• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

hy fellow wiiners !does the 2NL include the interview date and can you have the medical report done a day before the interview at the embassy and the police report to? Thanks and God bless you .He loves you james 1;17 2014AF00073X


Sorry for the silence, si kwa ubaya.
Finally I was able to travel to Texas. Its been one week now...so far so good.
Expect some jetlag, mine lasted like 5 days, then due to tye extreme weather changes I caught a cold. Its kinda gone now.
Already applied for my ssn...should be going for my DL in like a week or so. Luckily then I can have my ssn so I can actualize my job search.
Its a really good place, one thing though....you really need the help of your host around here till you are settled.
Hope we all stay in touch.
Good luck to all of you, you are all current this month I believe so.
So we got to the embassy this morning at 5:45 for a 6:30am appointment. We where about 10-15 people/families back in the line, but when we came up to the second check point, the lady moved us forward to 4th place, I guess b'se we had young children with us.

At the main reception, we are given a number and a small form to file out (Name, CN, contacts) and told to wait.

Next step is presenting all our documents, certificates etc (please have a photocopy of every document). For those from UG, they need your O-level certificate. I didn't have mine, b'se it got lost, but had my transcript, A-level certificate and Bachelor and Master degrees, so that might have helped me through. But maybe I was just lucky, so please have your O-level certificate as it is the basic requirement. After presenting these, we paid the visa fee and had another wait.

Next was digital finger-printing, then you wait again to do the actual interview.

This wait was especially long in our case, b'se as I mentioned last week, there was a delay in working on our x-rays, so we had to wait to do the interview until the medical report arrived from IOM.

Eventually we are called to the final window. The interview itself was just for formality, b'se when we where done, we were given forms to follow up with the process, which had details like our CN hand written already. So my guess was they had already decided to give us the visa b4 we were interviewed and only if we contradicted the info we gave, would they deny the visa or put us on AP.

Basically, I was asked 3 questions (1) about my study (what had I done after secondary school, which was go on to University), (2) how we will support ourselves b4 we get a job and (3) about the children (I have one from a previous relationship, so asked if I had consent of the Mum to take the child. I had a court granted custody letter, so that covered it.)

All said and done, we where cleared at about 10:15am

So my advice to all still to come, is the same as we have heard from those that have gone thru it before, just have confidence in the information you already submitted and you'll be ok.

Heading back to UG 2moro and will wait for the visas from there, esp b'se the kids have to go back to school.

Congratulations to you and your family. Welcome to America

Sorry for the silence, si kwa ubaya.
Finally I was able to travel to Texas. Its been one week now...so far so good.
Expect some jetlag, mine lasted like 5 days, then due to tye extreme weather changes I caught a cold. Its kinda gone now.
Already applied for my ssn...should be going for my DL in like a week or so. Luckily then I can have my ssn so I can actualize my job search.
Its a really good place, one thing though....you really need the help of your host around here till you are settled.
Hope we all stay in touch.
Good luck to all of you, you are all current this month I believe so.

Good to hear from you join u very soooooooooon all the best:)
hy fellow wiiners !does the 2NL include the interview date and can you have the medical report done a day before the interview at the embassy and the police report to? Thanks and God bless you .He loves you james 1;17 2014AF00073X

1.does the 2NL include the interview date?- Yes it has the date and the time
2.can you have the medical report done a day before the interview at the embassy - No you cannot have it a day before, ensure you have it two weeks b4 ur interview to avoid delays.
3.police report to?- It expires after six months ensure you have it b4 two weeks too. All this should be done early to avoid being put on AP.:(
We had our medicals yesterday in Yaounde, and it took us a whole day to go through the process. But some happened, the kids did have their TB test, lack of test in the Country and we were to the Dr will write a letter to the Embassy concerning that, and my hussy had a scar on his X-ray, we hope is nothing serious, he went for other test. I trust God, it something benign.Keep my family in prayers

Hey Misses. I am from cameroon, How do you set up an appointment for the medicals? and what are different the medical tests performed? Thx
We had our medicals yesterday in Yaounde, and it took us a whole day to go through the process. But some happened, the kids did have their TB test, lack of test in the Country and we were to the Dr will write a letter to the Embassy concerning that, and my hussy had a scar on his X-ray, we hope is nothing serious, he went for other test. I trust God, it something benign.Keep my family in prayers

Ezra 8:23 , "So we fasted and besought our God for this and he listened to our entreaty."

