• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 Lottery Winners From Ghana Meet Here

CONGRATS & THANKS TO GOD for ur success.

Mike does it mean one has to do fotocopies of all documents?

Pls am a 2012 hopeful and posted a worry on the 2012 thread. See if u some advise for me.

Yes u need to present all originals as well as photocopies too
Great People

Good people,

Let me solemnly apologize for my long absence from the forum and
to take this opportunity to dish the good news out to good members of this forum
who have been keeping the forum ablaze.We have been issued DV 2011 Visas here in Germany, they got to us yesterday but due to the fact that no one was home to sign but a note was dropped for next day collection.
Today, my wife went for them with her heart palpitating like a rat Mole that had just finished a 100m race for less than 8seconds, beating the record of Maurice Green as I was on phone at the other end praying that thunder shouldnt disrupt the lines.
Then, she released the news "the visas are here, God Merci, Gott Danke" alongside the sealed envelopes not to be opened except by the immigration Officer at POE.

Some of you would still remember me but others wouldnt. When we got the 1st letter in our "briefkasten" Postbox, from KCC early May 2010 that my wife was selected for further processing, we were like perplexed and confused because we had even forgotten that something existed like the DV and didnt know where to go or turn to
and immediately our brians went to work without hessitation, started putting our computer skills into action by searching for forums that could have related issues,then, we stumbled on this beautiful,educative,helpful and very rewarding forum.
Here, I met people like Ammick09,Wendogg,Middle.com and a handfull of others who came to our rescue.
If I had the powers to hand out a red feather I would definitely love to hand one to Ammick09.
Bro, thank you so much for your relentless efforts and time sacrificed on this forum.
According to my understanding and your achievements you are a Senior Contributor. May our Lord God continue to open more doors for you.Amen.
Your assistance and expertize really helped cleared the doubts and unnecessary concern that I had nursed and also answered some questions that one would have fumbled on. Once more thank you.

So, my advice to those gearing for their interviews and especially those still waiting for their second letters is that prayer is the key and God will take control and success will be the outcome.
Thus, if there are any persons in Europe who may need some sort of advice depending on my German experience, I`m ready to assist or chip in an idea because the experience our brothers and sisters are going through in Africa is completely different from what we Africans in Europe go through,though this might slightly differ from one European Country to another.
I will subsequently add my signature for more information.

I left Takoradi for Accra about 7pm on wednesday 20th oct and got to Accra abt 9.30pm. i didnt sleep early cos i had to chat deep into the night with my brother. i slept around 1.30am and set my alarm to wake me up on 5am.

Before 5 am i was awake. Got to the embassy around 6.20am. I joined the other guys waiting under the tree till we were asked to queue around 7.15am. we were separated into Immigrant and Non-immigrant queues. we left our phones n other gagdets at the security and were inspected.

we went into the main hall around 7.45am. i noticed that they were so many immigrant applicants so i was quite scared i was going to spend so much time there.

i was called with the other DV applicants to window 2 where we were briefed and we were asked if we we were ready to proceed. we were 3 in number. After this i went to pay my $819 and returned the receipt and the other white paper to window 2. i was asked to sit down and later called back to submit all my documents. i gave her all my documents but she returned the the 2yrs tax returns and only took the latest year. Here i was asked if i had attached photocopies of all the documents which i hadn't done. i was nearly asked to go back n make photocopies before i proceeded but the lady changed her mind and acpted the documents. sat for a while and called back to window 2 for fingerprints.

i sat for a while and later heard my name mentioned to appear at window 5 for the interview proper. here was a nice looking white man

CO: can u testify that all your statements and documents are true?
stmyk: yes i do
CO: u sure?
stmyk: very sure
CO: are u married
stmyk: answer
CO: any kids
stmyk: answer
CO: wats your current occupation?
stmyk: answer
CO: wat does A do?
stmyk : A does .....
CO: how long have u worked in that role?
stmyk: answer
Co: do u have a degree in ....
stmyk : answer
CO: from ...
stmyk : answer
CO: wat are some of the classes u took at ...
stmyk: answer
CO: wat is de diff btn A n B?
stmyk: answer
CO: wat do u mine for
stmyk: answer
CO: u have qualified for the Dv visa come back next week wednesday for your visa. do not make any travel arrangements till then.
stmyk: thanks (smiles)

this is how my interview went

Congrats my brother, when I opened the dv-2011 thread, you were the first to respond and since then you have become part and parcel of this thread. All the time, money and efforts you have put into the dv process will not go in vain. Go next Wednesday to take your visa, and let us know when you will be coming to join us.
Good people,

