• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.


from my understanding of the case, reez and wife no.1 had a marriage certificate from kadhi's court...hence the boyfriend,girl friend...thing may sound like a fallacy..also note thatby the new marriage act that came into effect in may 2014, as per the law, any customary marriage muat be registered within 3 months.
tthe civil marriage does allow for divorce if you have been separated for atleast 3year preceding the date of filing for divorce a
QUOTE="Simon, post: 2382582, member: 363131"]I hope this does not amount to fraudulent way of acquiring a VISA.
I must say that due to to digital divide in Kenya and especially in the rural areas where I operated my IT business since year 2001.
I happened to be helping by filling and advising selectees on how to go about the DV process and out of the 200 selectees that got selected over that period,I came across many complex marriage issues(I MUST ADMIT that I bumped into this forum when I got selected and it has the most compressive answers.I highly commend it
N/B point
1) Almost 75% of all marriages in Kenya are not legalized, example ( I married in 1997 had my first child in 1998 yet legalized 9 years later-2006). and this the reason why
the CO in Nairobi asked me whether I had married before(because of late marriage certificate and whether i have others Kids beside the three she witnessed.@Reez.
2) Almost 90% of the selectees I mentioned above and who were married (some for over 10 years) had no marriage certificate at the time of receiving the 1st NL- What they
did is to arrange for a quick CIVIL/CHURCH marriage ceremony before they
received the 2NL (yet all got their VISAS) after being asked similar questions.
3) I know of cases where some had married before "divorced" remarried had children yet they found a way out and got their VISAS.
4) The bottom line is that @Reezas case is NO exemption-The lady in the ( 1st christian marriage) has agreed they are no longer together and being a
christian-They(former couple) can argue that the Civil marriage rules t should take precedence over Islamic and hence the argument that there was no marriage in the first place but
only a girlfriend boy friend relationship and the kid was out of the relationship and not a marriage.
Having said that,@Reez should get a marriage certificate (civil) with the second wife since nowhere did he mention the wives got converted to Islam AS PER THE REQUIREMENT to be considered a married couple through Islamic rules.

Kindly this a personal opinion and not a legal advise.Am neither a marriage expert nor an attorney


from my understanding of the case, reez and wife no.1 had a marriage certificate from kadhi's court...hence the boyfriend,girl friend...thing may sound like a fallacy..also note thatby the new marriage act that came into effect in may 2014, as per the law, any customary marriage muat be registered within 3 months.
tthe civil marriage does allow for divorce if you have been separated for atleast 3year preceding the date of filing for divorce a
QUOTE="Simon, post: 2382582, member: 363131"]I hope this does not amount to fraudulent way of acquiring a VISA.
I must say that due to to digital divide in Kenya and especially in the rural areas where I operated my IT business since year 2001.
I happened to be helping by filling and advising selectees on how to go about the DV process and out of the 200 selectees that got selected over that period,I came across many complex marriage issues(I MUST ADMIT that I bumped into this forum when I got selected and it has the most compressive answers.I highly commend it
N/B point
1) Almost 75% of all marriages in Kenya are not legalized, example ( I married in 1997 had my first child in 1998 yet legalized 9 years later-2006). and this the reason why
the CO in Nairobi asked me whether I had married before(because of late marriage certificate and whether i have others Kids beside the three she witnessed.@Reez.
2) Almost 90% of the selectees I mentioned above and who were married (some for over 10 years) had no marriage certificate at the time of receiving the 1st NL- What they
did is to arrange for a quick CIVIL/CHURCH marriage ceremony before they
received the 2NL (yet all got their VISAS) after being asked similar questions.
3) I know of cases where some had married before "divorced" remarried had children yet they found a way out and got their VISAS.
4) The bottom line is that @Reezas case is NO exemption-The lady in the ( 1st christian marriage) has agreed they are no longer together and being a
christian-They(former couple) can argue that the Civil marriage rules t should take precedence over Islamic and hence the argument that there was no marriage in the first place but
only a girlfriend boy friend relationship and the kid was out of the relationship and not a marriage.
Having said that,@Reez should get a marriage certificate (civil) with the second wife since nowhere did he mention the wives got converted to Islam AS PER THE REQUIREMENT to be considered a married couple through Islamic rules.

Kindly this a personal opinion and not a legal advise.Am neither a marriage expert nor an attorney


I made a series of points earlier about this case. Number 5 on my list was that Reez is going to sit in front of a CO and explan all this. There are so many ridiculous twists and turns in the story, and so many possible interpretations that even within this forum and over a period of time we have not been able to sort this out.

Here is the point.

Those that have been for interviews know that the typical interview lasts about 5 minutes or less. 3 to 5 questions and you are done. How much patience do you guys think a CO will have to listen to this confused explanation from Reez?? Reez has to cleverly morph from one contradiction to the next. He has to address marriages in one religion, divorces in another, changing laws, the contradiction of his own actions, and so on. It would take an extremely skilled piece of narration and STILL the paperwork would tell a different story.

