• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 winner from Indonesia please join here =)


Congratulations to all of you.. it's great to see many Indonesian won DV2010. I was a DV2009 winner and got my GC. Good luck!
Hi benz.leo, do you know whether age is an obstacle that I need to be worry about? I ask this because I am over 40 and I don't think there is a person who join this forum from previous years as old as mine.

Hi All,

Congrats to all of you! My wife is also one of the selected winner for the DV 2010. We are still waiting for the 2nd NL. Our case number is 47XX, we are currently in Jakarta so either way we are going to go through CP. Im still wondering if I should email or call KCC for the interview date or the 2nd NL. What do you guys think?


Hi Robert,
Based on the discussion in this forum above; I would say yes, you should call / email KCC because your number will be current next month right?
Hi benz.leo, do you know whether age is an obstacle that I need to be worry about? I ask this because I am over 40 and I don't think there is a person who join this forum from previous years as old as mine.


Pake bhs indo aja deh, sesama indo kok haha.. kalo menurut gua sih harusnya umur gak jadi masalah.. menurut gua yang paling penting itu lu bisa meyakinkan petugas embassy kalo lu bisa sanggup hidup di us dan gak jadi tanggungan negara.. selama lu masih umur produktif harusnya sih gak jadi masalah.. terus ada pengalaman kerja/skill/pendidikan yang lumayan jadi bisa cari kerja di us.. terus ada asset/tabungan buat hidup selama belum ada kerjaan.. dan tentu saja gak ada catatan kriminal dan gak ada penyakit yang perlu biaya mahal buat pengobatan..
Hi All,
It's been a while... i just wanted to say hi and wonders how are you guys doin... =)

Hi all,
Saya baru di forum ini, istri saya adalah dv 2010 winner, CN 29xxx, cukup jelek kali ya ..
trims teman2 yang mau share pengalamannya dalam forum ini, sekarang kita msh tunggu surat kedua, gak tau bisanya kapan, ato tdk dipanggil lagi...
Welcome H.Huang... I hope we all get the GC from the DV2010 :)
Kalo berdasarkan tahun lalu sich, semua continent dapet current except for Africa... moga" aja DV2010 seperti itu ;)
Help please

Mistake please help
can anyone help me, I just realized I made a mistake in my 230 form, the point asking the nationality, I put NA, am i disqualified?My number was pretty low 3xxx and it is 1 November I got nothing yet. is there any hope?
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Welcome H.Huang... I hope we all get the GC from the DV2010 :)
Kalo berdasarkan tahun lalu sich, semua continent dapet current except for Africa... moga" aja DV2010 seperti itu ;)

Thanks st_Kusuma, yes we all hope so and may God help us...sorry aku gak ngerti yg dimaksud "current" ? tolong bisa jelasin . thx .
Thanks st_kusuma, yes we all hope the best... and may God help us too.
ngomomg2 aku tidak ngerti apa yg di maksud "Current", bisa tolong jelasin . thx.
Mereka memprocess DV dari nomer yg paling kecil, lalu ke nomer yg besar. Setiap bulan, mereka ada limit sampe nomer brp dikerjain nya per continent (bisa dilihat di visa bulletin). Bila nomer nya "current", berarti semua yg di continent tersebut akan di process. I hope this help.
Mistake please help
can anyone help me, I just realized I made a mistake in my 230 form, the point asking the nationality, I put NA, am i disqualified?My number was pretty low 3xxx and it is 1 November I got nothing yet. is there any hope?
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I would suggest you to email them and ask for you second NL. Btw, have you try to fix this by sending them a correction?
Mereka memprocess DV dari nomer yg paling kecil, lalu ke nomer yg besar. Setiap bulan, mereka ada limit sampe nomer brp dikerjain nya per continent (bisa dilihat di visa bulletin). Bila nomer nya "current", berarti semua yg di continent tersebut akan di process. I hope this help.

