• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 Lottery Winners From Ghana Meet Here

Amen, thanks a lot for your prayers and proclamation of victory!!! I will have my interview this week on Thursday... And I will definitely come back with a successful testimony. May God give us the wisdom to use those blessings he put upon us!

Hahahaha! I'm so excited, i laugh because i know ur success testimony/ experience, is a must for me to read. Just go and come back with ur success story in Jesus name. Goodluck.
@ sista_mai

Amen, thanks a lot for your prayers and proclamation of victory!!! I will have my interview this week on Thursday... And I will definitely come back with a successful testimony. May God give us the wisdom to use those blessings he put upon us!

hi sista_mai, all we wait for is your success story, come thursday 19th January2011. Gudluck and God bless!
May the LORD'S favor be upon those who will be going for interview this week. They'll have successful interviews and share good testimonies with us. May the Son of Man intercede for you that day. Amen! Peace! Benniit

I also say amen to ur prayer Benniit, even though my interview comes up next week
congrats akwasi, but you have not narrated your interview experience to us. i know by now you are too busy with your travel preparations, but kindly please take a few moments to tell us how it all went. infact, it is of great importance to us. fellow forumers, hope you agree with me ehh.
Job qualification

Barber is in zone three (3) with an SVP Range of (6.0 to < 7.0)
The code for Barbers is (39-5011.00)
Check here http://online.onetcenter.org/link/summary/39-5011.00

Thank very much for your concern, but following the steps you gave me concerning the job qualification, I log onto Onet, then I chose Find Occupation from there I also chose Personal care and services. so under the personal care and services there is barber. So please try my and tell me whether now my brother is qualified for the processing.
thank you
Thank very much for your concern, but following the steps you gave me concerning the job qualification, I log onto Onet, then I chose Find Occupation from there I also chose Personal care and services. so under the personal care and services there is barber. So please try my and tell me whether now my brother is qualified for the processing.
thank you
May the LORD'S favor be upon those who will be going for interview this week. They'll have successful interviews and share good testimonies with us. May the Son of Man intercede for you that day. Amen! Peace! Benniit

Amen n Amen to your wonderful prayer. thanks Benniit:)
Amen, thanks a lot for your prayers and proclamation of victory!!! I will have my interview this week on Thursday... And I will definitely come back with a successful testimony. May God give us the wisdom to use those blessings he put upon us!

sista_mai As for me I know you are already through by the grace of God. just there for ya visa ticket n it will be well. all the best again. with God, all things are possible
Thank very much for your concern, but following the steps you gave me concerning the job qualification, I log onto Onet, then I chose Find Occupation from there I also chose Personal care and services. so under the personal care and services there is barber. So please try my and tell me whether now my brother is qualified for the processing.
thank you

I think you misunderstood my comment. I gave you a link where you can find barbers. The issue is you have to find the job zone and range of barbers and compare it with the dv lottery requirements. The mere fact that barbers are listed on the O*NET thus not mean that your brother qualifies for the program. I quoted this sentence from the dv lottery instruction for 2012.

"To qualify for a DV on the basis of your work experience, you must have, within the past five years, two years of experience in an occupation that is designated as Job Zone 4 or 5, classified in a Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) range of 7.0 or higher."

Barbers are classified under Job Zone 3, which means it does not fulfil the requirements for the dv lottery. Maybe, you can choose to ignore this (if your brother does not qualify by education) and let him try his luck.
Hello Ammeck,
I have now understood you very well so thanks for your kindness and your time to explain all this to me. So what Should I do next, Should we get other job certificate for him? please help me because it is our only hope
Be updated! Be informed!

congrats akwasi, but you have not narrated your interview experience to us.
You need to be updated, Akwasi posted his experience long ago. Find it below
i know by now you are too busy with your travel preparations, but kindly please take a few moments to tell us how it all went. infact, it is of great importance to us. fellow forumers, hope you agree with me ehh.


Brethren, this is how things went at the embassy yesterday.

