• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2012 winners interview!!

Dear DV 2012 Winners,

First,We thank our ever faithful GOD for the successful completion of DV 2011 FISCAL YEAR.It started well and ended well.All glory be unto GOD in his holy name,AMEN.We now decree that same GOD that was with us throughout the year DV 2011 VISA LOTTERY will continue manifest his infinite power,mercy and favour unto ALL those successful WINNERS of DV 2012 VISA LOTTERY.You shall ALL succeed IJN,AMEN.

We implore all DV 2012 Lottery winners to continue to focus on GOD cos he his the only one that has power and can do what other pple think can't be done.HE IS OMNIPOTENT,OMNISCIENCE nd OMNIPRESENCE,ancient of days,alpha nd omega,the beginning nd the End.

GOD, we will continue to glorify your holy name till eternity nd from everlasting to everlasting,AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Praise GOD for successful DV 2011 FISCAL YEAR nd praise GOD for another successful DV 2012 FISCAL YEAR that has just arrived IJN,AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PEACE UNTO YOU ALL IN JESUS NAME,AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. jay how far? good to see u are everywhere helping out, know that for helping others selflessly, ur blessing is uncountable.
u are fine

How long is the validity of medical report in nigeria? can one obtain another police report if one stays 3 month after issuance of visa?
once u get ur visa, u dont have anything to do with the police report, u can stay for as long as u want but remember that after u collect ur visa, u only have six month to enter the US. good luck.
Our interview at London Embassy

Hi all

I've been reading the various threads on this forum for a while now and have found them really useful so I thought it was about time I contributed back by telling you about our interview experience.

Firstly it was my husband who was selected for DV2012, however me and our 3 kids all had to join him in the interview which was on the 26th October in London. I should just say here that we had already had our medical examinations on the 13th October, however, it was clear that the doctors report would not be ready for our interview (my husband and I have to undergo some more tests). We emailed the embassy and explained this to them and asked if we could reschedule. There reply was very clear, they said we should come for our interview as scheduled and that although we would be refused the visas intitally there would still be time to submit the missing documents (in our case the medical reports) and then they would look at our application again. Well we had to accept this as it didn't look like we had much choice so we just waited for the 26th to come around.

