
I am not doing My interview @Addis, currently I am living in Stockholm
and also I have family, my wife and a son.
but I read somewhere in laboras experience that he had this type of letter

Hi Ginger
The US embassy at addis ababa have not asked the affidavit of support so far and i don't think it is necessary for singles
but if it is very easy for u to have one just in case it is good but it does not has to bother u coz it is not that much necessary here.
Hi Labora2, the affidavit of support letter from the sponsor, does it need to be signed in any specific office in US,
I am asking a family to send me one, but the thing is they have never sponsored any one before.

if you have any info, hopefully you had this same paper, while you processed your Visa.

Hi Gingerr, sorry about the fullness of my message box. I will clean it. Regarding the affidavit of support form, I-134 form is the one that is needed for DV application. It doesn't need any notarization (no need to get it signed by an official.) This is clearly written on the I-134 instruction page. Your relative just fills I-134 form for each member of your family (one for each family member.) He then signs each form by his full name. In Ethiopia, as Fikaleb said, they usually don't ask for it especially when they think that you can be alright in the US by yourself. My family was not asked about it (a family of four.) My advice, however, is to be prepared in every aspect. Every case is individualized. Better to have any required document than regret it at the interview. Good luck.
Dear Labora2, Fikaleb and gingerr,

Today I have been in the clinic to collect medical result for me and my daughter, The doctor has told me that you all get your medical result after your hasband finalize his TB culture medical investigation i.e after 2 months eventhough me and my daughter have been negative for the x-ray results. She(the Doctor) advises me to attend the interview on the date of appointment i.e next week and to inform to the CO about my medical cases. Friends! what is your advises? do you think it is the correct procedure?

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