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Dv 2014 Kenyan Selectees report here

Ok am putting it again rogers.am waiting for my celebration.I have faith wen u do ur best then u leave the rest to God.to all of us waiting let's keep faith alive n pray
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@Britsimon i'm still worried and confuse for my case bro ,i see no improvement ,but i see some people cases improved ,what is happening to my case nw bro ??sep 30 is around the corner iam sick and stress britsimon...bt i leave everything to Allah to tke control for me...
congratulation griffin ...ameen. I told u to hve faith and wait Allah is working for us ...i'm happy for u bro...the God we served is a good God..
congratulation griffin ...ameen. I told u to hve faith and wait Allah is working for us ...i'm happy for u bro...the God we served is a good God..
Thanks Tyt, that is the faith we have that even for you it is going to be well. It was an agonizing wait which is now over and we pray that your case will be successfully processed.
Britsimon,sm1smom,sussue and the rest.I have a friend in the US who has offerd to pay for the USCIS fee,for 3 of us.How would i go on about that?am thinking maybe he can transfer the money to my host and my host can create the acc for us using his debit/visa card?
Britsimon,sm1smom,sussue and the rest.I have a friend in the US who has offerd to pay for the USCIS fee,for 3 of us.How would i go on about that?am thinking maybe he can transfer the money to my host's bank acc and my host can create the acc for us using his debit/visa card?