Our interview was for 8 am and we managed to arrive 5 minutes late but that didn't seem to matter as their was a queue outside the embassy anyway. Before we were able to join the queue a lady called us over and asked our names, she then checked her list and ticked off all our names then she asked us to join the queue. I didn't speak to anyone in the queue but I'm pretty sure not everyone queing up was there for a dv interview, alot of them looked like professionals so perhaps they were just being interviewed for a temporary work visa. We were the only family there. When our turn came we showed the security guard our passports and the interivew letter, he was happy with that and then directed us to enter the security booth. In there they asked us to take off belts and we had to put our bags in the boxes and only then walk through the barrier, everything went fine. We saw the lady in front of us being denied entrance to the embassy just because she had keys and her moible in her bag. There are specific embassy guidelines on the state.gov.uk which did state no keys and mobiles, luckily I had read these and we had left these things in our hotel (I actually did see the lady who was denied entrance in the embassy later on so she must have been able to sort it out). But it's probably best to read the guidlines so you won't suffer any delays. Finally we were allowed entrance to the embassy and were given our number and asked to sit in the waiting room and wait for our number to come up on the screen. It was a very large room and there were alot of people already there so we knew we were in for a long wait. We could see about 20or more windows with an officer behind each and people were being called to specific windows. There were no chairs at the windows so we assumed that the actual interview would probably be brief. Finally after about 1 1/2 hours we were called to window 1, the lady behind the counter wasn't american. She went through her checklist asked for the different paperwork one at time including the photocopies of everything. I don't know about other embassies around the world but we had already had a letter direct from the London embassy confirming our interview date and informing us we must bring 1 photocopy of each document we bring. So I had make photocopies of everything however I just forgot to make one photocopy of our marriage certificate which she was very unhappy with. She told us she didn't have time to photocopy anything and actually said that we needed to go out a find a place where we could get a photcopy, which I thought was totally unreasonable. She was actually quite a rude lady, but maybe it was down to her being pressured to get things done quickly, I don't know. Then she started asking for evidence of our finances, well I told her that we didn't have that information because it wasn't listed on the website and she said I was wrong and she had read it herself on the website, she then said how are you going to support yourselves in america because you're a big family. She didn't even let us answer, she just said we needed to go to another window and make the visa payment which we were happy to do just to get away from her! We made the payment and got the receipt and then we had to return to the original lady , we handed the reciept to her and it's only then I realised that wasn't actually the interview as she told us we had to sit down again and wait to be called for out interview! Another hour or so later our number was called and we went over to the window for our interview, actually if you can call it that it only lasted about 5 minutes and there was just 1 question! Firstly the lady interviewing us happened to be american and she was so lovely, so different to the first lady we had encountered. She asked us to swear an oath that we would answer all questions truthfully which we did. She then asked us to sign all the forms that we had sent to the KCC. Next she took our fingerprints, but not the kids. Her one and only question was why did we want to go to america, she asked it so casually that my husband answered equally casually and said that it was his dream and that he had always wanted to live there. Well she seemed happy with that. She then starting explaining that she could not process our application further that day as our medical reports were missing and also we had not provided an american address, however she said as long as they received the medical reports they would write to us and ask for our passports and an american address (I do have an address now but I didn't realise how important that was...luckily we do have some distant relatives over there!) This is pretty much what we were expecting so we were fine with that. I did ask her whether we should have provided evidence of our finances and she said no that it wasn't necessary, which I was relieved to hear. So that was almost 2 weeks ago and we are still waiting for our medical reports to be finished, but all in all I feel pretty good about the whole thing and I'm confident we will get the visas. I feel the next step will be the most difficult i.e going over there and trying to find a job!

Well that was our experience I hope I haven't bored you all!! Feel free to ask me any questions
Hi all

I've been reading the various threads on this forum for a while now and have found them really useful so I thought it was about time I contributed back by telling you about our interview experience.

Firstly it was my husband who was selected for DV2012, however me and our 3 kids all had to join him in the interview which was on the 26th October in London. I should just say here that we had already had our medical examinations on the 13th October, however, it was clear that the doctors report would not be ready for our interview (my husband and I have to undergo some more tests). We emailed the embassy and explained this to them and asked if we could reschedule. There reply was very clear, they said we should come for our interview as scheduled and that although we would be refused the visas intitally there would still be time to submit the missing documents (in our case the medical reports) and then they would look at our application again. Well we had to accept this as it didn't look like we had much choice so we just waited for the 26th to come around.

