• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

Lord father i pray for dear forumites as they prepare through this torturous journey to America "the land of Opportunity" i especially put Wankin Master! before you so that he may come out victorious in the coming month..for those with high CN give them patience and hope , i pray dear lord that my interview comes up in DEC since January is an obvious broke month..in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit....aaaaaaaaaamen!
Wah....it was Nairobi embassy just like two weeks ago...however, let motyour hearts (troubled,if God hs opened that door No man can close it. Cani hear an amen!!
Pow,pow,pow,& we all fall down,dead:p

Since u r good with petitions,u can petition the admin 2 make our thread a "STICKY "& chuck the old ones that have been pasted there yet no one goes thru them.

Lol...nottie girl will see how that goes, (be super nice to me)
how do i do that?

When u login into the forum,on the top right of ur window is a Settings tab..next to log out;click on it.

this action will switch u to ur user page whereby on the left pane ,there will be edit signature..click on it,enter ur data & ur done.


BTW...Obeezyb (our consultant, our lawyer, our prophetess) when are my current? You know I have just realised how i need to renew my passport. Sometime in Feb/March/April? Alafu whats this sticky manenoz you was telling me. Ati what should not be sticky or should be sticky :))

Dear Lord, thank you because you hear our prayers. Thank you because all will be well with Wanking master and thank you because Nesh will get his 2NL soonest and all will be well. Calm his heart and assure him that all is well because with you all things are possible.
Dear God, I pray for all members of this forum that our hard work and anxiety will not be invain. That all of us will have victorius testimonies by end of this season, thank you God that from the many millions who applied for this; you picked us to proceed with the DV program and we believe you did not bring us this far to leave us.
Those in doubts over their grades and work experience, God, thank you because you are making springs in the desert and all will go well, for the glory of your holy name.
God remember all those trusting you for finances for the process. Thank you because you are providing to us according to your riches in Glory. Dear God, guide us on the right path and at the end of it all we shall be careful to say thank you. In Jesus name we prayed and Believed...AMEN!!
Dear Lord, thank you because you hear our prayers. Thank you because all will be well with Wanking master and thank you because Nesh will get his 2NL soonest and all will be well. Calm his heart and assure him that all is well because with you all things are possible.
Dear God, I pray for all members of this forum that our hard work and anxiety will not be invain. That all of us will have victorius testimonies by end of this season, thank you God that from the many millions who applied for this; you picked us to proceed with the DV program and we believe you did not bring us this far to leave us.
Those in doubts over their grades and work experience, God, thank you because you are making springs in the desert and all will go well, for the glory of your holy name.
God remember all those trusting you for finances for the process. Thank you because you are providing to us according to your riches in Glory. Dear God, guide us on the right path and at the end of it all we shall be careful to say thank you. In Jesus name we prayed and Believed...AMEN!!

Dear Lord, thank you because you hear our prayers. Thank you because all will be well with Wanking master and thank you because Nesh will get his 2NL soonest and all will be well. Calm his heart and assure him that all is well because with you all things are possible.
Dear God, I pray for all members of this forum that our hard work and anxiety will not be invain. That all of us will have victorius testimonies by end of this season, thank you God that from the many millions who applied for this; you picked us to proceed with the DV program and we believe you did not bring us this far to leave us.
Those in doubts over their grades and work experience, God, thank you because you are making springs in the desert and all will go well, for the glory of your holy name.
God remember all those trusting you for finances for the process. Thank you because you are providing to us according to your riches in Glory. Dear God, guide us on the right path and at the end of it all we shall be careful to say thank you. In Jesus name we prayed and Believed...AMEN!!

Your will shall be done oh lord..Amen !!!
BTW...Obeezyb (our consultant, our lawyer, our prophetess) when are my current? You know I have just realised how i need to renew my passport. Sometime in Feb/March/April? Alafu whats this sticky manenoz you was telling me. Ati what should not be sticky or should be sticky :))

Feb or March 2013.
BTW...Obeezyb (our consultant, our lawyer, our prophetess) when are my current? You know I have just realised how i need to renew my passport. Sometime in Feb/March/April? Alafu whats this sticky manenoz you was telling me. Ati what should not be sticky or should be sticky :))

our prophetess
So now am a gal,check out my new red dress:p..LOLest.Let's give credit,where its due,its an open secret,Catchme is our prophetess(I do insist:),but she denies:mad:) .As to u being current,like she says,around Feb/March.Preferably,u should have all ur docs ready since u r closer than u think!!!

Alafu whats this sticky manenoz you was telling me. Ati what should not be sticky or should be sticky :))
is a thread that always stays on top eg;http://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?291344-Dv-2010... it doesn't fluctuate like ours which u have to locate supposing other threads become very active.U do notice all the time when u view the http://forums.immigration.com/forumdisplay.php?38-Lottery-Visas-DV page,we have 5 permanent threads that r always up there(wenye nchi:D) & then the riff raff threads like ours which have to compete with the rest to stay up top:mad:
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