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DV 2014 Kenyan Selectees Report here

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hallo mates hop ya all doin great lets all thank the almighty as we wait for the visa bulletins i hop this tym it will be much higher than the last ,to those joinin us welcom on board its a waitin game folks ,to danny i wish you all the best ,family how are you doin ?
Remember God loves you and the journey continues

Our daily Monday prayer
Lord God, almighty and everlasting Father, you have brought us in safety to this new day: Preserve us with your mighty power, that we may not fall into sin, nor be overcome by adversity; and in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Be blessed and remember God loves you! AMEN
You re right KaiaUG, It doesn't sound good to separate cousins in this situation and maybe he doesn't remember that we ll even board the same plane !!! now the remaining problem is the visa schedule because Partitas agreed to look for us the same accommodation!! Kaia, isn't it? set me right
Congs Danny! I am so happy for you and in future, please include me in Aimanda7's messages... Lol! Otherwise, he will not be happy with you. Nangyewe mbiizi!
Am also praying the same jonge but its going to be all difined by the next bulletin but our expert simon can narrate more on this.
You re right KaiaUG, It doesn't sound good to separate cousins in this situation and maybe he doesn't remember that we ll even board the same plane !!! now the remaining problem is the visa schedule because Partitas agreed to look for us the same accommodation!! Kaia, isn't it? set me right

Aimanda7, watch out else my husband might read this post, lol! Same accommodation? Am I safe? But that's right, we may end up staying at the same place but about the same flight; let's wait and see!! I think there's only Ethiopian Airlines in Kigali, lol! And am using BA :eek:
Of course I mean my family and yours not you and me only ...hey cousin ?!! please Kaia!! if my wife gets to know what you you think or dream ...she will ......lol
Aimanda7, watch out else my husband might read this post, lol! Same accommodation? Am I safe? But that's right, we may end up staying at the same place but about the same flight; let's wait and see!! I think there's only Ethiopian Airlines in Kigali, lol! And am using BA :eek:
Thanks TMZ,

Dont worry about the way i placed it. Facts have to be on the table. Yes i am proceeding with this MBA even though i do feel at the end of the day i may have to re-do it in the US because anyway when you apply for a job there is no HELL way an MBA done at Harvard shall be ranked equally than one done in Makerere University here in Uganda. We do sit different exams and the applications of Makerere are purely Ugandan/African Context.
The Knowledge and Concepts may be similar, i get to understand how they do feel about relevance.
One of my Elder Cousins was the best in Law at Makerere and got a Scholarship in the UK but she was told she couldn't practice Law in UK unless she re-did her Bachelors in the UK!!! So she had to do it ALL OVER AGAIN..
Point taken ,- let me finish up with it here however i plan to see if i can get some exemptions maybe by resitting some exams if acceptable. If not - I shall start Afresh - am OK with it.
Hello fellow dv 2014 selectees.am happy to join this forum and from what i have been reading,the Lord God is faithful to those who trust in Him.
Lets continue to aknowledge Him in all our ways and He will direct our paths.

You are welcome on board. Yes, Yes, and Yes God has to be acknowledge prior to, during and After this Co business. Trust me we are all under pressure. Patience is one of the most difficult exams God has Set for Mankind. He has to Marking Script and we always ask Him for the formula.
if i have my own money can it be okay to CO,like $20000

Yes i have read somewhere that $20,000 is OK. However, its up to the CO to decide on particular cases. Partitas mentioned that when she went to the Interview they did not ask for it (AOS) and she did not hear them asking for it from anyone. While she was there. Lets not start panicking over this.
Dear forumites as we pray pliz let's not 4get the dreadful animal "regional cutoff" not to happen coz if next bullens goes below 31k the animal cud be smelling somewhere near, fingers crossed.
Ha ha ha OMG - Rodgers,
You need to have other statistix at your disposal to start having these worries of that Dreadful Animal. Even if the initial movement of the VB is slow - am worried that when it picks its going to be an issue - because psychologically we all have an idea when the likely time of facing the CO is, should this come any sooner than what one is prepared for its also another issue. Either way facing the CO is also another Event that requires GUTS. Lets Pray that God gives us those GUTS.
Arnold i embrace yua opinion too but let's be realistic at the same time they selected over 140k which is too big compared with previous years with over 35k so don't downplay my concern when i press on that we shud pray for the regional cut off not to happen coz in either way high or low CNs we all belong to one family .
Arnold i embrace yua opinion too but let's be realistic at the same time they selected over 140k which is too big compared with previous years with over 35k so don't downplay my concern when i press on that we shud pray for the regional cut off not to happen coz in either way high or low CNs we all belong to one family .

Approximately 140,660 applicants have been registered and notified and may now make an application for an immigrant visa. Since it is likely that some of the first *50,000 persons registered will not pursue their cases to visa issuance, this larger figure should insure that all DV-2014 numbers will be used during fiscal year 2014 (October 1, 2013 until September 30, 2014).
Arnold i embrace yua opinion too but let's be realistic at the same time they selected over 140k which is too big compared with previous years with over 35k so don't downplay my concern when i press on that we shud pray for the regional cut off not to happen coz in either way high or low CNs we all belong to one family .

I haven't Invalidated your genuine concern - but first we need to be clear on one thing here Rodgers - what is that regional cut off that you are talking about here? A percentage has gotten something we call numbers - Please tell us more about those actual figures.....(not percentages). Then we c y that concern that has come in February when we still have 7 more months ahead of us. Remember i agree you do have a point but kindly give us some clarifications.
Congs Danny! I am so happy for you and in future, please include me in Aimanda7's messages... Lol! Otherwise, he will not be happy with you. Nangyewe mbiizi!

Aimanda and KaiaUG hehe calm please, i didn't separate I know you'll be in the same plane, if I knew you understand i would do it.

Thanks to all of you for your wishes,

Jonge, I'm ready to leave the only thing i'm waiting passport!
Looks to me like most people from our region are missing their interview appointments, I guess it's a nightmare to those trying to get new appointments at US embassy Nairobi with that great number of Miss outs !

I was about saying that.i think many are not aware that were selected.
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