• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 Lucky winners from Nigeria meet HERE!

congrats on your successful interview. please i would like to ask u something.when the CO ask for the reason y u got married so early and u said its a personal thing.hope u weren't scared that answer could be a barrier?
i am also married like u are.so i will love to get much info from u about how it all went.congrats once again

well i wasn't scared, and its your composure that would determine if you are telling the truth,i suggest that if they insist further,you should just give them a tip,i m sure they ll change the topic.....they are humans u know?
i think its all about mind works, you against them....be composed.
best of luck...
please i would want the house to stop this idea that the chinese lady is very friendly or any specific person in the house,i think the arab guy is also cool,do u know someone brought a fake school cert for the interview(dv),he caught the guy but still gave him and begged him never to do this in the u.s before destroying it?
the others too were really nice,i think they are only doing there job and its your composure that would determine alot.
please i would want the house to stop this idea that the chinese lady is very friendly or any specific person in the house,i think the arab guy is also cool,do u know someone brought a fake school cert for the interview(dv),he caught the guy but still gave him and begged him never to do this in the u.s before destroying it?
the others too were really nice,i think they are only doing there job and its your composure that would determine alot.

@ Tay... Yea, that was the guy I meant, the Arab young guy, he's very nice
Congratulations to TAY... Very happy for you and your family, I am really feeling great the way success stories are coming in, am sure we still have more members going for interview before the month runs out, I wish you all the best...

House, i cant stop laughing over Danje's reaction. Thanks to Tay who gave us the gist, @Bammyrichie dont mind Danje, he is such a funny character. it is only normal to be curious but Danje's case here qualify him as he was nominated ( Most Nervous), one of d very reasons y i am so happy for him. CONGRATULATIONS TO TAY, THANKS FOR THE DETAILS. THIS IS SURELY GONNA BE A GREAT XMAS. WE LUK FORWARD TO MORE SUCCESS STORIES.

i must say i was very nervous, i think due to what i used to hear abt visa denials at d American embassy, tho apart from Dv Cases with high approval rates. Anywayz, Petit, Bammy & Tay-14, is that y u shud Award me Most Nervous-----if i catch u guyz eehn.lol...........its all good.
Hi guys!
I am new to these forums, but I have been reading them and going through everything and i found them to be very usefule. Thanks for everything so far. I have recently applied as well for 2011, I think, I am not quite sure how this works . Fow now, I need support from my fellow somali entrants and winners if there are any on here.
though someone has said it does not matter, however, I want to tell u what I did when I found myself in a similar situation;
I had Chuks in all my docs but my birth certificate bears Chukwuka-which is the full name. What I did was to go to NPC (National Population Commission) for a new birth certificate, since we didn't want to take CHANCES.
So decide what u want, ok.
Good luck.


Glad you guys are watching over us and chipping in where necessary.

Praise be to the Lord our God who crowns us in victory
I woke up around 4:15 am yesterday and started to prepare. I left the house at 5am. I chartered a taxi to the embassy. At 5:28 am I got to the embassy, at the embassy I realized one man had been there earlier before me. I approached the main gate of the embassy and asked the security man where to wait, he told me the embassy opens at 7:30am and that I should wait under the trees that were about 100 metres from the embassy. I went back to wait under the trees, back at the trees I saw the man who had come earlier before me, I was wondering at what time he might have come to the embassy, anyway I never made any attempts to speak with him. In about 15 minutes a taxi pulled by, in it was a family of 5, two boys and a girl with their parents, at that moment I guessed they were also coming for an immigrant visa interview. I was praying to myself for the clock to tick faster, at that moment I regretted for being at the embassy so early. After 6 am a lot of people started trooping in.