Our interview was for 8 am and we managed to arrive 5 minutes late but that didn't seem to matter as their was a queue outside the embassy anyway. Before we were able to join the queue a lady called us over and asked our names, she then checked her list and ticked off all our names then she asked us to join the queue. I didn't speak to anyone in the queue but I'm pretty sure not everyone queing up was there for a dv interview, alot of them looked like professionals so perhaps they were just being interviewed for a temporary work visa. We were the only family there. When our turn came we showed the security guard our passports and the interivew letter, he was happy with that and then directed us to enter the security booth. In there they asked us to take off belts and we had to put our bags in the boxes and only then walk through the barrier, everything went fine. We saw the lady in front of us being denied entrance to the embassy just because she had keys and her moible in her bag. There are specific embassy guidelines on the state.gov.uk which did state no keys and mobiles, luckily I had read these and we had left these things in our hotel (I actually did see the lady who was denied entrance in the embassy later on so she must have been able to sort it out). But it's probably best to read the guidlines so you won't suffer any delays. Finally we were allowed entrance to the embassy and were given our number and asked to sit in the waiting room and wait for our number to come up on the screen. It was a very large room and there were alot of people already there so we knew we were in for a long wait. We could see about 20or more windows with an officer behind each and people were being called to specific windows. There were no chairs at the windows so we assumed that the actual interview would probably be brief. Finally after about 1 1/2 hours we were called to window 1, the lady behind the counter wasn't american. She went through her checklist asked for the different paperwork one at time including the photocopies of everything. I don't know about other embassies around the world but we had already had a letter direct from the London embassy confirming our interview date and informing us we must bring 1 photocopy of each document we bring. So I had make photocopies of everything however I just forgot to make one photocopy of our marriage certificate which she was very unhappy with. She told us she didn't have time to photocopy anything and actually said that we needed to go out a find a place where we could get a photcopy, which I thought was totally unreasonable. She was actually quite a rude lady, but maybe it was down to her being pressured to get things done quickly, I don't know. Then she started asking for evidence of our finances, well I told her that we didn't have that information because it wasn't listed on the website and she said I was wrong and she had read it herself on the website, she then said how are you going to support yourselves in america because you're a big family. She didn't even let us answer, she just said we needed to go to another window and make the visa payment which we were happy to do just to get away from her! We made the payment and got the receipt and then we had to return to the original lady , we handed the reciept to her and it's only then I realised that wasn't actually the interview as she told us we had to sit down again and wait to be called for out interview! Another hour or so later our number was called and we went over to the window for our interview, actually if you can call it that it only lasted about 5 minutes and there was just 1 question! Firstly the lady interviewing us happened to be american and she was so lovely, so different to the first lady we had encountered. She asked us to swear an oath that we would answer all questions truthfully which we did. She then asked us to sign all the forms that we had sent to the KCC. Next she took our fingerprints, but not the kids. Her one and only question was why did we want to go to america, she asked it so casually that my husband answered equally casually and said that it was his dream and that he had always wanted to live there. Well she seemed happy with that. She then starting explaining that she could not process our application further that day as our medical reports were missing and also we had not provided an american address, however she said as long as they received the medical reports they would write to us and ask for our passports and an american address (I do have an address now but I didn't realise how important that was...luckily we do have some distant relatives over there!) This is pretty much what we were expecting so we were fine with that. I did ask her whether we should have provided evidence of our finances and she said no that it wasn't necessary, which I was relieved to hear. So that was almost 2 weeks ago and we are still waiting for our medical reports to be finished, but all in all I feel pretty good about the whole thing and I'm confident we will get the visas. I feel the next step will be the most difficult i.e going over there and trying to find a job!

Well that was our experience I hope I haven't bored you all!! Feel free to ask me any questions

Congratulations for a successful interview and a well detailed narration. I have no doubt your visa will be granted immediately your medicals are ready. Keep the faith.
Hi all

Well that was our experience I hope I haven't bored you all!! Feel free to ask me any questions

Thank you Nancy Ajram and congratulations! Very detailed explanation of your interview in London. Were you asked about an I-134 or affidavit of support?

It seems so random. Some people are told to return with bank statements, some people get asked to return with Affidavits of Support, some people are told they require additional evidence, some people get grilled really hard at the interview, and others experience none of those things.

It just seems it really depends on who you get and how they feel that particular morning.
Add the Email address that sends notifications to check the updates

Hi all
The Email address which is sending the Notification to check updates on your status
I think it's useful to add to your contacts to avoid receiving it in Junk mail
the Email is noreply@state.gov
Good luck to all
Thank you Nancy Ajram and congratulations! Very detailed explanation of your interview in London. Were you asked about an I-134 or affidavit of support?

It seems so random. Some people are told to return with bank statements, some people get asked to return with Affidavits of Support, some people are told they require additional evidence, some people get grilled really hard at the interview, and others experience none of those things.

It just seems it really depends on who you get and how they feel that particular morning.


no we weren't asked for an affidavit of support or an I-134 (I actually don't know what that is). All we did was look at the list of documents listed on the website and made sure we provided everything that was on that list.

