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DV 2015 Oceania winners

What an experience today was. Finally after 10 months, a dream has come true, from stressing about marriage, being pregnant and getting chest x-rays done we can happily say it was well worth it.

Although it was a very nervous experience over the hour or so we were there, we finally walked out with the biggest smile on ours faces.
Everything was so smooth it felt more like a document checklist and pay a fee than an interview. I don't know what other peoples experiences have been but we were not asked many questions at all.

Interview was for 9:45, rocked up at 930, sweating like a pig, stressing out. Thinking, what are they going to ask, could this be the refusal we didn't want to get. Went in through security, got our documents checked and up we went to the consulate. Paid our Visa fee (Which if you don't know to go straight to counter # 8 it can be a little bit confusing when you first enter.) Got our ticket and sat down. Got called up straight away went up got our finger prints done and all our documents checked. Asked to sit down. Was sitting down for about 5 minutes when my name got called out. Stressed out a bit thinking what could possible be wrong. Went up, turns out that she forgot to ask for our medicals. Easy. Sat back down, waited about 20 minutes I think. We watched as others went up one at a time, unfortunately it looked like the couple in front did not get approved, and then we started to stress thinking what if we don't get approved. Finally our number got called. Up we went, Swore an oath together. I got asked a few simple questions, where did I go to school, have I been know by any other name, have I been to jail, (then got asked if i had a speeding ticket, which i replied, yes thinking oh, no!! but the CO, had a smile, then said all good), asked my wife a few questions regarding where she has lived, then said congrats all good. Was probably less than 5 minutes.
We didn't get asked anything regarding financials, where we wanted to move to, if we knew anyone, if we had been to the USA before. It was the easiest part of the whole process. We then walked out thinking, WOW, did that actually just happen.

Thanks to all on the forum that were so helpful and informative regarding the process. Without it I think we would of been lost.
Congrats GANDT, I am not sure if you were there was before me or after and I hope that others are as successful as us
All good for me!!! I thought that may have been you Gandt because yes, your wife is stunning, but you didn't look like Shrek and I thought you looked like you probably went to the gym but I wasn't sure if it was you. I saw your smile at the end though so yay!! Congrats mate.
My experience went like this.....
First thing to greet me on arrival to the MLC centre was a bar. I was very tempted to have a brandy to calm my nerves but decided maybe not a good idea. Had a chai latte instead but I was cracking my neck to just get up there and get it done. I took someone's advice and availed myself of the loo downstairs. Jack Johnson was playing loudly in there and I thought what a good sign. But then the lyrics 'seems to me just lately, maybe pretty much always means no' and I thought feck, not such a good sign so I got out quick. So up I went to level 10, 45 minutes early. They told me to come back in 15 minutes. So I did. I deposited all my possessions and handed over my paperwork then headed up in the lift. I struggled trying to push the pull door, took my ticket then took a seat. Then I realized maybe I should pay, so I did. My number was called and it took ages for that lady to go through all my paperwork, which wasn't much, took my fingerprints then she said sit down and your number will be called. Well wait I did. My 8.45 interview commenced at 10.30. At this time I was thinking perhaps I should have worn the adult nappies after all. Anxious would be a gross understatement. I was finally called up, swore the oath. He asked where I was going to live and why. I told him I had a job in Colorado and he thought that a little presumptuous since I didn't have a greencard yet. I thought 'oops' but I covered up well. Then he asked what education I had. I told him advanced diploma but hadn't graduated high school. So he looked at my onet qualification but he obviously typed the wrong profession and started asking lots of uncomfortable questions. About now I felt physically ill, but then I said no, I didn't say prosthodontist I said prosthetist. So when my skills matched perfectly and he put that paperwork to the bottom I thought yay!! I've got this. He did ask lots of work questions but I was very confident on that so he was happy. That was it. No other questions. Except if I had any medical issues and I said no, but the doctor told me I was fat. He laughed and then said because of my work I qualify under my education......not sure I heard that right but I didn't care. He told me I was good to go and what to expect in the mail and that's it. I couldn't believe it. So all that stress for not too bad of an experience. My advice is only take the essentials. They don't want anything else. And be confident. Thats it. Congrats Hershal, I must have seen you but I've no idea which one you were . So USA here I come!!!!
That's such great news Deb also congrats to Hershal. Good news day.