Honestly, I think it is cruel to encourage him to go to the interview.
I made a series of points earlier about this case. Number 5 on my list was that Reez is going to sit in front of a CO and explan all this. There are so many ridiculous twists and turns in the story, and so many possible interpretations that even within this forum and over a period of time we have not been able to sort this out.

Here is the point.

Those that have been for interviews know that the typical interview lasts about 5 minutes or less. 3 to 5 questions and you are done. How much patience do you guys think a CO will have to listen to this confused explanation from Reez?? Reez has to cleverly morph from one contradiction to the next. He has to address marriages in one religion, divorces in another, changing laws, the contradiction of his own actions, and so on. It would take an extremely skilled piece of narration and STILL the paperwork would tell a different story.

Honestly, I think it is cruel to encourage him to go to the interview.
Thanks @Britsimon for highlighting this crucial points ,for him to get a visa he has to outwit the intelligence of the CO (be smart) and pray that on material date the embassy will not be crowded. During my interview day we were not more than 50 as at 9 am all of us were inside the interview room.No one was sent outside to wait.Those who had complex marriage issue (a lady and a gentleman) were grilled for 15 min each and were later issued with visas.This might not apply now that the embassy is busy.its upon him to digest all the diverse opinion and make An informed decision But With A Lot Of caution.The ball is in his coat..
Thanks @Britsimon for highlighting this crucial points ,for him to get a visa he has to outwit the intelligence of the CO (be smart) and pray that on material date the embassy will not be crowded. During my interview day we were not more than 50 as at 9 am all of us were inside the interview room.No one was sent outside to wait.Those who had complex marriage issue (a lady and a gentleman) were grilled for 15 min each and were later issued with visas.This might not apply now that the embassy is busy.its upon him to digest all the diverse opinion and make An informed decision But With A Lot Of caution.The ball is in his coat..
This is really a tricky one to say the least! @Reez has to be very very smart, have all his facts together and be ready for any outcome from the CO
So USAmommy2015, might well be delivering a baby in USA but there is no way I will pay $10,000 to have my baby. My Kenyan insurance will not chip in either as I have a maternity cover of less that $1000. I heard how far that gets you on this forum. My question is, with an Oct due date and arriving in July (if I go current in June) can CHIP pay my bill. Is that a bad thing? Will it affect me in the long run? Note I will have been in the USA 3-4 months only and I dont want to sell my house to pay for a delivery. Will insurance cover me if I buy a cover? In Kenya we have a 9 month wait before maternity cover kicks in.
My advise and persona opinion,there are more benefit delivering a baby in the USA than in Kenya.
Consider the points below.
1) In New Jersey the mum and the baby are given shopping coupons for the next 5 years for the upkeep.
2) I have over 10 families who delivered months after entering the USA and had no such amounts of money as you-
I can refer you to one ( DV 2014 who relocated in September 2014 and delivered her 3thd born in November and they are doing well in Washington)
3) By Relocating towards the end of the fiscal year,most immigrants get lots of benefit through TAX refunds Claim which for an ordinary family of 2-5
will be in the range of $3,000-10,000.) I stand to be corrected-A friend of mine got $7,000 tax refunds which he used to buy a vehicle and rent a house.so you will end up
being paid by the Government once your TAX returns are filled and indicates that you never reached the minimum for a family of XXXX.
4) I will personalize my 4th point based on the ALMOST ALL KENYAN HOST and how it works for Kenyans.Kenya are known to celebrate newborn babies and here in New jersey
Kenyan community,once a baby is delivered,the mum is brought lots of gifts and monies and they will pay any foreseen and unforeseen expenses just fulfill the traditional
welcoming of the bundle of joy.
5) Make your personal decision although I would prefer your earlier line of thought to MOVE & MOVE with haste....
My advise and persona opinion,there are more benefit delivering a baby in the USA than in Kenya.
Consider the points below.
1) In New Jersey the mum and the baby are given shopping coupons for the next 5 years for the upkeep.
2) I have over 10 families who delivered months after entering the USA and had no such amounts of money as you-
I can refer you to one ( DV 2014 who relocated in September 2014 and delivered her 3thd born in November and they are doing well in Washington)
3) By Relocating towards the end of the fiscal year,most immigrants get lots of benefit through TAX refunds Claim which for an ordinary family of 2-5
will be in the range of $3,000-10,000.) I stand to be corrected-A friend of mine got $7,000 tax refunds which he used to buy a vehicle and rent a house.so you will end up
being paid by the Government once your TAX returns are filled and indicates that you never reached the minimum for a family of XXXX.
4) I will personalize my 4th point based on the ALMOST ALL KENYAN HOST and how it works for Kenyans.Kenya are known to celebrate newborn babies and here in New jersey
Kenyan community,once a baby is delivered,the mum is brought lots of gifts and monies and they will pay any foreseen and unforeseen expenses just fulfill the traditional
welcoming of the bundle of joy.
5) Make your personal decision although I would prefer your earlier line of thought to MOVE & MOVE with haste....

