• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2013 Hungarian Selected Meeting Point


Registered Users (C)
So here we are:)
We have talked about moving, how can we bypassing the spams, which are really irritating. If you think it is a good forum to share our threads, experineces or just have a question about USA life do not hesitating write here....we can solve everything together, and the immigration forum members also can help us to find out the solution our questions:)

Please join If you want to member a diversity community and get in touch foreign strangers from all over the world!!!

Hát itt vagyunk:)
Már beszéltünk arról, hogy jó lenne költözni, kikerülni a sok spamet, amik egyre inkább zavarő hatással voltak ránk. Amennyiben úgy gondoljátok, hogy ez a fórum megfelelő arra, hogy megosszuk egymással a gondolatainkat, élményeinket vagy csak az amerikai életről vannak kérdéseitek ne hezitáljatok írni ide...
Együtt megoldunk mindent és az itteni fórum tagjai és tudnak segíteni a válaszaikkal a kérdéseinkre:)

Csatlakozztaok, ha szeretnétek egy DV közösség tagjai lenni és kapcsolatba épni a világ minden részéről emberekkel!!!

Hello! Én megjöttem! Remélem jönnek a többiek is! Itt legalább normálisan lehet majd eszmét cserélni :)
So we left the European thread, this means we are not European anymore? :)
Somehow, I feel it is tragicomicaly true...

Anyhow, state your name and CN Numbers! :)
First to report about his/her interview gets a virtual Tibi chocolate. :p
(Oh my, it's late, gotta go home... :) ).
So we left the European thread, this means we are not European anymore? :)
Somehow, I feel it is tragicomicaly true...

Anyhow, state your name and CN Numbers! :)
First to report about his/her interview gets a virtual Tibi chocolate. :p
(Oh my, it's late, gotta go home... :) ).

Welcome again hzss12:)

Nice to hear from you, are you excited about the interview??? I am sure few days and you will know when will be:):):)

Üdv az újonnan érkezőknek is:)
Mivel ez egy angol nyelvű fórum, magyar bejegyzésekkel nyugodtan mind a 2 nyelvet használjátok, azt gondolom bármilyen szinten is vagyunk megértjük majd és gyakorlásnak sem árt a későbbiekre nézve.

Sok sikert a már kihúzottaknak és a várakozóknak:)
Hi Niki!

OK, let's write in English! I apologise in advance for the grammatical and spelling errors :eek:
I ask all of U to correct me if I write something stupid! I want to learn and get better. Thanks!

Niki! I look after your blog every day... why don't U write :( ???

OK, let's write in English! I apologise in advance for the grammatical and spelling errors :eek:
I ask all of U to correct me if I write something stupid! I want to learn and get better. Thanks!

Niki! I look after your blog every day... why don't U write :( ???
Hi Niki! I also want to ask you why don't you write in your blog for example about Thanksgiving or Santa Claus:)

Littlebird: Don't worry about the grammar and written mistakes, I also make mistakes almost every thread:):):)

We are waiting for our interview date and the next month's cutt-off numbers.....Propably we will be in USA next March!!! Can not wait to be there, we have been 2 times this before and it was fantastic experinece!!!

Best of Luck guys!
Hi Everbody :)

Juicee, I have just updated my blog, and I wrote about holidays here in the states :) sorry the delay, though :)

Well Juicee, I wish best of luck to you!!!! I mean for the interview and all that! By the way, how many of you will come? And do you have any idea where you go, I mean here in the states? Any friends here? any relatives? if you have any questions please feel free to ask!!!

LittleBird, thanks a lot for reading my blog :) and sorry for beeing lazy lately :S Too many things going on here :D which is good, veeery good! :) But just updated my blog yesterday and will do it again one of these days as our son just started presschool! :)

bye now :)
Hi Nikolett!

Thank's for the questions:) So the real winner is my husband, unfortunately ther is nos relatives, no old friend in the USA, BUT there are a few hungarians and americans who try to help us:)
At the moment the final destination is Las Vegas, Nevada, we have heard a lot of good things about the state and the city, and once have been there. We will see what will happen, first we need an appointment to the embassy.

Best of Luck guys:)
Hi Juicee

So LV, NA, well we have been there, too, and we like the place pretty much! HOwever I dont know the situation in that city. So its you and your husby coming? no kids?
Las vegas is our destination too we have relatives there. I think that it is better to return to the european for those who are europeans but not hungarean:-Djust like me.
I have relatives in California, but the main decider will be where I can get a job. California would be nice though. :)
So LV, NA, well we have been there, too, and we like the place pretty much! HOwever I dont know the situation in that city. So its you and your husby coming? no kids?

Just 2 of us:) Just call me Judit, I am gonna edit my name If it is possible. we prefer to live closer to the ocean, but first time we do not want to risk, as i heard there are not many job opportunities near the coast:(
Good for you, Cali is amazing:) We had an adventure holiday there several years ago! Yes, the main question is where can we get a better job....That is the key for a new life:)

You can stay here with us, ok we are hungarians but we have no problems for the others at all:) If you want to write something just do it! By the way which is your country? Where are you come from?