Let me solemnly apologize for my long absence from the forum and
to take this opportunity to dish the good news out to good members of this forum
who have been keeping the forum ablaze.We have been issued DV 2011 Visas here in Germany, they got to us yesterday but due to the fact that no one was home to sign but a note was dropped for next day collection.
Today, my wife went for them with her heart palpitating like a rat Mole that had just finished a 100m race for less than 8seconds, beating the record of Maurice Green as I was on phone at the other end praying that thunder shouldnt disrupt the lines.
Then, she released the news "the visas are here, God Merci, Gott Danke" alongside the sealed envelopes not to be opened except by the immigration Officer at POE.

Some of you would still remember me but others wouldnt. When we got the 1st letter in our "briefkasten" Postbox, from KCC early May 2010 that my wife was selected for further processing, we were like perplexed and confused because we had even forgotten that something existed like the DV and didnt know where to go or turn to
and immediately our brians went to work without hessitation, started putting our computer skills into action by searching for forums that could have related issues,then, we stumbled on this beautiful,educative,helpful and very rewarding forum.
Here, I met people like Ammick09,Wendogg,Middle.com and a handfull of others who came to our rescue.
If I had the powers to hand out a red feather I would definitely love to hand one to Ammick09.
Bro, thank you so much for your relentless efforts and time sacrificed on this forum.
According to my understanding and your achievements you are a Senior Contributor. May our Lord God continue to open more doors for you.Amen.
Your assistance and expertize really helped cleared the doubts and unnecessary concern that I had nursed and also answered some questions that one would have fumbled on. Once more thank you.

So, my advice to those gearing for their interviews and especially those still waiting for their second letters is that prayer is the key and God will take control and success will be the outcome.
Thus, if there are any persons in Europe who may need some sort of advice depending on my German experience, I`m ready to assist or chip in an idea because the experience our brothers and sisters are going through in Africa is completely different from what we Africans in Europe go through,though this might slightly differ from one European Country to another.
I will subsequently add my signature for more information.


Njangah, your post has filled my heart with thankfulness and memories of the past. It's the Lord that has blessed us with our lives, wisdom and good health. So far as time will permit, some of us will continue to throng here every time to contribute and share our experiences.

Thank you for recognize my little contribution to your success, but I give all the thanks to the almighty God. Hope you will found favor from the Lord in all your endeavors.
Congrats my brother, when I opened the dv-2011 thread, you were the first to respond and since then you have become part and parcel of this thread. All the time, money and efforts you have put into the dv process will not go in vain. Go next Wednesday to take your visa, and let us know when you will be coming to join us.

Thank u bro. Your advice, well wishes, prayers have brought me this far and i'm so grateful. U nominated me to be the captain of this thread and i promised u i will neva disappoint u. Like the way u led we the DV 2011 so i will do for my fellow Dv 2011 winners and DV 2012 winners.
Prayer cordinator? That's great! We're all one people with one thought, worshipping one God and seeking one thing(visa). Folks from Naija I tell u, your story will not be diffèrent from the fresh triplets we have so far. God will surely hear your cries come next week, as we jointly put it into prayers. Peace! Benniit

Amen brother.
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I left Takoradi for Accra about 7pm on wednesday 20th oct and got to Accra abt 9.30pm. i didnt sleep early cos i had to chat deep into the night with my brother. i slept around 1.30am and set my alarm to wake me up on 5am.

