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DV 2012 Applicants and Lucky Winners

all DV 2012 UNlucky winners join our facebook page

Join the facebook page "US Green Card Lottery DV-2012 - 22,000 winners can't be ignored" and show that you care ...
Join the facebook page "US Green Card Lottery DV-2012 - 22,000 winners can't be ignored" and show that you care ...

Sorry if you were one of those who initially won but the winners have to be ignored. First it's part of the law regarding the lottery that it must be random. The US government cannot violate it's own laws. Secondly it is not fair to everybody who lost. The people who won probably only one because of a computer glitch. It may not seem fair but it is also not fair to those who lost. The only fair way is to redraw the entire lottery.
The trauma of winning as glitch favors and takes away is not the same as not seeing that congratulatory message.At least they spare the 22,000 from the second draw.The beauty of US law is that u can sue, petition or at most say something.
asians in particular must be so frustrated concidering that they are among the ones with the lower chance of being selected...
Dv 2012 forum applicant

asians in particular must be so frustrated concidering that they are among the ones with the lower chance of being selected...

well another chances for us ,i believe we will be selected this time around i wonder when i applied with my wife and we have 2 chances ,one must be a WINNER BY FORCE
July 15, 2011 we will know who the DV 2012 Applicants and Lucky Winners are.

KCC is trying to butter us up.So if u get their message and have lost or destroyed your confirmation number, click on the retrieval link and you will have it back.However, if you e-mail address is dormant now or incorrect then, no second chance for the confirmation number and if you win in this second draw, you won't be able to know and that will be it.
Wats going on the result have been cancled. hw come?:confused:

It's on the official website. Apparently there was a glitch that caused a nonrandom selection (where 90% of the winners were selected from entrants during the first two days).
Oh, I just got the mail earlier this day, did not believe my eyes and decided to check the official page - and there it was! So I have new hope, I hope :)

Good luck, everyone!
What the hec somebody is waiting for 2007 results? Did that guy die and wake up today? Tolu my dear friend its 2011 and we playd for dv 2012!!!