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DV 2019 Will Be Soon!!!!!!!

Hi guys I'm new to this forum though I've been lurking around for a while. It's also my first time applying but I'm freaking out so much. Don't know how the likes of @Qewty and @Pierre82 do it and have done it. So it's 7 days to go and I'm hoping for a nice outcome though I know it's only a lottery. I'm from South Africa btw,where's everyone else from?

P.S : @SusieQQQ I'm struggling to get onto SAUSA since last week. Do you perhaps know why? It just says "SAUSA Directnic", thank you.

Hi @Deevee87 and Welcome to the Forum.

Its normal to feel this excitement during the first application. I wish you best of luck on your first try.
Hi guys I'm new to this forum though I've been lurking around for a while. It's also my first time applying but I'm freaking out so much.

Nothing to freak out about at this point :)

Save it for when/if you get selected.

Also, welcome to the forum.
Hi @Deevee87 and Welcome to the Forum.

Its normal to feel this excitement during the first application. I wish you best of luck on your first try.

Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm hoping on beginner's luck.
Nothing to freak out about at this point :)

Save it for when/if you get selected.

Also, welcome to the forum.

Yeah I guess I have to wait for the 15th first before losing my mind. Thank you for the welcome its good to be here;)
Remember its a lottery. They are people that get selected on their first time as well. Its all based on luck.

Yeah!! It could be luck or heavenly intervention....;)!!Got selected DV 2014....on my third trial...was hit by cut off with a few hundred CNs:(...then got selected again 2018.:)...but the VB is quite slow....God willing will be interviewed and pass....as being selected n the interviewed are two different things....!!! So I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST HOPE ALL GET SELECTED WITH GOOD CNs....I am also waiting for the results as well I played again last year!!! You never know the end of it all!!!
Yeah!! It could be luck or heavenly intervention....;)!!Got selected DV 2014....on my third trial...was hit by cut off with a few hundred CNs:(...then got selected again 2018.:)...but the VB is quite slow....God willing will be interviewed and pass....as being selected n the interviewed are two different things....!!! So I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST HOPE ALL GET SELECTED WITH GOOD CNs....I am also waiting for the results as well I played again last year!!! You never know the end of it all!!!

Lucky you, two wins :)
Sometimes I wish things could be different and that I would have been selected 5 years earlier from now, I started around 19/20 years old and I'm 28 now, I'm bilingual, I worked 18 months in the US, I have a master degree... All that doesn't help me, I have to rely on luck and hope that I'll eventually get there through my employer. It's my 7th or 8th application, every year, the month before the results are in, I'm thinking about it a lot : when I see some of you guys that have been waiting 10 or 12 times, I'm thinking 'man, I'm not done yet'. We'll see this year, best of luck to all the people on this forum, I know that if they're here it's because it really matters to them.
Yeah!! It could be luck or heavenly intervention....;)!!Got selected DV 2014....on my third trial...was hit by cut off with a few hundred CNs:(...then got selected again 2018.:)...but the VB is quite slow....God willing will be interviewed and pass....as being selected n the interviewed are two different things....!!! So I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST HOPE ALL GET SELECTED WITH GOOD CNs....I am also waiting for the results as well I played again last year!!! You never know the end of it all!!!

Wow! 2 wins? Talk about luck. 6 more days to go! Good luck to all those who entered. I hope to see my fellow South Africans coming out soon.
Yes that is wrong. The chance of selection should be based on entries, not the added derivatives included.

Further, OC is not representative of all regions - the chance of selection there is much higher than other regions. However, experience has shown than the chance of selection for OC if you care about going current too, about 5% is about right. More than that, and the region gets overselected.

The chance in other regions is around 1% or less. In some countries that are limited, the chance is MUCH smaller - about 0.1 or o.2%
Thanks for that :)
Sometimes I wish things could be different and that I would have been selected 5 years earlier from now, I started around 19/20 years old and I'm 28 now, I'm bilingual, I worked 18 months in the US, I have a master degree... All that doesn't help me, I have to rely on luck and hope that I'll eventually get there through my employer. It's my 7th or 8th application, every year, the month before the results are in, I'm thinking about it a lot : when I see some of you guys that have been waiting 10 or 12 times, I'm thinking 'man, I'm not done yet'. We'll see this year, best of luck to all the people on this forum, I know that if they're here it's because it really matters to them.

If it can make you feel any better Jordan, there are a lot of us in that situation. I spent most of my summers in the US growing up, I got my JD and LLM in Chicago and I have the NY bar but those work visas are really hard to get if you're not a STEM major. I try to keep in mind that as much as I want this card - and I've been trying for years too - I am still privileged compared to a lot of people who enter the lottery. France is not the worst country to be from ;)