Prayer and Fasting, all those issues that have troubled you and have been a big burden will be destroyed in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Some victories cannot come but by prayer and fasting. I also pray that The Almighty God will strengthen you each and every day of this month as you fast.:)
Today's Devotion

In Ezekiel 37:1-10

“The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones, And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry. And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest. Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.................

Friend, this month, let one of your prayers be “God speak to me”. God has not changed. He still speaks. We read in Hebrews 13:8 that He is still the same yesterday, today and forevermore. Pray that God will make your inner ears hear Him and do that which He asks you to do in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. As you hear Him clearly, please be obedient and you will see miracles manifest in your life in Jesus Precious Name, Amen.:)

Entrant Status Check v05.00.00


United States Department of State
Kentucky Consular Center
3505 North Highway 25W
Williamsburg, KY 40769

February XX, 201X


Dear DV Applicant,
This is the official notice for you to pursue your application for a DV-2013 visa. An appointment has been scheduled for you at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate stated below. You and all members of your family must appear at the appointed date and time for your interview. Please notify the office listed if you cannot keep the appointment.
You and any eligible family members will be required to submit sufficient proof of identity upon arrival. If you fail to obtain a DV-2013 visa by September 30, 2013, your registration will expire. Your family members must also obtain their visas prior to September 30, 2013, or they will not be permitted to join you in the United States under the DV-2013 program.
Please follow the instructions provided in Step 4 at http://www.dvselectee.state.gov for Interview Preparation and Fee Payments. It is very important that you follow the guidelines carefully in preparation for your interview. The Diversity Lottery Fee for each applicant and each member of the family must be paid in full before the visa interview and is non-refundable, even if the visa is refused for any reason.
Interview Appointment

Consular Section
United Nations Avenue, Gigiri
PO BOX 606 Village Market
(254)(0)20 375 3705
April XX, 20XX 08:00 AM
The Kentucky Consular Center has completed the processing of your case and forwarded it to the interviewing office. Further inquiries should be addressed to the interviewing office listed above. When communicating with the Embassy/Consulate either by telephone or letter, always refer to your name and case number exactly as they appear below.
Case Number: 2013AF000XXXXX
Principal Applicant Name: XXXXXXXXXXXX
Preference Category: DV DIVERSITY
Foreign State Chargeability: XXXXXXXXXX
If any documents are listed below as incomplete, please present the completed documents at the time of interview.
Case Number: 2013AF000XXXXX

Beneficiaries: XXXXXXXXXXXX
My God is faithful, He can move mountains, keep me in the valley, hide me from the rain.............................to learn more of the song join me at lighthouse chapel international. Thanking God for my visa!
nickelly thanks alot for that but can i do the medical and get the police report all within 3 weeks before the interview cz i want 2 come 2 kenya for 3 weeks and then do all the stuff ! What about the passport what happens after you have passed the interview ?for how long do they (embassy) stay with your passport? Thanks God bless u & he loves you James 1;17

hy fellow wiiners !does the 2NL include the interview date and can you have the medical report done a day before the interview at the embassy and the police report to? Thanks and God bless you .He loves you james 1;17 2014AF00073X
Any ideas?
nickelly thanks alot for that but can i do the medical and get the police report all within 3 weeks before the interview cz i want 2 come 2 kenya for 3 weeks and then do all the stuff ! What about the passport what happens after you have passed the interview ?for how long do they (embassy) stay with your passport? Thanks God bless u & he loves you James 1;17


Hi Akelloh, first of all, you will be current around this time in 2014. Now, to answer your questions, you will need to process your police certificate at least a month before your interview. About the medicals, once you become current, you can travel to Nairobi, do the medicals and travel back to your home country, then return to Nairobi for the interview. Alternatively, you could book your medicals close to the interview (about two weeks), travel to Nairobi do the medicals and then wait for the interviews. This is the option i took because its cheaper. After the interview, if u pass, your passports are retained so that they can be stamped with the visa, this takes between 5 to 7 days.