I was scheduled for 7:30am so i arrived at around half past six. I first went to the Akai Clinic to drop off my bag with one of the attendants since I would come
back later for my second hepatitis shot after the interview. I walked to the embassy from there and spoke to one security officer that i had an appointment at 7:30am. He
directed me to wait under the famous yankee tree where I found a handful of people also waiting there. The mood was sober, everyone clutching unto their documents with
dear life, some standing while others made themselves comfortable on some large stones. Shortly afterward we were signaled by an office to approach the entrance where we formed two queues,
immigrant and non immigrants supposedly. He inspected our appointment letters and led us to the security checkpoint where all documents were scanned and
electronic gadgets collected. I only had my documents so I didnt leave anything there. We were finally admitted into the embassy and forced our way through the heavy
bullet-proof glass door into the main hall.We sat for sometime before a guard came to call all DV winners to move outside to a spot where he directed.
There was about 14 of us including 3 couples. There we were greeted by three gentlemen. One of them stepped up to brief us about the eligibility criteria and some
does and don't which i believe every forum member is aware of now, thanks to this forum! Finally we were handed two sheets,yellow and white. On the white we
specified which criteria by which we choose to be eligible(education or work experience) and on the yellow we specified the number of people we would be making
payment for. After this we went back into the main hall where it was announced that anyone who wished to reschedule their appointment should move to a certain window.
Meanwhile, we formed a queue to pay for the visa fees. By this time people began to warm up to one another and we started casual conversations. I found out that
two gentlemen had actually not done their medicals because they said they didnt know about it at all.
It was now my turn to make payment and I had changed my cash to USD, $820 in total. The cashier took the cash and ostentatiously held each note up to the light to
check for fake notes. He spent an awfull lot of time on one particular $100 dollar bill and I was quite disturbed by this. after he was satisfied however he handed
me my receipt and i took my seat, the devil is a liar!! After we had all made payments we waited in turn to be called to submit our documents, then take fingerprints.
I submitted all the documents I listed in my earlier post but the lady gave me back the emails,BECE certificate and result slip, and the AOS. By this time, one of the
guys had already completed the process and was called for the interview with the CO. He returned after a moment with a blue slip and a big smile; he was to pick up the
visa the following Friday!!! I was called for the fingerprinting, which meant the next time would be to meet with the CO. Several others followed with the same
result and this was really comforting. I was eventually called to window 2 but it turns out I had to retake my fingerprints..I waited patiently and eventually I was
the last person to be called.

CO:Hi, how are you?
ME:very well thank you.
COo you swear that everything you're going to say is the truth?
CO:Sir have you been calling the US? (he was referring to the calls I made to KCC)
ME:yes i called a couple of times
CO:you can stop now
ME: [smiling] OK.
CO:are you married
CO:do you have children
CO:where do you work
CO:what is your job title
CO:so tell me what your job is about
ME:answer [at this point I thought I was being interviewed based on work experience so I was quite uncomfortable. I nearly asked him but I just kept my cool]
[he began flipping through my documents and he handed me my SSCE certificate and results slip]
CO:So I see you also have a degree
ME:yes, I have a degree in Electrical Engineering from KNUST
CO:what is volt and ampere?
CO:what is voltage?
CO:what is ohm?
[all this while he was typing at his keyboard. he picked up a blue slip and wrote on it whiles I held my breadth]
CO:please come back on friday with this slip and pick up your visa [he handed me the blue slip]
MEk thank you very much
COlease do not make any travel arrangements until you have received your passport. We sometimes have delays in processing the visas.
ME:alright thank you very much
COk goodluck.

guys that was it. cheers.

Make sure you're always in touch and informed @ the forum
Hello ALL,

Let us continue to focus on GOD cos he remains forever.He said he will make our dreams come true,AMEN.


My warm greetings to all the members in this forum. Congratulations to all those who have made it so far right up to the stage of settling down in America.Goodluck to us who were selected and still hoping to pass the final interview. To those who are still searching for the right job in American, i wish them all the best in that regard.
I just checked into a new address last week and have been thinking of informing KCC about it, but dont know if that will further delay the process of me getting an interview any time soon. I very much appreciate all of your sound advice on this issue.
Hello everyone,i found out dat the month on waec cert dont match the one i filled on my form for the month of completing s s s. I have contacted kcc to rectify dat mistake but have not get reply frm them. I want to ask whether this may delay my interview since i may be curent april,

Hello everyone,i found out dat the month on waec cert dont match the one i filled on my form for the month of completing s s s. I have contacted kcc to rectify dat mistake but have not get reply frm them. I want to ask whether this may delay my interview since i may be curent april,


i think you and i will probably be current in april and both have this issue of correction affecting our interview date. As you have read above mine is for change of address while yours is for the correction of form. I think the essential thing is that you have the certificate in that particular year even if you made mistake with the month on the form. On the other i will advice you to effect the change than that something goes wrong on your interview; like they say, better late than never. I am sure somebody in this forum would have a better solution to your question.
My warm greetings to all the members in this forum. Congratulations to all those who have made it so far right up to the stage of settling down in America.Goodluck to us who were selected and still hoping to pass the final interview. To those who are still searching for the right job in American, i wish them all the best in that regard.

Thanks, I wish you well in your preparation and interview.
I just checked into a new address last week and have been thinking of informing KCC about it, but dont know if that will further delay the process of me getting an interview any time soon. I very much appreciate all of your sound advice on this issue.

Send email to kcc and include the new address you want to use. Dont forget to include in the email your full name, date of birth and your case number. You have to do that before the next visa bulletin, since according to my estimation you will be current in April.