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DV 2015 Selectees from Ghana

i hav 3names too, they were entered in the edv same way as arranged in my passport, but kcc rearranged them in both notification letters, with the birth cert, thy normally arrange names with first name first, so birthcert has different arrangement. University of ghana arranged it their own way on my BA, university of capecoast also arranged it differently. But i have those three names with same spellings running through all ma documents. Sounds scary huurrr?
i hav 3names too, they were entered in the edv same way as arranged in my passport, but kcc rearranged them in both notification letters, with the birth cert, thy normally arrange names with first name first, so birthcert has different arrangement. University of ghana arranged it their own way on my BA, university of capecoast also arranged it differently. But i have those three names with same spellings running through all ma documents. Sounds scary huurrr?

KCC rearranged them in the NLs? What did your confirmation page say?
AFAIK what comes from KCC is simply pulled by computer from the EDV so there should be no "rearrangement"?
KCC rearranged them in the NLs? What did your confirmation page say?
AFAIK what comes from KCC is simply pulled by computer from the EDV so there should be no "rearrangement"?
i entered my name as SJZ in the edv. And it appeared same as SJZ in the ds260. But it appeared as JZS in the address of both NLs. I hav used the initials of my names in this post. Thanks for your response
i entered my name as SJZ in the edv. And it appeared same as SJZ in the ds260. But it appeared as JZS in the address of both NLs. I hav used the initials of my names in this post. Thanks for your response

I think you need to take confirmation of what you put in the EDV entry to show the consulate that somehow the KCC system apparently made a mistake...
I think you need to take confirmation of what you put in the EDV entry to show the consulate that somehow the KCC system apparently made a mistake...
thank you madam. Onemore question, is it allowed for a selectee processing his case to enter the edv again? For example a 2015selectee entering for 2016 edv
thank you madam. Onemore question, is it allowed for a selectee processing his case to enter the edv again? For example a 2015selectee entering for 2016 edv
i think u can but registration for dv 2016 ended in nov 3 2014, so u can wait till october before u can enter dv 2017. thats what i think but i stand to be corrected
i think u can but registration for dv 2016 ended in nov 3 2014, so u can wait till october before u can enter dv 2017. thats what i think but i stand to be corrected
yea i know the date is passed by i nearly entered it again in october last year but i wasn't sure if it was allow
Sammyblankson, sent me a whatsapp of the friend's details. edv names AMX, KOX ANX so full name is KOX ANX AMX.
On birth certificate the full names are ANX KOX AMX. I have seen the denial letter based on section 212(a)(5)A.
i wish to state that sammyblankson is not De don because i have the whatsapp of De don which is different from sammyblankson.
section 212(a)(5)A.
Labor certification.-

That don't relate to name and I don't understand the section. Please can any clearify
(i) In general.-Any alien who seeks to enter the United States for the purpose of performing skilled or unskilled labor is inadmissible, unless the Secretary of Labor has determined and certified to the Secretary of State and the Attorney General that-
(I) there are not sufficient workers who are able, willing, qualified (or equally qualified in the case of an alien described in clause (ii)) and available at the time of application for a visa and admission to the United States and at the place where the alien is to perform such skilled or unskilled labor, and
(II) the employment of such alien will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of workers in the United States similarly employed.
(ii) Certain aliens subject to special rule.-For purposes of clause (i)(I), an alien described in this clause is an alien who-
(I) is a member of the teaching profession, or
(II) has exceptional ability in the sciences or the arts.
(I) In general.-A certification made under clause (i) with respect to a professional athlete shall remain valid with respect to the athlete after the athlete changes employer, if the new employer is a team in the same sport as the team which employed the athlete when the athlete first applied for certification.
(II) Definition.-For purposes of subclause (I), the term "professional athlete" means an individual who is employed as an athlete by-
(aa) a team that is a member of an association of 6 or more professional sports teams whose total combined revenues exceed $10,000,000 per year, if the association governs the conduct of its members and regulates the contests and exhibitions in which its member teams regularly engage; or
(bb) any minor league team that is affiliated with such an association.
(iv) LONG DELAYED ADJUSTMENT APPLICANTS- A certification made under clause (i) with respect to an individual whose petition is covered by section 204(j) shall remain valid with respect to a new job accepted by the individual after the individual changes jobs or employers if the new job is in the same or a similar occupational classification as the job for which the certification was issued.
i entered my name as SJZ in the edv. And it appeared same as SJZ in the ds260. But it appeared as JZS in the address of both NLs. I hav used the initials of my names in this post. Thanks for your response

When you get the eDV confirmation, it shows lastname, firstname, middlename order (and does NOT show the NFN or NMN checkboz values - which is what tripped up F-Lan)

On the 1NL the letter is addressed to "Dear Firstname Middlename Lastname", but halfway down the leter shows the principal applicant name as lastname, firstname, middlename .

KCC do not switch round the names from the fields they were originally entered into.

By the way, your example would only make sense if you had entered JZ in the lastname field.
When you get the eDV confirmation, it shows lastname, firstname, middlename order (and does NOT show the NFN or NMN checkboz values - which is what tripped up F-Lan)

On the 1NL the letter is addressed to "Dear Firstname Middlename Lastname", but halfway down the leter shows the principal applicant name as lastname, firstname, middlename .

KCC do not switch round the names from the fields they were originally entered into.

By the way, your example would only make sense if you had entered JZ in the lastname field.
everything appeared just as you have explained, I was actually waiting for your response to this since you made a similar explanation to F-Lan's case before.J is my first name Z is my middle name and S is my last name. All appeared as you explained thanks.
i was at my friend's son naming ceremony this weekend, and he named the innocent boy "palma Akwatsu Djembi". I asked my friend which of the names is the boy's first name, middle name and surname? He couldn't answer. And I said this boy might grow to be denied a visa from no fault of his. How can you combine 3surnames for an innocent boy? Sometimes the sources of our names become the basis for our confusion.
Accra did some update on the 27th March (my CN which was in transit on the 24th moved to ready on 27th). which means the ceac file for 1st April posted by Britsimon might be almost up to date (that is just four days short that is 30th, 31st, 1st and 2nd). I think Accra is gradually becoming a good guy in terms updating Ceac data.
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Accra did some update on the 27th March (my CN which was in transit on the 24th moved to ready on 27th). which means the ceac file for 1st April posted by Britsimon might be almost up to date (that is just four days short that is 30th, 31st, 1st and 2nd). I think Accra is gradually becoming a good guy in terms updating Ceac data.
lol! Post the accra table as usual for april 1st if u got the time. Thanks
Guys, that is the state of Accra now.
april 1 2015.JPG

I was going through the data and found out that Accra has been busy updating Ceac data. Upadate was done on 25th, 27th, 30th, 31st and 1st. which means the data we have might be up to date, that might be the true state of events happening in Accra.
But the question I asked myself is are these updates for recent interviews or they are for interviews held long ago but they just delayed in the update