• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

Thanks for your encouragement.definately if there will be other dvlotteries.How are the immigration reforms going?And visa w is it something to hope on incase the diversity visa is scrapped?
@cathyliss @shorrie

Make sure you apply as many times as possible .Some people applied for ten years before being selected

@makiki @dubai-b @nickelly @papasan @karendi @essieta @Ricey

Thanks to all for keeping the forum alive. As I pointed out earlier the best source of information is this forum and also as pointed out by dubai-b the website. If you go through the forum members have shared first hand on their interview experiences which those who are still on the queue should seriously take into account. I have seen step by step shared experiences from the medical to payment to being called to window 5 ,6 and 8. We expect the same trend to continue. After the interview let members post their experiences in each step and those who don't make it should also post their experience so that others may learn from it.

The reason why people share experiences back home but disappear in thin air immediately on arrival in the US is because filling and sending the forms, medical, interview, travel arrangements and getting social security number and ID within the the first month in the US can be said to be tailored to measure. People have almost the same experience. But there after, like the rainbow experiences become quite different. It becomes a totally different scenario because of different reasons and experiences.

1) The host becomes one of the greatest determinant of how fast you can settle down. US is quite a developed country and they do things a bit different from the way we do them at home. If the host is economical with information you wont know where to start. You need your host to know where different relevant offices are located, to learn driving in a new environment,cheap health facilities and the different Laws that one should be able to observe immediately on arrival. There are so many rules in the US which back home we take them for granted but it becomes mandatory in the US especially on the roads to buying a phone and how to prepare to an early move to your own apartment. You should be in a position to know what the apartment leasing terms are all about, so that you move out from your host at the soonest possible time. There is rent plus deposit if you have no credit history to rent only if you have a credit history and so forth.

2)Getting a host becomes an issue because of historical mistrust. More than 60% of Kenyans have no legal documentation and nobody will ever tell you that In this case, mistrust develops because diversity holders tend to do better than them and get more opportunities. So they tend to misled the new immigrants. Secondly, DVS holders who take long to settle tend to misled the new arrivals. Thirdly, the many rules and regulations make some people to live in perpetual fear of hosting a new arrival ie if one has not saved enough that person is not able to sign for one an affidavit of support because it will not be binding so the person will keep you in suspense without telling you the truth. If one does not know cheap joints for health facilities one might see a new arrival as a burden due to high cost of health care.
3)There are cases of people who have hosted immigrants and in turn they abused that trust. This has also created mistrust among the Kenyans.
4)There is also the jealous relative who wants to remain alone in the US so the feeling of hosting a relative does not amuse them and they want you to fail.
5)Culture shock-In coming to US one is faced by culture shock which have made many families to break down. So the coming of a relative makes things worse for the couple and they dread a new member in the family
6)There are those who got there acts correctly through prayers, patience,hard work ,wide consultations and research. This group is willing to host a person without fear. They are willing to show you around and help you acquire a driving license within a month. Direct you to sources of job search in the libraries and relevant website searches besides guiding you to job corners and social offices. Drive you to job fairs and seminars and on top of that encourage you and give you hope.

Thanks for your guidance.You know information is power.what you are doing here is incredible.God bless you.Of course we shall apply if dv is not scrapped.And if it is we will find the available option.is visa w another hopeful option?
Where do you get all this information? I saw my friend from Tanzania, I know the guy. Can you explain how you get the information, may be next time we can also do so.
Anyway thanks for this good news

When you go through the forum from page one you will get information of what guys post in the forum:p
PLEASE NOTE- once you arrive buy yourself a cellphone that has a GPS and you will be able to get yourself around even in the biggest town in the US. Make friendship with the internet and it will give you information to supplement and to counter check any information from your host. Libraries are free if your host has no internet. Make sure you use the little cash you come with wisely and use it only when necessary until you get your first job.
More important: Make acquiring of a car a top priority because in many jobs you will need it. And with 3000 dollars you have one to move you from point A to B.
))))))Fear note even if you have been betrayed in the midst of those bad people there is a saint and God did not chose you to suffer. Join a church and even if it is not a Kenyan church where most of them have been accused of rumor mongers, join a small white church where most of them are willing to help. Know where they sale cheap goods and residential yard sales and job opportunities. If they trust you others will allow you to work in their churches before even before the arrival of your social card. You will benefit a lot from the church. Work with Kenyan but don't bank all your hope on them because you will be disappointed. Look what the white churches have for you

Equally, note that older members once they settle down they might want to allow new members to share their first hand experiences which might differ from their own.