We were suprised oursevles at how easy the interview was, we really thought we were going to get a grillling too.

For those of you who have interviews coming up good luck to you all.

no we weren't asked for an affidavit of support or an I-134 (I actually don't know what that is). All we did was look at the list of documents listed on the website and made sure we provided everything that was on that list.

We were suprised oursevles at how easy the interview was, we really thought we were going to get a grillling too.

For those of you who have interviews coming up good luck to you all.

Hi, and thank you for your reply.

I asked about the affidavit of support / I-134 because it is actually on the London Consulate website list: under the "Photograph" title and above "Translations." It says:

"Evidence of Support (Affidavit of Support): All applicants are required to establish that s/he will not become a public charge in the United States. Please note that this evidence must be less than one (1) year old when presented at the visa interview. Please follow this link for more information."

Anyway, once again congratulations on your successful visa interview and dodging that bullet so to speak!
Formally @Arekee,but now known as @Schoolboy

Just want to wish those going 4 thier interview this month,GOODLUCK 2 u all.
Thanks god >>> visa approved

Dear All
Let me share my interview experience :

>We arrived 30 mins before the scheduled time
Security check at external gate then proceed to reception window, exchanged our IDs with Visitor card containing Numbers, called to stand in a line per numbers
More restrict security check then proceed to the Embassy queue area, have no and wait

>>Proceed to the assigned window no 4 when our number shown
The officer was a young lady, asked for Documents in certain arrange >>Principal Applicant all documents Original and a copy, stamped the copies with lapels [Passport , Birth certificate, Marriage contract ,Assets , Education certificates , Experience certificate ,Military Record and Police clearance certificate ]
Then documents for my wife and again for the two boys
I had a new born after wining notification , to add him to the application they asked for DS230 and photos for him , I emailed KCC and Local Consular Section and got these instructions to accompany his documents to the Interview.
The officer lady was nice and friendly.

>>>She directed us to pay fees in Cashier window no 3, the fees were reduced, told with a smile from the officer.
Payed the fees and asked for receipt, Cashier told they will give with finger print taking, wait and they will cal by name.

>>>>Called my name to window no 7 , Another lady officer with another smile, please put your left then right 4 finger then 2 thumbs, then called my wife, I asked to be present to translate, the lady had no objection. Told to wait again for interview call by name.

>>>>>They called our name to proceed to window no 8 for the interview.
A third nice Lady officer with a smile : we received your documents and copies, we will return your originals now.
Please raise your right hand , I swear all documents and information here are true, We did
Sign the forms , we did
We will start the Interview :
-How long you have been married?
-How many children do you have?
-Is this your first marriage?
-What is your highest Education?where? Describe more? what is your major ?how many years?
-Have any relatives in the US?
-What is your current job? where are you working now?
-What are your plans if you have the visa?
She told that they were going to ask for affidavit of support but my Bank statement shows enough assets to support my family [about 30,000 USD]

With a nice smile, she told : Congratulations ,I will approve your visas, WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, I wish you a pleasant life in the US.
We will keep your passport to issue the visas , proceed to the DHL courier outside the Embassy and arrange for the delivery of your passports and landing packages, she gave 4 copies of our 4 passports with blue sticker on each and fees payment receipt. THANK YOU with wide smile from us this time loool

Outside the embassy, we exchanged the visitor card back for our IDs, Proceeded to the DHL courier. I gave the address and phone no.
All this was done in 90 minutes.
GOD , thank you , our dream became true
We went back home and celebrate yahooooooooooooooooo
I wish you all good luck

Dear All
Let me share my interview experience :

>We arrived 30 mins before the scheduled time
Security check at external gate then proceed to reception window, exchanged our IDs with Visitor card containing Numbers, called to stand in a line per numbers
More restrict security check then proceed to the Embassy queue area, have no and wait

>>Proceed to the assigned window no 4 when our number shown
The officer was a young lady, asked for Documents in certain arrange >>Principal Applicant all documents Original and a copy, stamped the copies with lapels [Passport , Birth certificate, Marriage contract ,Assets , Education certificates , Experience certificate ,Military Record and Police clearance certificate ]
Then documents for my wife and again for the two boys
I had a new born after wining notification , to add him to the application they asked for DS230 and photos for him , I emailed KCC and Local Consular Section and got these instructions to accompany his documents to the Interview.
The officer lady was nice and friendly.

