• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.


I am from istanbul.I got my NL yesterday.This was my first experience about applying greencard.I was shocked when I saw the envelope into my mail box.if you wanna ask me about anything,feel free and don't hesitate to ask any questions.

Fishy :mad:
I am from istanbul.I got my NL yesterday.This was my first experience about applying greencard.I was shocked when I saw the envelope into my mail box.if you wanna ask me about anything,feel free and don't hesitate to ask any questions.

Well, there a every year some faks around. Can you proof it with a scan/picture of the letter?
i have a question...

I know its lottery, but do they first give the NL to those who are already in the country, under another type of visa, in order to AOS? I am asking this because it looks like there are not many of us actually outside the US (in our own countries and waiting for the NL) getting it...

and btw, I'm in Portugal, this is my second year trying :)
We are all waiting now.;) Do you know how they will publish winners in website? I mean will they release names in their official website (http://dvlottery.state.gov)? OR they will use another site for this purpose.

I think the Official site is not up to date at all. as you can see this website works only 2 month in each year But they can easily publish hot news there. Like: when the result will be out OR which date computer choose the winners , ...!!! :cool:
They have not mailed anything until April :)
so anything you heard for now is just bogus.
don't be upset yet ! ok
DV 2010 AFrica winner

Any one luck with DV 2010 results..Did u receive NL...I am eager waiting for this letter...I played 10 times since 1998,never win..may be this time..when do results wikll
Call KCC !!!

Call to Kentucky Consular Center ( where the NL came from ! )
Tell: (606) 526-7500

Ask them about DV2010 result. I already called them they said the first NL will be out in early April.

If you want to know for accurate information about this please try to call them. they are so polite. They will tell you more about that.
If anyone is going to call KCC can you please ask them if they will post the results on the internet before the announced date which is July 1st.
Anybody did a call to KCC? What did they say?

You are just unnecessarily stressed out !!, just hang on a while, they will release the results. But I do not think it will available right away online. Ppl who answer KCC phone line are just reps who do not have access to higher level decisions, but they will be polite !
How come you guys after 10 years didn't get any luck?
What's your countries, if i may ask?