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Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

For the certificate of good contact it has been replaced with police clearance certificate which is the term recognized internationally.

The reason as to why the CO is putting members on AP based on certificates is because some people are presenting forged certificates especially kcse.over the weekend i met a guy who was introduced to me by another friend of mine and the fellow went for Dv interview on 28 may 2013 but was put on AP.WHEN I TRIED TO FIND THE REASONS,he asked me if i know any body in the KNEC to rescue him because HE HAD PRESENTED FAKE KCSE certificate and the embassy kind of suspected and held the certificate for confirmation.
He was asked to swear twice whether the document was genuine and and cautioned he will be barred to illegibility forever if proved otherwise but he insisted the results were not fake.
he was given a green paper which the CO wrote'''KNEC CONFIDENTIAL''''and he was told to go and get letter from the KNEC confirming the results.

I also have a case with a Rwadees citizen who was put on AP for the diploma to be screened only to be found Fake and he was called back to embassy last week and given A Red card....total ban.

Now with such cases the CO must be suspecting most certificates that's why AP'S are becoming common.

Wow! Thanks Pal for the Info. By the way can someone else confirm the same coz I also applied for my good conduct on April 2013 and I got a police clearance cert. Another lady did the same on feb 2013 and got a cert of good conduct. Really, why should someone take the risk to forge any cert? Hey JarmsbiI though see that you have been under AP since Jan 13, What were you told on your interview day? How long were you told it would take? The AP Paper is Written its usually within three months and they will contact you, before that you are asked to refrain from calling to ask about any information on your case. I see that your took more than four months, did they contact you or you requested on the progress of your case?
Month of Unfolding of Miracles for guys going for interview

Two verses to ponder on are:-

1. Is anything too hard for the Lord? Genesis 18:14
2. I Am the Lord thy God, Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27

Meditate on these three responses:-

1. …I know that You can do all things… Job 42: 1-2
2. For nothing is impossible with God Luke 1:37
3. With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible Matthew 19:26

Thanks Nickelly, for this good word from God.
Friends/Forum members

Thank you for being a friend and a constant source of encouragement throughout the year. May God bless you and may He make His face to shine upon you. May you eat the dew of heaven. May you eat the good of the land and may God reward you and bless you for every prayer that you have said.

In Matthew 25 Jesus states “..'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’.”

Thanks Nickelly, You have been of great help for us, especially with you prayers and the word, which is what we need most to feed on. God bless you abundant as you resettle in the US and provide every need of yours and family.
Thanks Nickelly, You have been of great help for us, especially with you prayers and the word, which is what we need most to feed on. God bless you abundant as you resettle in the US and provide every need of yours and family.
Thanks Missses I never take any word for granted be blessed.:)
Today's Devotion

Father, thank you for your promises that never fail but which always come to pass in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Lord, help every one of not to ever lose hope but to continue to trust in you until the very end. We render powerless every thought that is contrary to your promises. We pull down and destroy every thought of depression, every satanic thought that wants us to give up and loose hope. We speak the mind of Christ and declare that our thoughts will be on things that are pure, lovely, peaceable and pleasing to you. Lord, you have promised that you will keep us in perfect peace if our mind is stayed on you; God, keep our minds stayed on you we pray in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.:)
Today's Devotion

Father, thank you for your promises that never fail but which always come to pass in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Lord, help every one of not to ever lose hope but to continue to trust in you until the very end. We render powerless every thought that is contrary to your promises. We pull down and destroy every thought of depression, every satanic thought that wants us to give up and loose hope. We speak the mind of Christ and declare that our thoughts will be on things that are pure, lovely, peaceable and pleasing to you. Lord, you have promised that you will keep us in perfect peace if our mind is stayed on you; God, keep our minds stayed on you we pray in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.:)

Amen and Amen
dv 2014

Am 2014 DV winner 20140000AF19****
Am the principal applicant with a C- and certificate in counselling psychology do I have a chance not yet sent the documents.
Entry Checked: 03:05:2013
Forms sent to KCC: not yet
KCC Receives Forms not yet
Confirmation by KCC processing:
Police: NOT YET
2nd NL:
Visa Picked:
P.O.E: Boston

I am the principal applicant with a C- and a certificate in counselling psychology do I have any chance in the interview coz am worried.
Am 2014 DV winner 20140000AF19****
Am the principal applicant with a C- and certificate in counselling psychology do I have a chance not yet sent the documents.

Don't give up yet. Send the documents to KCC and leave every thing to God. There is a reason you were selected from the thousands that applied.
Have faith and if there's something you can do to add to increase your chances when you meet the CO maybe early next year, do it.
Don't loose hope!
Am 2014 DV winner 20140000AF19****
Am the principal applicant with a C- and certificate in counselling psychology do I have a chance not yet sent the documents.

Nothing is clear until the end. You're selected among million people, don't worry and keep trusting in God.
Please house of winners, I want to add my husband name on my passport will that cause any problem, since on my notification letter my names are written but not my hussy name. Advices please