>>>She directed us to pay fees in Cashier window no 3, the fees were reduced, told with a smile from the officer.
Payed the fees and asked for receipt, Cashier told they will give with finger print taking, wait and they will cal by name.

>>>>Called my name to window no 7 , Another lady officer with another smile, please put your left then right 4 finger then 2 thumbs, then called my wife, I asked to be present to translate, the lady had no objection. Told to wait again for interview call by name.

>>>>>They called our name to proceed to window no 8 for the interview.
A third nice Lady officer with a smile : we received your documents and copies, we will return your originals now.
Please raise your right hand , I swear all documents and information here are true, We did
Sign the forms , we did
We will start the Interview :
-How long you have been married?
-How many children do you have?
-Is this your first marriage?
-What is your highest Education?where? Describe more? what is your major ?how many years?
-Have any relatives in the US?
-What is your current job? where are you working now?
-What are your plans if you have the visa?
She told that they were going to ask for affidavit of support but my Bank statement shows enough assets to support my family [about 30,000 USD]

With a nice smile, she told : Congratulations ,I will approve your visas, WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, I wish you a pleasant life in the US.
We will keep your passport to issue the visas , proceed to the DHL courier outside the Embassy and arrange for the delivery of your passports and landing packages, she gave 4 copies of our 4 passports with blue sticker on each and fees payment receipt. THANK YOU with wide smile from us this time loool

Outside the embassy, we exchanged the visitor card back for our IDs, Proceeded to the DHL courier. I gave the address and phone no.
All this was done in 90 minutes.
GOD , thank you , our dream became true
We went back home and celebrate yahooooooooooooooooo
I wish you all good luck

Another success story!! The lord said "My strength is made perfect in your weakness". What a mighty God we serve
Dear All
Let me share my interview experience :

>We arrived 30 mins before the scheduled time
Security check at external gate then proceed to reception window, exchanged our IDs with Visitor card containing Numbers, called to stand in a line per numbers
More restrict security check then proceed to the Embassy queue area, have no and wait

>>Proceed to the assigned window no 4 when our number shown
The officer was a young lady, asked for Documents in certain arrange >>Principal Applicant all documents Original and a copy, stamped the copies with lapels [Passport , Birth certificate, Marriage contract ,Assets , Education certificates , Experience certificate ,Military Record and Police clearance certificate ]
Then documents for my wife and again for the two boys
I had a new born after wining notification , to add him to the application they asked for DS230 and photos for him , I emailed KCC and Local Consular Section and got these instructions to accompany his documents to the Interview.
The officer lady was nice and friendly.

>>>She directed us to pay fees in Cashier window no 3, the fees were reduced, told with a smile from the officer.
Payed the fees and asked for receipt, Cashier told they will give with finger print taking, wait and they will cal by name.

>>>>Called my name to window no 7 , Another lady officer with another smile, please put your left then right 4 finger then 2 thumbs, then called my wife, I asked to be present to translate, the lady had no objection. Told to wait again for interview call by name.

