Hi all,
So we went to our Infopass today. Although they did not have visa numbers available for us, our visit turned out to be a nicer experience than we had anticipated. We were lucky and got a chance to speak to the same nice lady that (we believe) helped us back in August to get our interview letter. She told us that she is a supervisor there, and to our surprise she knew many of the details of our situation. From what she told us, it seems like the letter we sent to the district director might have brought our case into their attention. Although like many people here in the past couple of weeks, we were really frustrated and mad about the way our FO handled our cases, we now at least know that they are aware of what happened and that they understand that it was not a good choice for them to wait with the interview until such a late stage. We asked her how they are notified regarding any extra visa numbers, and she said in such a scenario they will be notified by USCIS in the same way they were notified regarding the visa exhaustion on September 8th (which in the case of our FO it was around 4am on September 11). She also told us that in case visa numbers will suddenly become available to us they will immediately contact us (via phone), and will most likely act on that even before contacting us. We asked if that would be a waste of time to come over again for an Infopass on Friday, she told us it will not hurt and that we can ask to speak with her when we arrive.
In the end, we are still left without a visa, so nothing has changed, but at least we gained confidence that several people in our FO (specifically, from our conversation today, the supervisor we spoke to, the officer that "interviewed" us, and the district director) are on top of things in case something pops up last minute.
Still hoping for a miracle for all of us!