Our Interview Experience.
It was scheduled for 24th May at 12. The only things we did on that day is bsacally left all our documents and paid the fee. We were told to come back on 26th at 6:30.
When we came at 6am, already found a long queue. After waiting a bit us and few more people ewre called to the waiting area next to the intervie window. As we were waiting, we could hear how other people were interviewed. The first one was a couple and I guess they got married after entering DV. They were asked the same questions separately. Such questions like: which side of the bed do you sleep, ur wife? where does you wifes mother live? when did you start sleeping together? when did your wife graduate? What did you have for breakfast? This couple was refused a visa, because according to the officer that did not know each other good enough. But from my point of view there was a small misunderstanding. The guy said they had for breakfast yam, office didn't get what is it, then he said irish potatoe. When his wife was asked the same question, she answered - arrow roots. So, basically it is the same thing, but I think the officer did not know what is it and just compared that answers sounded different. Plus the girl could not locate clearly on which side of the bed she sleeps. I think they were just a bit too nervous and that played its role.
Anyway, when we heard that, became so worried. Our case is the same - yes, we were living together from 2008, but got married only when my husband got the notification letter. We carried 4 huge photo albums and some other evidences of the true relationship, like insurance documents, where its indicating that i am his beneficiary, joint bank account, old passports showing that we travelled together for holidays, etc.
We were only asked few questions.
- How did you meet?
- Why did you come to kenya? (I am not kenyan, while my husband is)
- When did you start living together?
- When did you get married? - My husband said june instead of july

and I corrected him expecting that they wont forgive us such a mistake.

- What are you planning to do in US?
- Who is the host?
Suprisingly both of us were not feeling nervous and were talking freely to the officer and answering her questions confident.
After asking that, she said: "You can collect your visas at 2pm".
I was so surprised that the office really did not check the proof of our marriage and felt for my husband carrying that huge bag with albums everywhere

and asked her: "You wont even look at our pictures?"
She: "There is no need, I can easily see which couples are real".
That was it.
We saw few more people being interviewed on DV and the rest were singles, so they were really not asked many questions and all who were there got their visas.
All the best to everyone here!