>>>>>They called our name to proceed to window no 8 for the interview.
A third nice Lady officer with a smile : we received your documents and copies, we will return your originals now.
Please raise your right hand , I swear all documents and information here are true, We did
Sign the forms , we did
We will start the Interview :
-How long you have been married?
-How many children do you have?
-Is this your first marriage?
-What is your highest Education?where? Describe more? what is your major ?how many years?
-Have any relatives in the US?
-What is your current job? where are you working now?
-What are your plans if you have the visa?
She told that they were going to ask for affidavit of support but my Bank statement shows enough assets to support my family [about 30,000 USD]

With a nice smile, she told : Congratulations ,I will approve your visas, WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, I wish you a pleasant life in the US.
We will keep your passport to issue the visas , proceed to the DHL courier outside the Embassy and arrange for the delivery of your passports and landing packages, she gave 4 copies of our 4 passports with blue sticker on each and fees payment receipt. THANK YOU with wide smile from us this time loool

Outside the embassy, we exchanged the visitor card back for our IDs, Proceeded to the DHL courier. I gave the address and phone no.
All this was done in 90 minutes.
GOD , thank you , our dream became true
We went back home and celebrate yahooooooooooooooooo
I wish you all good luck

Congrats! Which Embassy was this? And how much is the visa fees now on?

I am very happy for your success! Your children will love this place! I have quite a number of them n they love it here...both my boys n my girls!

Welcome to the USA!
Thanks for all congrats

Congrats! Which Embassy was this? And how much is the visa fees now on?

Many thanks for the good wishes
My interview was in US Embassy Kuwait, I'm from Egypt working in Kuwait.
The fees for all the family [Wife, 2 children and me] 1760 USD
The consular officer smiled while saying " Did you notice , the fees is less now, You are lucky "
I said yes , I was prepared for double of that.
Good luck all

Dear All
Let me share my interview experience :

>We arrived 30 mins before the scheduled time
Security check at external gate then proceed to reception window, exchanged our IDs with Visitor card containing Numbers, called to stand in a line per numbers
More restrict security check then proceed to the Embassy queue area, have no and wait

>>Proceed to the assigned window no 4 when our number shown
The officer was a young lady, asked for Documents in certain arrange >>Principal Applicant all documents Original and a copy, stamped the copies with lapels [Passport , Birth certificate, Marriage contract ,Assets , Education certificates , Experience certificate ,Military Record and Police clearance certificate ]
Then documents for my wife and again for the two boys
I had a new born after wining notification , to add him to the application they asked for DS230 and photos for him , I emailed KCC and Local Consular Section and got these instructions to accompany his documents to the Interview.
The officer lady was nice and friendly.

>>>She directed us to pay fees in Cashier window no 3, the fees were reduced, told with a smile from the officer.
Payed the fees and asked for receipt, Cashier told they will give with finger print taking, wait and they will cal by name.

>>>>Called my name to window no 7 , Another lady officer with another smile, please put your left then right 4 finger then 2 thumbs, then called my wife, I asked to be present to translate, the lady had no objection. Told to wait again for interview call by name.

>>>>>They called our name to proceed to window no 8 for the interview.
A third nice Lady officer with a smile : we received your documents and copies, we will return your originals now.
Please raise your right hand , I swear all documents and information here are true, We did
Sign the forms , we did
We will start the Interview :
-How long you have been married?
-How many children do you have?
-Is this your first marriage?
-What is your highest Education?where? Describe more? what is your major ?how many years?
-Have any relatives in the US?
-What is your current job? where are you working now?
-What are your plans if you have the visa?
She told that they were going to ask for affidavit of support but my Bank statement shows enough assets to support my family [about 30,000 USD]

With a nice smile, she told : Congratulations ,I will approve your visas, WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, I wish you a pleasant life in the US.
We will keep your passport to issue the visas , proceed to the DHL courier outside the Embassy and arrange for the delivery of your passports and landing packages, she gave 4 copies of our 4 passports with blue sticker on each and fees payment receipt. THANK YOU with wide smile from us this time loool

Outside the embassy, we exchanged the visitor card back for our IDs, Proceeded to the DHL courier. I gave the address and phone no.
All this was done in 90 minutes.
GOD , thank you , our dream became true
We went back home and celebrate yahooooooooooooooooo
I wish you all good luck

Congrats for your successful interview......this shows that Our God is a breakthrough God. Praise be his name.
However what are the new visa charges now?