Before 5 am i was awake. Got to the embassy around 6.20am. I joined the other guys waiting under the tree till we were asked to queue around 7.15am. we were separated into Immigrant and Non-immigrant queues. we left our phones n other gagdets at the security and were inspected.

we went into the main hall around 7.45am. i noticed that they were so many immigrant applicants so i was quite scared i was going to spend so much time there.

i was called with the other DV applicants to window 2 where we were briefed and we were asked if we we were ready to proceed. we were 3 in number. After this i went to pay my $819 and returned the receipt and the other white paper to window 2. i was asked to sit down and later called back to submit all my documents. i gave her all my documents but she returned the the 2yrs tax returns and only took the latest year. Here i was asked if i had attached photocopies of all the documents which i hadn't done. i was nearly asked to go back n make photocopies before i proceeded but the lady changed her mind and acpted the documents. sat for a while and called back to window 2 for fingerprints.

i sat for a while and later heard my name mentioned to appear at window 5 for the interview proper. here was a nice looking white man

CO: can u testify that all your statements and documents are true?
stmyk: yes i do
CO: u sure?
stmyk: very sure
CO: are u married
stmyk: answer
CO: any kids
stmyk: answer
CO: wats your current occupation?
stmyk: answer
CO: wat does A do?
stmyk : A does .....
CO: how long have u worked in that role?
stmyk: answer
Co: do u have a degree in ....
stmyk : answer
CO: from ...
stmyk : answer
CO: wat are some of the classes u took at ...
stmyk: answer
CO: wat is de diff btn A n B?
stmyk: answer
CO: wat do u mine for
stmyk: answer
CO: u have qualified for the Dv visa come back next week wednesday for your visa. do not make any travel arrangements till then.
stmyk: thanks (smiles)

this is how my interview went


Congratulations on ur successful interview.

May the good LORD continue doing same in our lifes on this forum so that we will all come here and testify to the goodnoess of God,AMEN.

Wishing all going pple going for interview in the month a successful interviews,AMEN!!!

Once again,CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!1
We can't wait to hear from our sister, Kyerewaa with the visa collection news. Thank you God! Peace! Benniit

I went to the embassy today as i said i would. I got there around 6.10am and some people were already gathered under the tress. I went with my 2yr old son so we just kept pacing to and fro till 7.20 when we were asked to form a queue.. Just as nsiah described, we were grouped according to our appointment letters and taken through thorough security check. We then waited for a while at an open place and then all immigrant applicants were asked to form a queue again where the first page of our appointment letters were taken. A lady behind me was also a dv winner and she was worried cos she had also received a call that her date had been rescheduled. I told her i lso had the same call so we shd go in and verify. We did go in,sat down and waited for a while before four of us were called to window one. It was then that i realised that the dv winners were only 4. Two of us had not received any call at all. Well.. I thought the lady behind the counter would ask why i had come cos i had been informed of my new date. Suprisingly,s he only asked if we were ready for the inerview and we al said yes.
We were given a form to fill to verify wether we are qualifying with education or proffession and then we had to pay the fee. I paid for my son and i,sent it back to the lady who also asked ffor all my documents. We then had to wait for a while.

I was called later to window 3 to take my finger prints then waited for aa while. After a while, i was called for the actual interview at window 5.

Co: Are u married?
Me: No
co: Never married at all? Not even customary?
Me: No
co: Typing..
Co: What work do u do?
Me: I teach.
Co: What do u teach?
Me: English.
Co: What aspects?
Me: Grammar, comprehension and composition.
Co: Looking through my certs... I can see u attended university and had a degree in english and history/
me: Yes
co: Ok. U qualify. However we need to be sure if your son is really sure so if u have any pixs.. He started to fill a certain form
luckily i took along my son"s baptism pixs..
Me: I have pixs here.. I gave to him
co: He went through nodding his head.. All is good.. He filled a blue sheet, gave to me and asked me to come on friday 22nd to collect my visa.

Look at what the lord has done.. If i had not gone there today... Im still in shock.. Who then made that call?

All the same, i thank god and thank you all for your prayers..

it is written, goodnews shall be heard in the tabernacle of the righteous. This goodnews will not seize in our mist. Congrat to nsaih, kyerewaa and st micheal and d Lord wil perfect what He has started.

