Ha ha I love the confidence of that signature
@MattWatt. I'm hoping you will be rewarded with selection and a low number. Same to the other anxious little vegemites who have lengthened their anxious waits by starting pre-selection.
On another note, I have received my Social Security card and I can't remember what people have said about the greencard, does that follow soon after or does it take longer?
I am finding it curious that everything I do they want to run a check on me, but when I say that you won't find anything as I've only been here a few weeks they say that it won't matter anyway. It helps to say I have a good job with a healthy salary. I have contacted a car dealer, and even though I can pay cash, he has said that he can set me up with a car loan to get my credit rating started, so I am going to do that, as I'd rather pay with American dollars than convert Aussie dollars at the moment. I am feeling very lucky as my boss is allowing me to live in her house, her son in law is a branch manager at a credit union, so I have opened an account there and her boyfriend is a car salesman so he is helping with the car. I really have lucked out. The only downside to all of this is that Pueblo Colorado is a shit hole and I don't really want to stay here too long. Just hoping that over time I learn to like it because I have some great opportunities here. At least those beautiful mountains aren't too far away. I am still feeling very grateful for this lottery win.