At 7:35 am one of the embassy guards opened the gates to the entrance, everyone started walking towards the gate even though we hadn’t been called, I decided to follow the crowd and walk with them to the gate. At the gate the security guard told us to go back and that they would call us when they were ready, no one really wanted to go back as we kept standing by the gate. Another security man inside the embassy came out and told the security man with us not to attend to us if we were not willing to go back. I realized the reason why people were unwilling to go back was because everyone wanted to be first to enter the embassy, after about 7 minutes the 2 security guards came outside. One mentioned that all those with the green cards should come forward. I stepped forward only to be told by one of the security guards that he was not referring to immigrant visa applicants, later I got to know that those with the green cards were supposed to be interviewed last week Friday but due to certain reasons were not interviewed, they were given those green cards just to enable them gain first entry to the embassy. Next we were told to form 2 queues, Immigrant cases to the left and non-immigrant cases to the right. I was the first in the queue of the Immigrant cases. The man I came to meet at the embassy was standing besides me. He walked over to talk to one of the security guards. I realized he was an American citizen because he had an American passport, all I heard the security man tell him was services for American citizens start at 8:30am. We were asked to bring out our appointment letters. They would look at the name on the letter and check their sheet to see whether or not you have an appointment. I was inspected by one of the security guards and told to enter. I entered into a room where my phone was collected and kept at a secured place and I was given a number. I was asked to show the number on my way out and claim back my phone. I passed through a metal detector to make sure I was ok and was not carrying any unwanted objects.

At the interviewing hall another guard directs me to drop my appointment letter at window 1 and then come back to sit on the first chair in the first row. There is a notice inside the embassy that says the sitting capacity in the hall is 76 persons, after about 20 minutes the hall was filled to capacity, we were like 100 or more inside the embassy as some were standing. I was made to sit with other immigrant applicants. Non immigrant applicants were also made to sit together. They started processing the cases of the non immigrant visas. There are 13 windows at the embassy where applicants are interviewed. I guess windows 1-6 are for immigrant cases.
After about 20 minutes of sitting all DV cases were called to window 1 by a pretty Ghanaian lady. She counseled us briefly and gave us a paper on which we were to indicate our qualification for the programme. She told to pay the DV fee after we had finished filling the form and to take our seats when we were done. On the sheets we were suppose to tick if we qualified either by education/Work experience, if you were using work experience you had to state your profession, on the back of the sheet you tick whether you are single, married, have children or not etc. There is a part on the sheet that states ‘applicants who prior to registering for the lottery were married/had children but didn’t include them during registration but included them after winning would automatically be disqualified. There was another part that asked whether or not you wanted to be interviewed.

2 people rescheduled their appointment’ a gentleman and a lady with the rest of the 5 of us deciding to go on with the interview process. I did not know why the man rescheduled his interview but with the lady I got to know later she wasn’t prepared psychologically for the interview even though she had the DV fee.

After 20 minutes of sitting all DV cases were called to Window 2. There was no one at window 2 when we got there so we kept standing there. We stood there for over 5 minutes and no one was coming. We decided that one of us should go and inform the security guards that we have been standing there for sometime and that if we could sit down. What the security guard could tell the gentleman who went to ask was we are at liberty to do what we want. It took over 8 minutes of standing before a Ghanaian lady finally showed up. The lady was pretty but not professional for my liking. I thought she would apologize for keeping us waiting but she never did. She mentioned our names one after another and started to inspect our documents. My name was mentioned first. I gave her all my documents but she gave back the “affidavit of support” which was in a sealed envelope. She asked me to open the envelope and give her the contents. These were the documents she took

Police certificate, she returned the photocopy.

School certificates (High School) she gave back an attestation letter I had taken from my University.

Medical reports

AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT which included letter from sponsor’s employer, tax returns for 2008 and sponsors bank statement.

Passport pictures, I had taken new passport pictures but she didn’t take any of the new ones but a copy of the one I sent to KCC.

I saw the DS 230 form I filled and sent to KCC with my picture affixed on the desk of the lady. She asked me to have my seat. After over 15 minutes of sitting my name was mentioned to come to window 1, this time to take my finger prints, it was simple and easy and didn’t even last a minute. She asked me to have my seat and wait for my interview.
Since I had been first in all the processes I was expecting to be called 1st for the interview. After sitting for over 15 minutes I heard one of the consular officers call the lady behind me to window 6, I was a bit surprised because I thought I would be called 1st. My name was mentioned 2nd and was asked to come to window 4.

The consular officer at window 4 was a matured man. I guess he’s is a little over 40. He was very nice to me.