Shopping coupons for five years, really? This is interesting, can you post a link that expands on this?

Incidentally I feel obliged to point out that there are certain types of benefits that if you get or try to get while on a green card, means you fall foul of the public charge requirement which can be a problem for the future, especially if you want to naturalize.
[QUOTE="Incidentally I feel obliged to point out that there are certain types of benefits that if you get or try to get while on a green card, means you fall foul of the public charge requirement which can be a problem for the future, especially if you want to naturalize.[/QUOTE]

Can claiming medicare for my delivery weaken my case for naturalization? Also are these benefits legal? Getting a tax refund of 1000s of $$$ sounds too good to be true.
I'm not an expert on what does and doesn't constitute a public charge requirement but there is plenty of stuff online. From what I understand it is basically stuff that is means-tested benefits/income supplements but I am really not an expert - and don't plan to be, and no DV winner should be entering the US with the anticipation of getting public assistance anyway.

I'm still very interested in the shopping coupon story....as I am sure anything like this would qualify as income assistance and thus deem the person a public charge.

Re the tax refund, surely the key word is refund. At best you will get back some portion of what you've paid, assuming you overpaid to start with.
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Guys waaah visa bulletin for the month of March had an increase of 1800 (27800) only does it mean there is a time it will increase to a bigger range..case 77#### will b current when if they continue that way :) :-(
Shopping coupons for five years, really? This is interesting, can you post a link that expands on this?

Incidentally I feel obliged to point out that there are certain types of benefits that if you get or try to get while on a green card, means you fall foul of the public charge requirement which can be a problem for the future, especially if you want to naturalize.
My host is a beneficiary to this-and we normally go shopping together.There are several progrmames and not all are pegged on income-After goggling I found this linkshttp://www.wicprograms.org/ci/nj-garfield,

Maybe you can check more
@usamommy2015 , to add on to what @Simon has mentioned above, please go through the link below..Hope it helps.

Tax allowance on new births in USA

Thats it @dada,Had my family joined before Jan 2015 I could have earned TAX credit in RANGE $ 6,000-8,000/=) However they had a lot to clear back at home as well as facilitating ground for my future investment.
Dependency exemption
Claiming your son or daughter as a dependent will shelter $3,950 of your income from tax in 2014, saving you a quick $975 if you're in the 25 percent bracket. You get the full-year's exemption no matter when during the year the child was born or adopted.

$1,000 child tax credit
For 2014, a new baby also delivers a tax credit of up $1,000, even if the child was born late in the year. Unlike a deduction that reduces the amount of income the government gets to tax, a credit reduces your tax bill dollar-for-dollar.

The credit is phased out at higher income levels, and begins to disappear as income rises above $110,000 on joint returns, and above $75,000 on single and head of household returns. For some lower-income taxpayers, the credit is "refundable," meaning that if it exceeds your income tax liability for the year, the IRS will issue a refund check for the difference. Don’t assume you can’t qualify for the refundable credit just because you didn’t qualify in prior years.)
My host is a beneficiary to this-and we normally go shopping together.There are several progrmames and not all are pegged on income-After goggling I found this linkshttp://www.wicprograms.org/ci/nj-garfield,

Maybe you can check more

WIC is provided to those who have a low income and must prove that. It is not an automatic benefit.

Program Information
The New Jersey Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a food and nutrition education program.

New Jersey WIC serves New Jersey’s youngest residents and their families at risk for poor nutrition and medically related health problems.

New Jersey WIC Services are available to low and no income families as well as families experiencing unemployment, military deployment and other interim family financial hardships.

Breastfeeding (up to one year if you continue breastfeeding)
  • An infant
  • A child under five years old
  • Have a nutrition or medically related health risk,
  • Live in New Jersey (proof of residency required)
After googling,wic was just one of the many sites that appeared,however i will furnish more info...on the other program which is a general programmme for infants and mothers(regardless of their income) I dont know whether its offered by the employee or what....
After googling,wic was just one of the many sites that appeared,however i will furnish more info...on the other program which is a general programmme for infants and mothers(regardless of their income) I dont know whether its offered by the employee or what....

It seems to me you are trying to tell people "come to the US because you will get money for having children"
This is how very dangerous rumors get started...I have seen on forums people saying that the US pays for everything when you immigrate...your posts (which so far have not shown a single substantiated case of money being given with no strings as you imply) could be seen as a feeding ground for such a rumor... (Now you are saying maybe the employer, huh? Well maybe but that will be job dependent not the government and even so I would be surprised...) you really should be more careful about what you post.
Usage of WIC etc also builds up anti-immigrant feeling "look at these new immigrants all on benefits taking our tax money"....
Just saying.