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DV 2011 winners from Bangladesh


Registered Users (C)
All Bangladeshi people, please post here about your DV 2011 status. Even if you have received notification letter or not. Is there anybody who have received his/her first notification letter from Bangladesh? Please post here and reply about your experiences. All Bangladeshi citizens need to help each other by sharing their informations.
There are a lot of forums of different country. But there is no forum for Bangladesh, thats why i made this forum. But no Bangladeshi replying yet.!!! Why??? We need to share our opinions as others do!!! Please post your comments here, anything at all.....
Hi Amit,

Its a very nice initiative to open this forum. I have got the first letter but not yet submitted anything. I am bit confused about the next instruction as I am in USA right now. I am trying to figure out what should I do now. For those who are in outside of USA instructions are pretty clear. Is there anybody like me?

CN: 2011AS0001XXXX
Congratulation zahidal !!!! I am very happy to hear about your success. Don't be confused, read the instruction carefully. If you can't undertand, then get a lawyer. After looking at many threads, your CN seems to be very high. I don't know what does this high CN any way. LOOL.....Bro, when did you get your first letter dated and if you can tell me, which month in 2009 did you apply??
Hi Amit,

Its a very nice initiative to open this forum. I have got the first letter but not yet submitted anything. I am bit confused about the next instruction as I am in USA right now. I am trying to figure out what should I do now. For those who are in outside of USA instructions are pretty clear. Is there anybody like me?

CN: 2011AS0001XXXX

Did you get the letter in Bangladesh? Can I then assume that bengali people in Bangladesh will receive the letters from now on? I am asking because I applied DV Lottery for a close friend in Bangladesh (Sylhet), so I want to know, too when the first people will receive the NL.
Did you get the letter in Bangladesh? Can I then assume that bengali people in Bangladesh will receive the letters from now on? I am asking because I applied DV Lottery for a close friend in Bangladesh (Sylhet), so I want to know, too when the first people will receive the NL.

I think he got his first NL in USA.........so far, i have no news about anybody has received first NL in Bangladesh...... Hope to hear soon after 20 MAY 2010.
Just wait bro,
You will have lots of winner very soon in this forum. Don't worry I will help you to enrich your thread. Now smile--.

IV Applicant, next month will face interview in Dhaka US Embassy.

Good to hear bro.....i think NL's haven't reached Bangladesh yet. Still on the ship......lool
News News News ..................... Where are those good....good news????...........Anybody....any good news........
Not yet... hey, amit, what are you doing in Australia? How is life? Is it better than USA? Are there many bengalis?
Not yet... hey, amit, what are you doing in Australia? How is life? Is it better than USA? Are there many bengalis?

Doing job in here and also studying. I am Australian Permanent Resident, but I don't like Australia....life and things are very poor in here and it doesn't look like a 1st world country and people are (nothing to say) .....I even can't compare it with USA bcz it is s... . Yes, u can see a lot of bengalis in here....

Anyway, why it is taking too late for NL's to arrive!!!
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NO bro, have no clue. But I think yours one is fine 10000 serial. I think, you may expect to get your interview scheduled around FEB 2011.

Any idea about the max serial number (case number) from BD that got visa for 2010/2009?