We can't wait to hear from our sister, Kyerewaa with the visa collection news. Thank you God! Peace! Benniit

My dear people,
I went to the embassy in high spirits this morning to collect my visa but i didnt come home with it.
After waiting for so long at the fore - court,we were briefed by a black gentleman and ushered in to wait to be called to collect the visas.. 2hrs or so later,i was called to window 2 where a white gentleman apologised profusely for the delay in our visas(my son and i ). Thus,we were asked to go and come on 27th at 1pm to collect.
I must say,i really felt down-hearted then but now i am ok. I only have to wait for wednesday. Mick,this means that we will meet on that day o.. My fingers are still crossed my people..
My dear people,
I went to the embassy in high spirits this morning to collect my visa but i didnt come home with it.
After waiting for so long at the fore - court,we were briefed by a black gentleman and ushered in to wait to be called to collect the visas.. 2hrs or so later,i was called to window 2 where a white gentleman apologised profusely for the delay in our visas(my son and i ). Thus,we were asked to go and come on 27th at 1pm to collect.
I must say,i really felt down-hearted then but now i am ok. I only have to wait for wednesday. Mick,this means that we will meet on that day o.. My fingers are still crossed my people..

Don't worry my sis. what is yours is yours. God shall protect it until it is in your hands.
My dear people,
I went to the embassy in high spirits this morning to collect my visa but i didnt come home with it.
After waiting for so long at the fore - court,we were briefed by a black gentleman and ushered in to wait to be called to collect the visas.. 2hrs or so later,i was called to window 2 where a white gentleman apologised profusely for the delay in our visas(my son and i ). Thus,we were asked to go and come on 27th at 1pm to collect.
I must say,i really felt down-hearted then but now i am ok. I only have to wait for wednesday. Mick,this means that we will meet on that day o.. My fingers are still crossed my people..

Don't worry, my Dear. God's ways are mysterious. Who knows what would have happened shouId you have the visas today? This is the time we have to be much stronger in our prayers. It's already done that's why the gentleman apologized heavily to you. Will recall u in prayers. Peace! Benniit

I am writing to ask for your advise.
My husband is Kenyan, am Russian, we live in Kenya. He won DV-2011, CN number 40***. I just realized that when I was filling an application for him I indicated "High School, ne degree" assuming that it means that he doesnt have a university degree. Actually he has a high school certificate, few diplomas and doing his university degree now.
Please advise what should we expect? Will he be disqualified? Should we send an email to Kentucky? Or anything what you think.
Thank you in advance.
thank you so much really appreciated the fact that you remember us in your prayers. dont worry we are all coming back wit a success story we will all
rejoice 2gether it is well
my dear sis kyerewaa
it is well it is already a done deal i can assure you that by next wk thurday your visa will be ready just relax and trust in the lord peace

I am writing to ask for your advise.
My husband is Kenyan, am Russian, we live in Kenya. He won DV-2011, CN number 40***. I just realized that when I was filling an application for him I indicated "High School, ne degree" assuming that it means that he doesnt have a university degree. Actually he has a high school certificate, few diplomas and doing his university degree now.
Please advise what should we expect? Will he be disqualified? Should we send an email to Kentucky? Or anything what you think.
Thank you in advance.

Hi, you don't need to do anything, you just need a high school certificate to qualify for the program. Any added higher qualifications just makes your case strong. You need to carry with you those diplomas to your interview.
My dear people,
I went to the embassy in high spirits this morning to collect my visa but i didnt come home with it.
After waiting for so long at the fore - court,we were briefed by a black gentleman and ushered in to wait to be called to collect the visas.. 2hrs or so later,i was called to window 2 where a white gentleman apologised profusely for the delay in our visas(my son and i ). Thus,we were asked to go and come on 27th at 1pm to collect.
I must say,i really felt down-hearted then but now i am ok. I only have to wait for wednesday. Mick,this means that we will meet on that day o.. My fingers are still crossed my people..

Don't worry my sister, mine took 2 months to get the visa but I wasn't perturbed. Once it is yours, no matter what time it takes you will eventually receive it.