Hi all,
I have a question about police certificate.
My friend is one of the DV 2017 winners. She is currently living in Malaysia, but she lived in LA from 1999 (when she was 16 years old) to 2013. I, currently in California, was helping her to get a police certificate. I contacted LA County Sheriff Office for her, and the people there told me that what my friend needed was a clearance letter because she didn’t commit any crime when she lived in LA. So I followed what they told me, and went to LA County Sheriff Office to apply for a clearance letter for my friend.
However, the letter stated that the search of criminal records encompassing the past 10 years, and the records more than 10 years old are routinely purged from their system and are no longer available. So we are not sure if this clearance letter is okay in this case since the police certificate must cover the entire period of the applicant’s residence in that area.
Does anyone know about this? Thanks first!