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DV 2010: any new NL`s after 20 june???


Registered Users (C)
Hi to all,
Any new NL`s after 20 June???
Please, if you get your NL, report here...
Thank you in advance...
I don't agree with Werdel.....I understand how badly you want the NL, like all people but it comes across like immature to start a thread every day about the same thing.

You are so desperate and that is never a healthy thing. I live in the USA for almost 10 yrs and things aren't always easy, specially with a visa, but you have to grow up and see things for what they are.

Are you even sure that if you get the NL you are able to come here and start your life. To get a job, have the money to do so and do you think that life in the USA is what you think right now it is...

The first 2-3 yrs I thought I really knew what living over here was and it was just great, nothing wrong and still I love to live here, but it isn't exactly what we thought the first 2 yrs...we started to buy a home and bought more homes and than you start to see the difference between Europe and the USA and see the good and bad things. I still want to stay here but I have seen people from Germany, France, etc...who decided to go back after 10 yrs. They also lived the first yrs without really realizing how it is over here, until you deal with a lot of financial things. We made money over here we never could have made in Europe, but some times I think why they called it the Wild West and it has not always to do with guns...it is over here every one for them self and no security like in Europe, so you better realize that nobody feels sorry for you if you fail...good for you if you make it, but it isn't a handout over here....just a reality check.:)
I will not write anymore on this forum...
I just leave......
Thank you and thank to Tazmania......................
I hope you will be happy....
I don't agree with Werdel.....I understand how badly you want the NL, like all people but it comes across like immature to start a thread every day about the same thing.

You are so desperate and that is never a healthy thing. I live in the USA for almost 10 yrs and things aren't always easy, specially with a visa, but you have to grow up and see things for what they are.

Are you even sure that if you get the NL you are able to come here and start your life. To get a job, have the money to do so and do you think that life in the USA is what you think right now it is...

The first 2-3 yrs I thought I really knew what living over here was and it was just great, nothing wrong and still I love to live here, but it isn't exactly what we thought the first 2 yrs...we started to buy a home and bought more homes and than you start to see the difference between Europe and the USA and see the good and bad things. I still want to stay here but I have seen people from Germany, France, etc...who decided to go back after 10 yrs. They also lived the first yrs without really realizing how it is over here, until you deal with a lot of financial things. We made money over here we never could have made in Europe, but some times I think why they called it the Wild West and it has not always to do with guns...it is over here every one for them self and no security like in Europe, so you better realize that nobody feels sorry for you if you fail...good for you if you make it, but it isn't a handout over here....just a reality check.:)

Very well written.

Most ppl forget, it is a damned lottery and you can not force to win even if you open 20 new threads a day.
I will not write anymore on this forum...
I just leave......
Thank you and thank to Tazmania......................
I hope you will be happy....

C'mon, stop being passive aggressive! You won't get anywhere with that kind of attitude. It's a free forum and there's freedom of speech so you need to grow a thick skin and not be so easily discouraged and put off. You want to come to the US, better change the way you react to things. The answers like the one you just got here is straightforward and to the point. Here people will walk all over you if that is your attitude and you will run back home with your tail tucked between your legs.

BTW, before you say things are easy for me too, i was selected DV2010 but with number in the 70xxx range, so things are not easy for me but I am here also learning everything I can.

The point is that there's already a thread about people receiving NLs late. Don't start a new one. Simple.
Come on, do not yell at him or her for starting a new thread. Everybody sees things differently...it is easy to say once you are already in the USA that it is not even that good.. we should not be so eager to go there. You know...if one does not even get the chance to try..of course never gonna know how it would have been. And everyone knows it is just a lottery..but any other ways are almost impossible to try and I emphasize to try to start a new life over there. Maybe after 1 year we would say..no thanks..but at least we would have tried..you know what I am getting at? Not everyone is from Germany and France..there are crappier places like that. I have lived 2 years in the USA before...not finishing school in Hungary..but originally I am from Ukraine..Still my dream is to go back to America...trust me..I know all about the financials and everything. So I still try to hope that I might win and I get the chance to TRY it and, because where I am right now is just not feeling the right place. So there..I wanted to protect the starter of this thread and hey...miracles do happen...it might arrive soon.
I think the point is not about wether it is easy to live in the US, but rather the volume of redundant threads that are started. If everybody starts to place multiple identical threads without adding new information it will be harder to find useful information for people that are in need for it and harder for others to contribute (more posts means threads will be pushed to the bottom sooner and also information will be more scattered over multiple threads).

If you feel the need to vent an a daily and ongoing basis, post a reply to your current thread. Your thread will get to the top of the list and be seen by people that will find use in it. By having thread diarrhea it will just clutter the forum and if enough people do this it will become a mess.

I just found this forum and have found lots of useful information here. I understand these times can be unnerving martinwerdel, but adding posts to your original threads:
- DV 2010: is there any chance for NL???
- 25 days and counting
will be more helpful than starting identical ones almost each day, just my 2 cents......

Take it easy, try to live in the moment and focus on what you have, not what is missing.
Good luck and I do hope you will get a notification and otherwise there is always next year right?