Me: Good Morning
CO: Good morning
CO: I realized you are a student of …….Your campus at…… is very nice. I do pass by that place once a while.
Me: I’m not on that campus. We have 3 campuses and am on the…. campus. That ……..campus is for those reading the sciences and the…..…….campus is for business students.
I realized he wasn’t really listening to me but was busy typing something on his computer
CO: I see, what are u reading?
Me: I’m majoring in Economics and minoring in Finance.
All this while he was still busy typing on his PC.
CO: That’s a good combination. What year are you in.
ME: My third year.
CO: What courses are you doing this semester?
Me: Blab la blab la
CO: Richard you would have to come back on………………………………………….
He’s checks something on his PC and I could hear him say. We are so busy, we are so busy.
I stand there starring at him and wondering to my self what is he so busy about, just give me the thing and let me go.
CO: He takes out my results and asks me if I brought a scratch card.
ME: No, at that time I realized I should have brought a scratch card. I did not send a scratch card because the notification letter didn’t ask for one. My advice to guys yet to go for their interview is to take scratch cards along.
CO: He tells me he would be right back and dashes out.
I could see him talking to someone. He comes back after about 2 minutes.
CO: Richard, we would have to check on some documents. We are very busy this season and you would have to come back on 2nd February.
Me: Would I be coming back for my visa.
CO: If everything turns out OK be rest assured you will have your visa. I see him writing something on a sheet. He gives out the sheet to me.
Me: Thanks
I have been asked to come for my passport on the 2nd February. I guess I would be going for my passport with my visa embossed in it.

I witnessed other events. I would share them soon.

Its funny how we prepare for months for this interview and when it finally comes, our fate is decided in minutes. You have done your best, the rest is up to God and our God of completion will surely finish the good he started, amen.

Praise be to the Lord our God who crowns us in victory
Gud morning guys, I hope those who are still heading for their interview for December best of luck and those who are already successful for this month congrats too. I am getting worried above my 2NL, cause guys I am yet to get it. my interview will be second week of January, so it's freaking me out. what do you guys think. Any idea
Gud morning guys, I hope those who are still heading for their interview for December best of luck and those who are already successful for this month congrats too. I am getting worried above my 2NL, cause guys I am yet to get it. my interview will be second week of January, so it's freaking me out. what do you guys think. Any idea

You have nothing to worry about, if KCC has emailed u ur interview date, you can even go to the embassy alone with that. My friend did it, he never got his 2nd NL till now and he is now in Atlanta,Georgia so no worries. I didnt get my 2nd NL until a few days to my interview, when I wasn't even expecting it anymore. So chill out, it will come.
This house is the place to be

TAY-14, a big congratulations to you and your wife.

Your interview simply confirmed the statement that some interviews could be similar, but they can't just be the same. You are the first to make me and others if not virtually all of us to be aware that one could appeal to a C.O (on the spot of a successful interview) to post-date visa issuance date.

Can you also imagine someone with a fake result been eventually granted? It's waooo !!. From interview experiences already shared, those of us yet to go for interview already know d embassy's procedures and security checks w.out actually going to d embassy, this is just too interesting.

Thanks for those info. and congratulations.
Help of Divroce certificate

Dear All,

After a long wait, I got a divorce certificate and its translation. The divorce was filed by my ex-wife, and my legal represntative was the one in charge of my side as am residing abroad at moment the case was heared and decided.

But having seen the divroce document, it states this:

the lady's name....is present
my name..... is also present,

I don't understand how on earth this could happen? Shouldn't it be stated that I was there through my legal representative, or God knows if this is how it is done in divorce case? Given that I was clearly not in the country during the hearing and the decision, which can be seen from my passport, I was wondering whether this will create a problem if I submitt this document to KCC as it is? I wanted to update my marriage status as my interview is approaching.

Any one who has an experience on this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Dear All,

After a long wait, I got a divorce certificate and its translation. The divorce was filed by my ex-wife, and my legal represntative was the one in charge of my side as am residing abroad at moment the case was heared and decided.

