• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.



I forgot to ask.. I live in Chicago but I'm originally from Morocco...
has anyone from Africa received the 1st NL ?
I knew you were joking. :)
Are you telling me that your wife is eligible to apply based on your eligibility, even though based on her native country she's ineligible? Wow, I never knew that either. Well, not that it makes any difference to me given that I don't have a husband (at least none that I can think of). :)
So France has about 60M people and they get about 800 NLs? Man, your odds are even worse than mine. :) I'm kidding, we'll totally beat those odds in about a couple of weeks. ;) I guess it also depends on how many people actually apply for it.
Anyhow, wishing you the best of luck. Keep me posted about your developments.

Yes spouses are eligible based on others eligible native country. Okay if you are not married maybe u want to pursue ur american dream by marrying an american guy ;)
In 2009 no of seats from France is about 600 something... so yea chances are slim. I wonder how many apply...KCC never discloses that by country.Although they say they select about 100,000 ppl for 50000 visas. I guess if i win I would forget coming to this forum :p Lets see where fate will take me. Good luck to you too.
Hi all it's my 1st time posting here :)

Congrats to the individuals who won much blessings to you all :)

I have been playing for a sibling of mine since 2006 with no luck so i got my fingers cross harder this year :)

Has anyone in here won from the Caribbean Region so far?

Hey spaz, there have been a few winners from the Caribbean. There's a thread on page two entitled ANY DV 2010 WINNERS FROM THE CARIBBEAN.

Where are you from? I'm from St. Kitts and Nevis.
Dear Spaz

I am from the caribbean region and has been trying for the 9th time, hope something happens for us from the caribbean this time around.

Hey paulineg. I'm still hoping too. There have been some winners already from the Caribbean...I just hope that there are more to come...I'd really like that letter.

I'm from St. Kitts and Nevis. Where are you from?

My wife is the applicant from South Africa and we received our NL today at our home in London UK.
I know this has been discussed before but can you advise me on finding out more about the likelihood of getting an interview based on our Case number before we get too excited?
Case No is 2010AF0004XXXX seems quite high but it looks like last year they processed approx 42000 (looking at the bulletin) around July so we might just get in...

Many thanks!
Form DS230 - do you have to use the ones received with the NL from KCC or can you download and print the latest ones? The ones that came with my NL have been superceded since. I read somewhere that you must use the ones that KCC send. What if you make a mistake while filling out the application?

Hey paulineg and rumboj001.. Glad to hear from another West Indian I'm From Dominica. i hope this year sheds light on you as well..Blessings
dang it :)
I received mail today, opened the post box. Oh it was a large white envelope just like the NL. Then I closed my eyes and grabbed the mail, opened my eyes back. It was University of Liverpool application form that I ordered a while ago :( It was looking just like KCC NL :)
hi i've got the NL of DV 2010 But got confused about few things . plz help me out solving these......

1.I'm single and received the white envelope on my name and I'm not residing in the USA.
so should I feel up only form DS -230 part1& 2 or both DS-230 and DSP-122?

2.I'm single and got the letter on my name so I've to feel-up a single copy of the forms (i e: only for me) or every members of my family(i e: 1 copy each for my mother,father & brother)?

3. Should I feel-up the forms by hand writing or I have to print the answers of each questions and then only put the signature by my hand?

4.should I send only my photo or each member of my family?

Please help me out brothers coz I've very little idea about the forms & English .And I'm staying in some part of the earth where I'll have none to help me. so please help.please write to :
dang it :)
I received mail today, opened the post box. Oh it was a large white envelope just like the NL. Then I closed my eyes and grabbed the mail, opened my eyes back. It was University of Liverpool application form that I ordered a while ago :( It was looking just like KCC NL :)

Oh eMachine I can't tell you how much I sympathize with you! When will they finally 'reopen' the official DV site?! :) This is torture!
Btw, I'm sure you've posted it before but where are you supposed to receive your NL?
dang it :)
I received mail today, opened the post box. Oh it was a large white envelope just like the NL. Then I closed my eyes and grabbed the mail, opened my eyes back. It was University of Liverpool application form that I ordered a while ago :( It was looking just like KCC NL :)

How do you know what KCC NL looks like?
Fill all the forms KCC sent you follow, their instuctions closely! you will have nothing to lose. when u applied for the DV lottery, you were suppose to put in pictures for all members of your immediate family. In your instruction packet, if it says send a photo of you and all immediate family you should go ahead and do that; unless it says that the princple applicant (only you) should send the photo.

IMMEDIATE FAMILY: your wife, son, daughter not your brother, and mom-no.

make extra copies of the forms, and fill one out in pencil. when the information is correct and complete in pencil, take a pen and fill in another copy in black ink. and mail it out ASAP, also send the visa fee, ASAP.


hi i've got the NL of DV 2010 But got confused about few things . plz help me out solving these......

1.I'm single and received the white envelope on my name and I'm not residing in the USA.
so should I feel up only form DS -230 part1& 2 or both DS-230 and DSP-122?

2.I'm single and got the letter on my name so I've to feel-up a single copy of the forms (i e: only for me) or every members of my family(i e: 1 copy each for my mother,father & brother)?

3. Should I feel-up the forms by hand writing or I have to print the answers of each questions and then only put the signature by my hand?

4.should I send only my photo or each member of my family?

Please help me out brothers coz I've very little idea about the forms & English .And I'm staying in some part of the earth where I'll have none to help me. so please help.please write to :
sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me

sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me

Sorry everyone, I know it's not the subject here but I need your help with this phrase. Can anyone tell me what does it mean? ASAP,pls...
sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me

Sorry everyone, I know it's not the subject here but I need your help with this phrase. Can anyone tell me what does it mean? ASAP,pls...

Wow, c_deniz, talk about off topic! :)
Anyhow, see below (courtesy of thefreedictionary.com).

sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me

You do not hurt me by calling me names.
(A reply to someone who has called you names. Primarily used by children; sounds childish when used by adults.)
Brother: You're stupid and mean, and everybody hates you!
Sister: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.