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DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point


Újra itt vagyok, hogy végre megtaláltam ezt az oldalt :) Előre is elnézést kérek, de én magyarul írok majd. Amit írtok, azt értem, de még elég kezdő szinten vagyok az íráshoz:) A régi oldalon is fent voltam, és a blogot is olvasom. Nagyon jóóóó :)))

Nice to meet you Bukfenc. Are you a selectee or entered DV2014?
Hi! I studied in a law area in Hungary, I am a legal administrator, so here in Vegas there is no doubt i can not use it:( My husband and me worked in a restaurant in the Uk so we have a great chance to find a starter job in this area. But to be honest I think does not matter what you choose for your first job, the most important is find something to earn money, later you can use your earlier experience or study a new profession!
Hi Dziecka! The airport procedure was not too bad...You go to the us citizen row and give your/s envelope to the member of homeland and border security, and after they take your fingerprint two times, sign your forms, check te documents and they say welcome home:) It takes in a normal way maximum 1 hour but it depends on your port of entry....In L.A. it can be takes 2-3 hours....
They told you where will you recive appr. your green card, it is about 2-6 months, within 1 years now. Until you can use your immigrant visa in your passports.

Good Luck!
Hi! I studied in a law area in Hungary, I am a legal administrator, so here in Vegas there is no doubt i can not use it:( My husband and me worked in a restaurant in the Uk so we have a great chance to find a starter job in this area. But to be honest I think does not matter what you choose for your first job, the most important is find something to earn money, later you can use your earlier experience or study a new profession!

Jééé, én is jogászként indulnék meg a nagyvilágba :) Bár én is tudom, hogy ezzel a végzettséggel kint pont semmire nem megyek, de szerintem is mindegy milyen munkát talál kint az ember. Csak már ott tartanánk, hogy munkát keresek :)) Nektek sok sikert a kinti léthez, és a munkakereséshez!
Mi még csak most (illetve októberben) jelentkeztünk először a lottóra. Szóval a várakozók között vagyunk :)

Hi Bukfenc,
we are not selectees neither. I can't urge enough time to be on 1st May...
You can try to write in English, it is really not a problem if you have mistakes. All of us has started like you :)

I work in the area of Finance, I really don't know what would be my chances. Ususally there are a lot of applicants to the open positions.
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Hallo everybody:)

We do our bests all day, but the administration is so slowly. We had to applied for a ssc again last wednesday, it was enough to apply at the forms....so we are waiting for our sscards, unil we can not work, but we can apply for driver license if we want. The better here in Nevada is for wait until your permament residnce card recived, and after apply for the id and driver licence because until you have a GC in your hand you recive the documents for just 1 yrs (4 yrs is the general).
What else can I tell you, the weather is like summertime in Hungary, the people are kind. Hopefully we will recive our sscrads within one week and after can work somewhere, because not too hard to find a work here if you are a legal resident:)
The all information is from Nevada, so if you choose other destination you should be informed by the local DMV and local SSA and local immigration offices.

Good luck zsofeeb to you!

It's good to hear news about you, Juicee! Keep us updated, we are curious!
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Hi Bukfenc,
we are not selectees neither. I can't urge enough time to be 1st May...
You can try to write in English, it is really not a problem if you gave mistakes. All of has started like you :)

I work in the area of Finance, I really don't know what would be my chances. Ususally there lot's of applicant to the open positions.

Bukfenc! Exactly, you should start writing in English, don`t worry about mistakes. We gonna understand you.
Hi zsofeeb,
how was your interview? :)

Hi guys, this is my story.

