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DV 2014 - South America and The Caribbean winners

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Dear all:

I have the question as follow:

Once you got your visa approved after interview, how long you're supposed to travel to United States? Is there a minimum established period to travel?


Dear all:

I have the question as follow:

Once you got your visa approved after interview, how long you're supposed to travel to United States? Is there a minimum established period to travel?



I understood that you CAN travel as fast as you want after you receive your gc. And you can do it up to 6 months after you receive it IF your medicals are still valid. I think the CO tells you how much time you have until your temporary visa expires.

Good Luck!
Hi there!

I was told by the consul to buy the airplane ticket once I have the passport in my hand, just to be sure.
After the interview, that was around 4-5 days.
Then, the VISA in my passport was valid until August, but as Veronice said, it will depend on your medical exams. Those are valid 6 month since you did it.

hope is helpful info... :)

Dear all:

I have the question as follow:

Once you got your visa approved after interview, how long you're supposed to travel to United States? Is there a minimum established period to travel?


Hi everyone, I am Cuban with Case Number 2014SA000018XX:
First, I would like to thanks all of you for sharing your ideas and experiences. Especially to “audio” for the initiative of opening this thread, “Veronice” and “britsimon” for their active participations.
I have seen in other thread people talking about money and fund proofs. This brought to me a great doubt, and I’d like to know if presenting fund proofs is a requirement for the interview.
I have read the “Instructions for Selectees, step 1 to 4” from the official dvlottery 2014 web site and I found nothing about this. If it is, where can I find these information?
Hi everyone, I am Cuban with Case Number 2014SA000018XX:
First, I would like to thanks all of you for sharing your ideas and experiences. Especially to “audio” for the initiative of opening this thread, “Veronice” and “britsimon” for their active participations.
I have seen in other thread people talking about money and fund proofs. This brought to me a great doubt, and I’d like to know if presenting fund proofs is a requirement for the interview.
I have read the “Instructions for Selectees, step 1 to 4” from the official dvlottery 2014 web site and I found nothing about this. If it is, where can I find these information?

Hi cuban!
As far as I know the proof of founds is an important requisite in any visa request. I understand that you don't have to have lots of money but things you can convert into it... If you have ownership of a house, a car (sorry, I guess you are in Cuba and this is difficult) or money in the bank. They actually tell you not to sell anything before the interview because you have no guarantee.

You can also show a job offer from the States, an affidavit of support from somebody living in USA that have enough income and is willing to sign this for you or money and properties that let them know you are not going to become a charge to the state.

I'm sure you can find some friend or family in USA that is willing to sign the affidavit for you OR the job offer...

How are things over there?

Good luck
Hi Paulineg,:D
You just have to hang in there and keep trying and let your kids continue to do the same. Am getting anxious as the months go by and waiting for my number to go current.CN17xx. Happy to connect with you and will update u. Have a great weekend. :)

:) Good Luck to you , everything will be alright.
Hi cuban,

In my case ( I know each consulate works different though), I received a physical envelope from my Consulate including specific instructions for my country. Among them they listed either a job offer or an affidavit. They didn't even ask for the funds, I guess it will depend on the country. But that was my situation. Fortunately we have relatives that were keen to do it for us.

Hi everyone, I am Cuban with Case Number 2014SA000018XX:
First, I would like to thanks all of you for sharing your ideas and experiences. Especially to “audio” for the initiative of opening this thread, “Veronice” and “britsimon” for their active participations.
I have seen in other thread people talking about money and fund proofs. This brought to me a great doubt, and I’d like to know if presenting fund proofs is a requirement for the interview.
I have read the “Instructions for Selectees, step 1 to 4” from the official dvlottery 2014 web site and I found nothing about this. If it is, where can I find these information?
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