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DV 2010: is there any chance for NL???


Registered Users (C)
Hi to all,

Is there any chance to get NL from KCC in late June???
I don`t think so...
I hate to say it but those who didn`t receive NL until now...
I am sorry...That is the life....
Is there anyone from Macedonia
You're asking us if there is still any chance, yet you're telling others to move on and accept their loss. What is the point of your question and is it really a question if you just answered it yourself?
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Sorry...I am quite dissapointed...
That is why I wrote that kind of message...
But, all of us should have hope and be optimists!!!
Is there anyone from Macedonia???
Yes, there is still some chance...its slim to none but nothing can't be said before 1st of july
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there is always chance until the end of next month ;) (for NL)
Yes, you are right...But, I would like to ask you:
Is there any chance, if you get NL in July, the number of the NL to be low???
Or it is "mission impossible"???:)
We will wait to the end of next month.......
Why is bad having a high number?

If number is very high there is a strong chance your turn for interview will not reach before the cut off date. If you look at visa bulletins for the past years you can see what cutoff numbers have been by the deadline.

For example for my region by the cutoff date last year they had only processed up to CN 63000. Mine is in the 70000+ region, so there's almost no chance I will be processed. :(
So Far I know 4 members of this forum who are from our country have recieved NL.
NL dated May 5, reached winner's mail-box by May 28 and June 3rd
NL dated May 28, reached winner in USA by June 9
NL dated XXX,XX, reached winner's mail-box by June 12th
If some of NLs made on May 28, I do believe that it will reach winner's mail-box in our contry until early of July. Hope one is mine :)
So Far I know 4 members of this forum who are from our country have recieved NL.
NL dated May 5, reached winner's mail-box by May 28 and June 3rd
NL dated May 28, reached winner in USA by June 9
NL dated XXX,XX, reached winner's mail-box by June 12th
If some of NLs made on May 28, I do believe that it will reach winner's mail-box in our contry until early of July. Hope one is mine :)
Yes, you are right...
I wish you to get your NL as soon as possible...
What does the NL means? I'm new to this forum and since I'm from Europe NL stands for The Neterlands on cars, but I guess this means something else?

I know some one who got a letter for the DV-2010 lotery and has a European number in the low 10000 and according to a lawyer this should be a good number...