My curiosity is getting the better of me with regard to the African family that was there at the same time as us Deb. Did it look like they got through in the end? We met them in the foyer down stairs and had a small chat to them before we went in. It looked like it was going completely smoothly. I hope they got through.

Well done on picking up the point of confusion Deb, I'm sure that was stressful.

Our whole process went really smoothly. The girl on level 10 was surprised our document were already in order. They stuck out photos to our passports which, when we got upstairs the guy behind the window said "I'm going to tell them to stop doing that". I joked that there was no way I was going to tell them what to do. The girls on level 10 seemed a little confused about whether mine and my wife's documents should be in the same pile too. The girl I had separated them, I think the other one just put them all in one pile. Separate was the way to do it though it seems.

Once upstairs we had our number called, the guy asked if we had paid the fee. We said no, he asked us to pay it and then come back. I paid with cash then went back to the document checker man. He said it al looked fine. In an interesting comment he said somethign about the way visa's had been done had changed in the last couple of weeks. I'm not sure if he was talking about DV specifically or all of them..

So then we sat down for maybe 10 or 15 minutes before being called to another window for our interview. We went through the check-lists, there was nothing missing. I was asked about my uni degree and if I had any proof of that. I had my certificate with me, he asked if I had a copy, I said no, he took it and made a copy. So for those that have a uni degree, it's probably worth your while to take come proof with you.

We were asked why we wanted to move to the USA, what we did for work and when we were planning on moving. By this stage I was feeling pretty good. Next thing you know, we get told we're approved and congratulations!

What a relief!

Sorry if that's hard to read, I'm kinda just blurting it out! Congrats again to those that go through today and good luck to the next lot of people gone current. It's just like everyone says, just take what you need. We saw a few other people that seemed to have massive piles of paper work and we could see them scrambling through it all. Save yourself the stress and stick to the check-list.

That's such great news Deb also congrats to Hershal. Good news day.

My curiosity is getting the better of me with regard to the African family that was there at the same time as us Deb. Did it look like they got through in the end? We met them in the foyer down stairs and had a small chat to them before we went in. It looked like it was going completely smoothly. I hope they got through.

Well done on picking up the point of confusion Deb, I'm sure that was stressful.

Our whole process went really smoothly. The girl on level 10 was surprised our document were already in order. They stuck out photos to our passports which, when we got upstairs the guy behind the window said "I'm going to tell them to stop doing that". I joked that there was no way I was going to tell them what to do. The girls on level 10 seemed a little confused about whether mine and my wife's documents should be in the same pile too. The girl I had separated them, I think the other one just put them all in one pile. Separate was the way to do it though it seems.

Once upstairs we had our number called, the guy asked if we had paid the fee. We said no, he asked us to pay it and then come back. I paid with cash then went back to the document checker man. He said it al looked fine. In an interesting comment he said somethign about the way visa's had been done had changed in the last couple of weeks. I'm not sure if he was talking about DV specifically or all of them..

So then we sat down for maybe 10 or 15 minutes before being called to another window for our interview. We went through the check-lists, there was nothing missing. I was asked about my uni degree and if I had any proof of that. I had my certificate with me, he asked if I had a copy, I said no, he took it and made a copy. So for those that have a uni degree, it's probably worth your while to take come proof with you.

We were asked why we wanted to move to the USA, what we did for work and when we were planning on moving. By this stage I was feeling pretty good. Next thing you know, we get told we're approved and congratulations!

What a relief!