We had our interview yesterday morning at 8.00. We arrived to Embassy in London around 7.30. There was a long queue already. We were told to leave all our electric devices (car key, mobile, headphone, etc) at pharmacy nearby, it`s £3 for a bag. So we went through security check, and entered to the building. First we handed appointment letter to lady by the entrance, we got a number, then had to sit in hall and the waiting game has started. There was a huge screen showed videos about usa, and also showed the ticket numbers called to windows.
2.5 hour later our number were called, we went to the window. A lady asked our papers one by one, made a file for both of us with the forms sent to Kentucky and medical report, asked an extra photo (I`ve sent 2 pics to Kentucky CC. with my DS-230 form, but still needed one more), if you dont have a photo with you, there is a photo machine, you can take a photo for £5. Then we were asked to go to cashier, paid $330 each application fee (it was about £430 altogether), took receipt back to lady, and took our fingerprints. Once our big folder were completed she asked us to sit down again and wait. This was a bit long procedure, took about 30mins. After about another 30 mins our number were called again, it was the time to see the consul. He was a very calm, young man. He asked quite a lot of questions. He was curious about where and why we applied for diversity visa, what is my highest qualification, could I use this in US, how it is called in the US. Then he asked our finances, how we want to support ourselves - so we showed our statement, then he asked about the money. Asked if we have children, if we have a house or we rent. So he was very interested in how we would support ourselves. Then he told, that he will approve our visa, took our passports, but because we dont have american address yet he cannot put the visa in our passport right now, first I need to provide them a valid us address by email, where they can send our GC to after we enter to the country. Once they get this address by email, we gonna get the visa put in then they will be able to send the passports to our current address. Exciting. The interview took about 10 minutes. Then we had to pay for the courier, the cheapest option was £16.30. Anyway, our visa got approved, we are very happy. Only have to send to embassy our friend`s address in US asap, and that`s it, sit back and relax, waiting for our passports :D

Overall it took us about 3.5 hours from entering to the embassy till we left. Plus waiting in the queue and travelling. It is a very long and boring process, so you can take maybe a book with you, or food and drink or there is a little bar where you can buy a few staff if you`re hungry.

Congrats zsofeeb and Juicee! :)

For the 2014 applicants, there are 13 days left until the results.
And as the date comes closer and closer, it feels like the time flies slower and slower, but I'm very optimistic...:)
If I will be chosen, my target is California and the Silicon Valley! :)


Sziasztok :)

Azért szép, hogy itt folytatjátok a "meghalt" fórum helyett és remélem mindegyikünk megkapja idén a zöldkártyáját.

Az a hír járja, hogy ez az utolsó forduló, kinek mi a véleménye, hogy Sam bácsi bezárja kapuit ?

Ahhoz képest, hogy kb 10k magyar regisztrál a lottóra, sajnos elég kevesen vitatjuk meg a véleményünket.
Mindenkinek kellemes csalódást idénre :)


u.i. azért sem írok angolul, mert ez a magyarok helye :), legalább ebben tartsunk össze...
Az az oldal jól megszűnt... Szerintem sokan nem találnak ide, vagy eszükbe sem jut, hogy van ilyen fórum.
Mi is a sorsolásra várunk, meg 5 nap!

Szerintem nem szüntetik meg a programot, ha akarták volna, mar januárban megtehették volna. Náluk se hasit annyira a gazdaság, kell a fogyasztó...
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Biztos sokan furcsán néztek majd a kérdésem után. Ne higgyétek, hogy ennek egyszer már nem jártam utána, de az kb fél éve volt. Mindent lementettem ezzel kapcsolatban, de nem találom őket. Valószínű kitöröltem :S
Szóval a kérdésem: ha május elsején valami csoda folytán azt látom: HAS BEEN SELECTED... akkor mi a teendő a továbbiakban?
Valaki lépésről-lépésre ezt leírná nekem? És tényleg bocsi, biztos ti már kívülről fújjátok ezt. Nekem sajnos nem lenne időm most ez alatt a pár nap alatt a kisbabám mellett még egyszer összeszedni mindent. És már csak 5 nap!!! Hajrá mindenkinek!!!
Szia Bukfenc

Amennyire tudom, az "US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)"
el fogja küldeni neked, hoyg mit kell csinálni.

Igen már csak öt nap! Remélem összejön...egyenlőre még optimista vagyok, de azért van para.
Nekem Kalifornia a cél, és már munkám is lenne ott, ha a zöldkártya összejön. :)

Egyébként találtam egy cikket amiben arról írnak hogy van egy másik lottó is, ami viszont csak munkavállalói vízumot ad. Már kétszer posztoltam ide, de a postom mindig eltűnt valamiért.. :(
Keressetek rá a neten ha valakit érdekel:
"USCIS holds lottery to pick successful H-1B applications"


Köszönöm szépen! :) Reméljük majd küldenek infókat, mert akkor az azt jelenti, hogy mehetünk :) Mi is Kaliforniát néztük ki, mi itt voltunk 1 hónapot nyaralni, és egy rokon is van itt. Viszont meló az nincs :(( Hogy találtál? De jóóó neked :) Nekem és a férjemnek is olyan diplomája (szakmája van), ami nagyon hazai. Vagyis kint nem megyünk vele semmire :(