So most of the people once they arrive experiences differ. That is why you may think that all the stories are full of disappointments. There is the family which traveled from Nairobi only to find the host had switched off the phone and they were helped by an airport white personnel who was sympathetic after being stranded in the airport for two days. Might sound a fairytale story but it happened three years ago . But you can see Gods hand of blessings there after. I believe we are more than conquerors.

I have given too much information but let us continue sharing information. We will also let members share the very current happenings and experiences. Don't be disappointed as your experience from the forum has prepared you to face the unknown. Thanks


Wanjeri thanks for this information
Coooooongs my dear. Am very happy for you. Go
nail it gal.

Thanks Ash, can you imagine i have to travel twice! Its the only way for us, we cant afford(the time) to camp in Nairos for medicals and wait for the interview and then wait for the visas.
Congrats to all those who are current in July,uganda1,catchme,henrica...the long wait is coming to an end:) this far Jehova has brought us!
PLEASE NOTE- once you arrive buy yourself a cellphone that has a GPS and you will be able to get yourself around even in the biggest town in the US. Make friendship with the internet and it will give you information to supplement and to counter check any information from your host. Libraries are free if your host has no internet. Make sure you use the little cash you come with wisely and use it only when necessary until you get your first job.
More important: Make acquiring of a car a top priority because in many jobs you will need it. And with 3000 dollars you have one to move you from point A to B.
))))))Fear note even if you have been betrayed in the midst of those bad people there is a saint and God did not chose you to suffer. Join a church and even if it is not a Kenyan church where most of them have been accused of rumor mongers, join a small white church where most of them are willing to help. Know where they sale cheap goods and residential yard sales and job opportunities. If they trust you others will allow you to work in their churches before even before the arrival of your social card. You will benefit a lot from the church. Work with Kenyan but don't bank all your hope on them because you will be disappointed. Look what the white churches have for you

Equally, note that older members once they settle down they might want to allow new members to share their first hand experiences which might differ from their own.

So most of the people once they arrive experiences differ. That is why you may think that all the stories are full of disappointments. There is the family which traveled from Nairobi only to find the host had switched off the phone and they were helped by an airport white personnel who was sympathetic after being stranded in the airport for two days. Might sound a fairytale story but it happened three years ago . But you can see Gods hand of blessings there after. I believe we are more than conquerors.

I have given too much information but let us continue sharing information. We will also let members share the very current happenings and experiences. Don't be disappointed as your experience from the forum has prepared you to face the unknown. Thanks

thanks wanjeri.tumekuelewa.
we got you
2)Getting a host becomes an issue because of historical mistrust. More than 60% of Kenyans have no legal documentation and nobody will ever tell you that In this case, mistrust develops because diversity holders tend to do better than them and get more opportunities. So they tend to misled the new immigrants. Secondly, DVS holders who take long to settle tend to misled the new arrivals. Thirdly, the many rules and regulations make some people to live in perpetual fear of hosting a new arrival ie if one has not saved enough that person is not able to sign for one an affidavit of support because it will not be binding so the person will keep you in suspense without telling you the truth. If one does not know cheap joints for health facilities one might see a new arrival as a burden due to high cost of health care.

DV 2014,ensure that you know the Host very well interms of Citizenship,If he pays taxes,no criminal records well established cause these are the areas they check. Need to pray to get a well qualified Host sso that you are not denied Visa or put under AP. Others can suggest

I just called IOM and confirmed that they are moving to their new location along UN avenue on the 21st May 2013

Those booked before 21st will have our medical tests in their Ngong road location, after 21st they will be in their new location (UN AVENUE).. They should advice on the new procedures and location.

Im sure someone in the forum will give exact details of their new location..

Continue praying for us nearing the Interview.

Asante (Thanks) :)

Guys going for interview take note of this Fomogho:p

Hey members i find it necessary to inform those of you who are not aware that the IOM (medical centre) at nairobi 4th ngong avenue have moved (dislocated) to Gigiri the exact place am yet to confirm.
i have a friend of mine who was there on thursday 16th may for first round of check up but told me trucks were ferrying furniture's and and other stuff.she was told to go to gigiri on Monday 20th for the jabs.
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all the best with the interview...I am a 2014 selectee from Uganda as well and going through this forum is certainly helpful