• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.


Congats to everyone! Count down has been started by info above! Now, we should expect our NL's in a very short time (1-2 weeks approx)! Thax ProudT that u found that info out!
Ok it is official :) Europe is out. Two NLs received on US addresses. One is for Ukraine. Case number 2010EU000001XX

My Friends,
I Think Asian's NLs were out before BUT As I said before because we are very little number of people here in this forum, we didn't hear anything about that by now!
Ok, guys. So much for the name calling and whatever other stuff you might want to call each other. But that should be sufficient from now on.

Let's try to get along together, please.- :)
This was the second time I entered the lottery - two years in a row, and I'm from Australia but living in the US for 9 years. I was already filing through my employer but entered the lottery just in case! I got my green card 4 months ago and I wish I didnt! now I have to stay at the company for a full year otherwise pay $10,000 for all the expenses. I have been working as a slave in the same company for 4 and half years under H1b, I'm so ready to move to a new company but can't:( If I knew I would win, I could move on immediately without any debts tp my employer.

My case number is OC000001XX
Dated April 8
Mailed April 17
Received April 20

Good luck to you all!

Hi, I'am sorry for you brother, it just one year and you'll be free. Don't lose your faith.
What the hell are you talking about? I never said that. You're confusing my reply with someone else's.

My apologies E59th, it was originally eMachine who said it. :eek:
I'm also finished with this topic.

No one in South Africa has won yet either???
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My apologies E59th, it was originally eMachine who said it. :eek:
I'm also finished with this topic.

No one in South Africa has won yet either???

Don't sweat, I think we all had our say. Now let's get back to us all winning the lottery!
Looks like NL's have slowed down since last week. We have not heard people receiving these. Hopefully this week and next should be good.

Keep your fingers crossed.

I'm sure some people received but very excited and stuff. They may not be able to find our forum page or internet friendly :)
Helo I just saw some1 from europe won,check the 2010 winners forum from europe for more information.
Thank you.
I have not heard anybody from Asia so far. I have also opened a new thread for Asia but have found none. Lets keep our fingers crossed

recieved my NL TODAY APRIL 23RD



My Friend,
Could you please tell us where did you receive your NL? inside US? if yes which state? and what is the range of your case number?;)
recieved my NL TODAY APRIL 23RD



Congratulations!! Wow, 11 years later - you see, perserverance paid off in the end, that is awesome! :):)
I would like to find out, should the main applicant sign DS-230 part 1 for child who cannot sign the form?
Hi all,

Finally after 10 years of applying for the lottery. I have a NL. Super excited, but a little worried that my number will not come up.

I received letter PM April 17.
My NL number is OC000011xx

I checked the Visa Bulletin and they are at 930 for June, so it looks like I may be scraping it in if it follows the same pattern as DV2009. I guess all I can do is wait and see. Any advice anyone?

I'm an Aussie currently living in the US.

Good luck to all else who are still waiting.
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Please, no religious stuff or trying to convert people to Christianity or any other religion. That's a whole other forum. I think it's offensive to act like non-believers are a lost cause.

E59th, you had better get use to all this God babble. At times last year I actually was freaked out over some of the God related posts that people were putting up on this forum. It always seems to be the people from Nigeria too. Stay well clear of their threds, all they do is ramble on about god and gods will and all sorts of wacky weird god stuff. I personally found it very offensive. People should keep the god stuff to a minimum. While the USA is a religious country, it is also extremely policticaly correct, as such you never hear any of these god obsessed statements from people over here, as uttering them can offend other religious beliefs. People keep there religious beliefs personal and so should they on a public fourm like this. Glad to see I was not the only person to be sick listing to the God stuff, at times I'd swear they are doing a cut and paste from some sort of on-line bible. :)