Hi dv lottery winners from Nigeria; i really need your help as concerns my case;
I am a winner of the 2010 DV LOTTERY.
NL RECEIVED BY E-MAIL: January 13, 2010
SENT TO KCC VIA DHL: February 3, 2010
CONFIRMATION VIA DHL : February 10, 2010
CONFIRMATION VIA KCC: February 22nd 2010
SECOND LETTER SENT: still waiting
MEDICAL STARTED: still waiting
MEDICAL COMPLETED: still waiting
VISA COLLECTED: still waiting
While waiting for my interview date to be fixed by Kentucky Consular Centre in USA I wish to ask some questions which when answered by you will go a long way in helping me compile my documents in preparation for my interview at the US CONSULATE GENERAL here in LAGOS ,NIGERIA.
1. I wish to know if I will need an affidavit of support? If yes, then what is the name of the form my
Sponsor in the US need to fill? Which documents does he have to send to me as proof?
2. I am a Cameroonian by Nationality presently schooling in Nigeria. So I wish to find out if I will need to present any document from my home country at the US Consular office in Lagos?
3. If I haven’t been to prison, do I need to present any police or court record during my interview and do, I need a deportation paper as concerns my case?
4. Where will I go for my medical report in Lagos? Can you recommend or tell me any centre where this is been done and at what fee?
5. Also where is the police report been done in Lagos and for how much? Also do I need any police report from my country which is Cameroon in this case?
6. Also I played the DV lottery in November 2008 and that is the same month I entered the university. So I have done some university courses. Also I am a holder of both the GCE ADVANCED LEVEL AND O LEVEL CERTIFICATE from my country Cameroon. So I wish to find out if I am qualified under the education requirements and what do I need to present at the consular office as proof?
if all these questions are answered it will go a long way to help me towards preparation for my interview
1. According to those who have had their interviews in Nigeria they were not asked about the affidavit of support, but if you could get one why not take it along to your interview.
2. Yes, you need to present all the necessary documents whether from Cameroon or Nigeria. They will need your O/L and A/L obtained from Camerron as well as your birth certificate and international passport.
3. You only need prison record where you have been convicted of an offence, but you will need the police certificate from Nigeria and Camerron since you probably have spend more than 6 months in Nigeria since the age of 16. Folks on this thread could direct you how to obtain one from Nigeria.
4. You could obtain your medical certificate from the Kamorass clinic - 238A Muri Okunola, Victoria Island, Lagos. You have to go with 2 passport photos and your international passport.
5. I don't know where you could get one from Nigeria. If you have lived in Cameroon for more than 6 months since the age of 16, then you will need one from Cameroon.
6. Yes you qualify for the dv through your educational qualification. The minimum qualification is O/L or SSSCE certificate. You need to send all your school certificates with you to the interview.
If you have any queries email the consulate in lagos: lagoscons2@state.gov or KCC through kccdv@state.gov