Dear Friends, please join me in giving thanks to God for a successful interview on 21 July 2011.
Forgive me for posting this late.
Kindly permit me to skip the security checks, payment of fees, etc.
After submitting my documents to window 1, I was called to window 2 to take my finger prints.
I waited for about 30 minutes after which my name was called to come to window 5.
I was interviewed by a white lady (CO)
My interview experience:
Me: good morning
CO: good morning
CO: Place your right thumb on the machine in front of you
Me: Done
CO: Do you swear that all your statements and documents are true
ME: Ans
CO: How old are you
Me: Ans
CO: Are you married?
Me: Ans
CO: You have never been married?
Me: Ans
CO: Not even customary marriage?
Me: Ans
CO: do u have any children
me: Ans
CO: When did you complete SSS?
Me: Ans
CO: What is your highest level of education?
Me: Ans
CO: When did you complete University?
Me: Ans
CO: Which school
Me: Ans
CO: What program did you pursue?
Me: Ans
CO: What are some of the courses you read?
Me: Which year?
CO : Final year
Me: Course A, B, C. etc
CO: Tell me about course C
Me: Ans
CO: Did you write a project
Me: Ans
CO: What was your project topic?
Me: Ans
CO: Tell me about
Me: Ans
CO: (Typing something on the computer) she paused and took out a blue sheet and started writing on it.
Me: Drew her attention to the fact that my host has changed her address
CO: Do you have the new address here
Me: I handed her the sheet with the new address
CO: Thank you. What is your relationship to your host?
Me: Ans
CO: She gave me the blue sheet that has the collection date and time and said “Do not make any travel arrangement until you have picked up your visa”.
Me: Thanks very much
I left the embassy at about 11:30 am.
Thanks so very much ammeck09 and all on this forum for your advice and guidance. May God richly bless you all.