Sorry if that's hard to read, I'm kinda just blurting it out! Congrats again to those that go through today and good luck to the next lot of people gone current. It's just like everyone says, just take what you need. We saw a few other people that seemed to have massive piles of paper work and we could see them scrambling through it all. Save yourself the stress and stick to the check-list.

Haha yes the African couple sure took some time. But he was smiling as they left so I'm guessing they got what they wanted. Those girls on level 10 seemed very young. They took all my education stuff out and just kept the most recent in the file. My papers were no more than a centimetre thick and that was probably too much. I had loads of other stuff which wasn't even needed. Eg my letter of job offer. I wasn't asked why I wanted to go or if I had any money, nothing. I was quite surprised.
Yaaay congrats everyone who passed their interviews today! So glad to hear the next batch have passed with flying colours, we've got a 100% success rate so far right? Interesting to hear how the process seems to keep changing even from when I had my interview. Sydney consulate sure is inconsistent! At least everyone here will know to expect anything I guess. Keep it up guys!
Congrats again everyone, great work getting through! Last month there was a very experienced 1st document checker training two younger girls. I thought they were on work experience! Given that they only do interviews once a month they wouldn't have had much experience since.
Last month there was a very experienced 1st document checker training two younger girls. I thought they were on work experience! Given that they only do interviews once a month they wouldn't have had much experience since.

Yes, well they were muttering things back and forth between each other and referring to how someone had shown them, I'm guessing today was their first time on their own. Even the guy I had on the upper level who was checking documents said he hadn't done it for a while so was a bit rusty about what was needed. Not exactly what you want to hear when it's such a life changing experience.

I will say the gent at the window for our interview was all business. I probably felt most relaxed with him bizarrely, probably because he seemed to know his stuff.

One thing I did ask about before we left was the pesky (DS-3025) form. I still don't have a copy of that despite me brining it up. He didn't know anything about it. I will wait and see what's in the pack that I get sent once our passports are done but it might be something I need to chase up.

We have our X-Ray CD's, just not that form.

Anyone have any idea who would be the best point of contact for that?
We have gaps in our spreadsheet but, so far, 100% of those who have reported back have been successful. It's a great strike and I hope I don't ruin it next month. Yes, I'm that nervous.
Well Emily I didn't want to jinx myself so I never said it, but I really thought I was going to be the first one to blot the copybook. You will be fine. There is no reason to worry. If I got through you will too. No doubts.
Yes, well they were muttering things back and forth between each other and referring to how someone had shown them, I'm guessing today was their first time on their own. Even the guy I had on the upper level who was checking documents said he hadn't done it for a while so was a bit rusty about what was needed. Not exactly what you want to hear when it's such a life changing experience.

I will say the gent at the window for our interview was all business. I probably felt most relaxed with him bizarrely, probably because he seemed to know his stuff.

One thing I did ask about before we left was the pesky (DS-3025) form. I still don't have a copy of that despite me brining it up. He didn't know anything about it. I will wait and see what's in the pack that I get sent once our passports are done but it might be something I need to chase up.

We have our X-Ray CD's, just not that form.

Anyone have any idea who would be the best point of contact for that?
Well that comes directly from the doctors surgery so I would contact them first. But I am not really sure it's imperitive to have it. I would think that would be in the sealed envelope maybe?
Well that comes directly from the doctors surgery so I would contact them first. But I am not really sure it's imperitive to have it. I would think that would be in the sealed envelope maybe?

Yeah, I think that will be my first port of call.

Hooray for successful interviews!! I'm so freaking zapped after today.
Haha strangely enough after all the anguish and build up I am feeling a bit flat. I thought I'd be dancing on air. I think it's cause I'm so tired. I think tomorrow will be a different story
I can relate to that. It's such a big build up. Of course, you still have to do the moving part :) No small feat.

I think your/our reaction is pretty normal. It's a great feeling to know it has all worked out, but now my body is telling me to chill out :) I swear I feel like I'm getting a cold.

Funny stuff.