But having seen the divroce document, it states this:

the lady's name....is present
my name..... is also present,

I don't understand how on earth this could happen? Shouldn't it be stated that I was there through my legal representative, or God knows if this is how it is done in divorce case? Given that I was clearly not in the country during the hearing and the decision, which can be seen from my passport, I was wondering whether this will create a problem if I submitt this document to KCC as it is? I wanted to update my marriage status as my interview is approaching.

Any one who has an experience on this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Hi Lome, don't be scared, they were not trying to re-unite you and your wife, sorry i meant your former wife.hahaha they were just stating that the divorce case between Mr. X and Mrs. Y has been finalized. you didn't expect your legal representatives name to take your place. or had you handed over your wife to him. his name may only appear as a witness to the divorce. I'm speaking out of experience..hahaha sorry ohh, Hear me too like say i be done Marry before. please I'm Single, still searching hoping to mingle.

Atlanta, Ga

CASE NO: 2010AF000010**
NL Received 28th march 2009
sent to KCC 5th/ April/ 2009
2nd NL received on 14/9/09
Appointment for medicals 30/09/2009
Medicals started & completed on 1st/10/2009
Medical results collected on 2nd/10/2009
Interview scheduled for 19th Oct. 2009
Interview successful on the 19th/10/2009
VISA to be picked up on Thursday 29th/10/2009
VISA PICKED UP AT 4:14PM ON 29TH/10/2009

Our help is in the name of the LORD PS.124:8
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Hi Lome, don't be scared, they were not trying to re-unite you and your wife, sorry i meant your former wife.hahaha they were just stating that the divorce case between Mr. X and Mrs. Y has been finalized. you didn't expect your legal representatives name to take your place. or had you handed over your wife to him. his name may only appear as a witness to the divorce. I'm speaking out of experience..hahaha sorry ohh, Hear me too like say i be done Marry before. please I'm Single, still searching hoping to mingle.

Atlanta, Ga

CASE NO: 2010AF000010**
NL Received 28th march 2009
sent to KCC 5th/ April/ 2009
2nd NL received on 14/9/09
Appointment for medicals 30/09/2009
Medicals started & completed on 1st/10/2009
Medical results collected on 2nd/10/2009
Interview scheduled for 19th Oct. 2009
Interview successful on the 19th/10/2009
VISA to be picked up on Thursday 29th/10/2009
VISA PICKED UP AT 4:14PM ON 29TH/10/2009

Our help is in the name of the LORD PS.124:8

Thanks Phill

My worries is this:

the divorce certificate says I was present when the decision was passed. In reality, the decision was passed while I was not in the country let alone to be in the court, as I am staying abroad. That I wasn't there by the time the decision was given can be seen by comparing visa on my passport with the date stated on the divorce certificate; they don't match. Therefore, I am really worried that this may happen on the interivew date.

so this is my concern and not that I handed my ex-wife to my legal representative or what have you. I wish you will not have to go through such a painful process in your life; it hurts

Thanks Phill

My worries is this:

the divorce certificate says I was present when the decision was passed. In reality, the decision was passed while I was not in the country let alone to be in the court, as I am staying abroad. That I wasn't there by the time the decision was given can be seen by comparing visa on my passport with the date stated on the divorce certificate; they don't match. Therefore, I am really worried that this may happen on the interivew date.

so this is my concern and not that I handed my ex-wife to my legal representative or what have you. I wish you will not have to go through such a painful process in your life; it hurts


Lome, I think you misunderstood Phill. Read her comment again.
@petit, thanks very much for your response. I would like to know things like photo size, and other stuffs like that since I am yet to get my 2NL just incase. I just want to get every necessary stuff ready by now.

NL SENT BACK-23/June/2009
NL Got to KCC 25/June via FEDEX
Started medicals: 09/Dec/2009
Completed Medicals: Waiting
2nd NL recieved: Waiting
Hello Livewire

he recieved is nl in london, he is studying there.