Thanks,penyelasannya..di visa bulletin yg aku lihat, utk Dec. 8250, jadi yg diproses adalah CN dibawah nomor tsb.apakah setiap bulan semua CN dipanggil atau cuma yg lolos seleksi yg dipanggil ?dan kira2 kapan bisa "current"?sorry kalo aku tanya terlalu banyak, maklum awam dlm hal ini...hehehe
Hi all,

I've been very busy lately, didn't have time to check this site. Last week I sent an email to KCDV, asking them about my interview date and whether they have sent me the 2nd NL. They told me my interview date is Dec, 1, 2009 and that the NL was sent on Oct, 15 and I got it yesterday. Wish me luck everybody.....
Mistake please help
can anyone help me, I just realized I made a mistake in my 230 form, the point asking the nationality, I put NA, am i disqualified?My number was pretty low 3xxx and it is 1 November I got nothing yet. is there any hope?
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Hi Amanda, my number is also 3XXX and I got my 2nd NL yesterday. Better send them an e-mail and ask them for your interview date. Good luck.

Hi fellow DV2010 winner,

You can call KCC at telephone number 606-526-7500 and they will give you the date of your interview. I called them on Tuesday and they told me that my interview is scheduled for 5th October 2010. My case number is 2010-SA000001XX so I knew that I will be called for an interview on October.
Hi Invest,

How are you? Did you get the GC? How's your interview's going? Would you mind sharing it with us? Thanks a lot.
have you start gathering the letter from the police? If yes, could you tell us how to get one?

Akhirnya mengurus SKCK (police clearance) di Bandung.

Pakai bah Indonesia saja ya, banyak istilah :)
1. Ke ketua RT, bawa 1 fotokopi KTP dan 1 fotokopi Kartu Keluarga, yang asli juga dibawa untuk dilihat keaslian fotokopinya. Dapat surat pengantar ke RW. Gratis.

2.Ke ketua RW, bawa 1 fotokopi KTP, 1 fotokopi Kartu Keluarga, 1 fotokopi akte kelahiran, yang asli juga dibawa untuk dilihat keaslian fotokopinya. Dapat surat pengantar ke kelurahan. Gratis.

3. Ke kelurahan, bawa 1 fotokopi KTP, 1 fotokopi Kartu Keluarga, 1 fotokopi akte kelahiran, yang asli juga dibawa untuk dilihat keaslian fotokopinya. Dapat surat pengantar ke kecamatan. Biaya Rp.10.000.

4. Ke kecamatan, bawa 1 fotokopi KTP, 1 fotokopi Kartu Keluarga, 1 fotokopi akte kelahiran, yang asli juga dibawa untuk dilihat keaslian fotokopinya. Dapat surat pengantar ke polsek. Biaya Rp. 5.000.

5. Bikin kartu sidik jari. Saya bikin di kantor polisi di Jl. Jawa. Bawa surat dari kecamatan, 2 pasfoto ukuran 4x6 dan 1 pasfoto ukuran 3x4. Sebelum diambil sidik jari, harus isi formulir dulu di sana. Setelah sidik jari diperiksa, rumus sidik jari ditulis di surat dari kecamatan. Surat kecamatan yang sudah ada rumus sidik jarinya lalu dibawa ke polsek kecamatan. Gratis. Polisi di sana sangat membantu dan ramah.

6. Ke Polsek kecamatan, bawa surat dari kecamatan, 1 fotokopi KTP, 1 fotokopi Kartu Keluarga, 1 fotokopi akte kelahiran dan 3 pasfoto ukuran 4x6. Dapat SKCK polsek. Gratis. Pastikan di SKCK polsek ada rumus sidik jari, jika tidak ada, minta mereka tuliskan di situ. Dalam kasus saya, surat kecamatan dikembalikan, jadi bisa saya bawa ke polda.

7. Ke Polda Jabar, Jl. Soekarno-Hatta 748. Bawa surat dari polsek, 1 fotokopi KTP, 1 fotokopi Kartu Keluarga, 1 fotokopi akte kelahiran, 1 fotokopi paspor dan 2 pasfoto ukuran 4x6, 1 pasfoto 3x4. Isi formulir. Dapat SKCK utk dibawa ke Mabes. Gratis.

Semua proses berlangsung cepat.
Thanks,penyelasannya..di visa bulletin yg aku lihat, utk Dec. 8250, jadi yg diproses adalah CN dibawah nomor tsb.apakah setiap bulan semua CN dipanggil atau cuma yg lolos seleksi yg dipanggil ?dan kira2 kapan bisa "current"?sorry kalo aku tanya terlalu banyak, maklum awam dlm hal ini...hehehe

kalo semua paperworknya ok, mereka process yg dibawah nomer tsb ... current nya kapan sich saya kurang tahu, soalnya yg tahun lalu sama tahun ini juga berbeda... tahun lalu sich sekitar juni...