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Dv lottery 2011 from ethiopia


Registered Users (C)
Guys lets share experiance and help each on what we face at interview and other issues concerning dv 2011
Am one of Dv 2011 selectee and i found this forum valuable to share experiance as other nationalites threads are doing well
hi Yohanus,

It is a good idea. let us keep posted. I also saw another forum in the same name (ethiopian). We better stick to one, I think.

At what stage are you by now? Me? I am waiting for the second NL. Btw, does KCC send recipient confirmation (for the filled in forms I sent) before the second NL?
Hello there, I am just curious.

Ethiopia for most part hit the >3000 DV mark at the end of the yr.

it looks like close to 50% success rate. Do you have DV forums in your language where ppl would get support from each other?

How bad is the rejection rate? ( I bet almost all of the original 'winners' go the next step)

And are there lot of middle men involved in the process, helping applicants for a fee and are they reliable, costly? ( I bet most are good but as always some bad apples)

When you consider $810 DV fee, is it lot of money in local terms? ( I bet yes)
I'm pretty sure most of you have lot of friends and family in US already and helping each other out....good for you!

If you care to answer, i will appreciate it.

Thanks and Good Luck !
hi Yohanus,

It is a good idea. let us keep posted. I also saw another forum in the same name (ethiopian). We better stick to one, I think.

At what stage are you by now? Me? I am waiting for the second NL. Btw, does KCC send recipient confirmation (for the filled in forms I sent) before the second NL?

hi inalotoab
it is good to see you.
am waiting for my second NL, unfortunately i have one of the biggest case number 30K, for Ethiopia and I am not sure if i stand any chance for the interview
about the kcc confirmation, u just send them email and ask them if they got your package, mentioning your case number and full name
good luck hope u will succede in the process.
Hello there, I am just curious.

Ethiopia for most part hit the >3000 DV mark at the end of the yr.

it looks like close to 50% success rate. Do you have DV forums in your language where ppl would get support from each other?

How bad is the rejection rate? ( I bet almost all of the original 'winners' go the next step)

And are there lot of middle men involved in the process, helping applicants for a fee and are they reliable, costly? ( I bet most are good but as always some bad apples)

When you consider $810 DV fee, is it lot of money in local terms? ( I bet yes)
I'm pretty sure most of you have lot of friends and family in US already and helping each other out....good for you!

If you care to answer, i will appreciate it.

Thanks and Good Luck !

hi NuvF
Ethiopia has almost 5k winner every fisical year which is more than 7% quota limit for a country in one program
it is around 3500 which is above 1500 so the rejection rate is also very small as you see form the visa bulletin Ethiopia is not current for dv 2009 and dv 2010.
hi NuvF
Ethiopia has almost 5k winner every fisical year which is more than 7% quota limit for a country in one program
it is around 3500 which is above 1500 so the rejection rate is also very small as you see form the visa bulletin Ethiopia is not current for dv 2009 and dv 2010.

Thanks, how about my other Q s?

Also, do the embassy insist (you MUST have) on i-134 from applicants?
Hi loved ethiopians,

CONGRATULATIONS for all DV 2011 winners!!!

it is nice to get updated ourselves with this kind of forum!!

anyone who recived the 2nd NL? how long does it usually take to recive it? it hs ben 6 weks since i confirmed delivery of my first documents to kcc. but still kcc didn't acknowlege me.

can any one tell me when could i most probably be current? my case no is : 2011AF00017946.

txs and best of luck!!
hello kidman you need to wait until six weeks before your number becomes current in the state dv url
until then you need to prepare ur police report and birht certificate other related issues.
Shallom Yohans,

thnk you so much for ur informative response!!!

will keep visiting tis forum,

Best of luck,
Hi Freinds,

Any information how to get police record from etrhiopia?
Currently im studying abroad-physically ot present in ethiopia. Just today, i read stg from ethiopian website authorized to provide the same. it states that Certificates of good conduct from the police (Interpol) are available only to people who apply in person in Ethiopia. but in my case, i can't apply it in person as im at study now. is that not possibloe to effectuate it throgh deligates???

pls drop me any advice from ur experiance how to manage it.

ur response is highly appreciated! txs a lot!
Hi freinds,

hv u seen the number of CNs from Etrhiopia being current for the coming october? it is too much (7, 500), never seen in any of the previous year. so, from this, Am'I wrong if i expect this fiscal year's DV prossessing for ethiopians is gona be too fast.

best of luck,
let us hope

Hi freinds,

hv u seen the number of CNs from Etrhiopia being current for the coming october? it is too much (7, 500), never seen in any of the previous year. so, from this, Am'I wrong if i expect this fiscal year's DV prossessing for ethiopians is gona be too fast.

best of luck,
I also have the same case. but there is one thing u can do. U can go to the police center of where u are living right now.. then u can pay the appropirate fees and they will fill your information and take your finger prints and put a stamp on it. u can send that legalized finger print of yours to Ethiopia with your recent photographs(2-3 photos) also u might send the copy of your passport and a request letter mentioning your case... and some body at home can take the police certificate for u if he/she has all your documents which I mentioned above. Gud luck
Hi Freinds,

Any information how to get police record from etrhiopia?
Currently im studying abroad-physically ot present in ethiopia. Just today, i read stg from ethiopian website authorized to provide the same. it states that Certificates of good conduct from the police (Interpol) are available only to people who apply in person in Ethiopia. but in my case, i can't apply it in person as im at study now. is that not possibloe to effectuate it throgh deligates???

pls drop me any advice from ur experiance how to manage it.

ur response is highly appreciated! txs a lot!
Hi all,
I didn't know the presence of a forum for Ethiopian winners. It is great to share ideas and exchange experience in the whole process. I am a DV 2011 winner residing in Addis Ababa and my signature is found below. Please let us all update our signatures by going to the "setting" button at the right top corner of this page and make this forum hot. Good luck.
Thank you so much big sam for ur input!!!
Ok, i will try ur options, if i failled with what i started.
one of my freind there in addis promised to provide me the letter from police office (i already sent him pass port size photo). the only thing is he can't get that letter authenticated by foreign affair ministry. is unauthenticated letter invalid?
bzw: hv u manged to get the letter via the way u mentioned? i hope u r also out of ethio currently. pls let us keep getting updated.

ur case number is tooooo low and accordingly u should be current in october. how is then u didn't recive 2nl yet????? on what basis is KCC sending 2nl??? im confused.


keep updating!
Hi Kidame,
I received the 2nd NL in june 23 (eventhough it was dated April 1)(and it actually reached Ethiopian post office in june 23.) I sent it back to kcc the next day (june 24.) Most winners received their 1st NL in early May. It means that I sent it about two months later than other winners. This makes a second letter late and pushes the interview date to November. I hope you will get your police certificate with eithr your or Big Sam's way. Good luck.
Ok, txs labora2 for ur breifing!
hope u will recive it very soon, coming week most probably!
