I'm not Simon, and I certainly can't read his mind. However I'm guessing he's trying to say you were not prepared with the right information/evidence to counter the erroneous information you were provided with at your INFOPASS. The items you listed above do not tell anyone about the need for a DV based AOS petition to be adjudicated by the end of the applicable FY.
You needed to have attended the INFOPASS with three major documents (in addition to anything else you decide to take along), and these are:
- A print out of the contents on the USCIS website itself (with the link to the website) stating the need to adjudicate by Sept 30th.
- The early filing memo which shows one could file early and also explains the Sept. 30th deadline.
A print out of the 9 FAM 502.6 INA (Immigration and National Act) which states: "
(3) Diversity Visa Application Validity:
(a) Under INA 204(a)(1)(I)(ii)(II), persons selected as DV immigrants are entitled to apply for visa issuance only during the fiscal year for which the entry was submitted. The application is valid until midnight of the last day of the fiscal year for which the petition was submitted. There is no carry-over of benefit into another year for persons who do not receive a visa during the fiscal year for which they registered. Following-to-join derivative visas must be issued during the same fiscal year as that of the principal beneficiary.
If you had these documents, you would have been able to counter the information you were given about your FO currently dealing with 2015 cases as that timeline is no applicable to DV based petitions. And if the IO you met had insisted on being right, then you would have politely requested to speak with a supervisor and present your case/evidence again. That's what being prepared for an INFOPASS visit is about.
By the way, telling them about your J status expiring in July is irrelevant as you're still deemed to be in a legal status after that expiration because of your pending AOS petition.