I am also a selectee for DV 2010. I didnt even know my name has been selected until a friend of mine told me the result is out and that I can check the status of my application online. I checked the status the same day and I saw a message that according to the information that I provided that I have been selected for DV 2010, and that I shud have received a selectee notification letter. I was told to contact KCC if I do not receive the letter after july 1st. I did not receive my selectee letter and after july 1st I sent an e-mail to them and they re-send my selectee letter to me via e-mail. I've returned 122 and 230 form to them and I did not hear anything from them till I rang them on 16th of December and the lady that picked my call said there is no available date of interview that I shud call back on 18th of December. I rang them back on 18th of December and I was told my interview date is 3rd of February 2010, that my second notification letter has been sent out that same day. My concern now is I am not sure if I will get the second notification letter because I did not get the first one sent to me. I've been in the UK for over 3 years now and it is not only in Nigeria that letter got missing. I also dont know what documents to be getting ready for my interview? You also mention ur friend that received his NL in london, can u link us so that we can be getting in touch with each other? this is my phone number; 07545449776 and e-mail; ayoblack080@yahoo.co.uk. U can give my number to ur friend to call meor u can send his number to me.

I am also a selectee for DV 2010. I didnt even know my name has been selected until a friend of mine told me the result is out and that I can check the status of my application online. I checked the status the same day and I saw a message that according to the information that I provided that I have been selected for DV 2010, and that I shud have received a selectee notification letter. I was told to contact KCC if I do not receive the letter after july 1st. I did not receive my selectee letter and after july 1st I sent an e-mail to them and they re-send my selectee letter to me via e-mail. I've returned 122 and 230 form to them and I did not hear anything from them till I rang them on 16th of December and the lady that picked my call said there is no available date of interview that I shud call back on 18th of December. I rang them back on 18th of December and I was told my interview date is 3rd of February 2010, that my second notification letter has been sent out that same day. My concern now is I am not sure if I will get the second notification letter because I did not get the first one sent to me. I've been in the UK for over 3 years now and it is not only in Nigeria that letter got missing. I also dont know what documents to be getting ready for my interview? You also mention ur friend that received his NL in london, can u link us so that we can be getting in touch with each other? this is my phone number; 07545449776 and e-mail; ayoblack080@yahoo.co.uk. U can give my number to ur friend to call meor u can send his number to me.

I am also a selectee for DV 2010. I didnt even know my name has been selected until a friend of mine told me the result is out and that I can check the status of my application online. I checked the status the same day and I saw a message that according to the information that I provided that I have been selected for DV 2010, and that I shud have received a selectee notification letter. I was told to contact KCC if I do not receive the letter after july 1st. I did not receive my selectee letter and after july 1st I sent an e-mail to them and they re-send my selectee letter to me via e-mail. I've returned 122 and 230 form to them and I did not hear anything from them till I rang them on 16th of December and the lady that picked my call said there is no available date of interview that I shud call back on 18th of December. I rang them back on 18th of December and I was told my interview date is 3rd of February 2010, that my second notification letter has been sent out that same day. My concern now is I am not sure if I will get the second notification letter because I did not get the first one sent to me. I've been in the UK for over 3 years now and it is not only in Nigeria that letter got missing. I also dont know what documents to be getting ready for my interview? You also mention ur friend that received his NL in london, can u link us so that we can be getting in touch with each other? this is my phone number; 07545449776 and e-mail; ayoblack080@yahoo.co.uk. U can give my number to ur friend to call meor u can send his number to me.


Hi congratulations,

You can start up your medical tests since u know ur interview date at Kamorass hospital, Also, get the police report needed from the UK since you have stayed there for over 6 months and at Alagbon in Nigeria, you educational records is needed, your SSCE include and other qualifications, you also need ur marriage certificate if you are married, with family pictures of you and your spouse to prove your marriage is authentic. You also need your birth certificate, international passports, 50mm by 50mm passpport photograph. You are good to go with these, you dont have to wait for your 2nd letter before you proceed for you interview, go and start your medicals on time. Goodluck
@petit, thanks very much for your response. I would like to know things like photo size, and other stuffs like that since I am yet to get my 2NL just incase. I just want to get every necessary stuff ready by now.

NL SENT BACK-23/June/2009
NL Got to KCC 25/June via FEDEX
Started medicals: 09/Dec/2009
Completed Medicals: Waiting
2nd NL recieved: Waiting

photo size is 50mm by 50mm