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DV-2009 Winners from EUROPE

Thanks for opinion. I personaly am not happy with this situation. But who knows? I mean, who EXACTLY knows, what future is ahead of us? You write we are crazy. Look, Europe, as you see it, may be kind of eden. My family is from Eastern Europe. Do you think we dont know what is tough time? Our ancestors and us, we have experiences with all European social and national experiments. As I see it, we do have to play this GC thing carefuly, that is definitly true. But dont call people crazy, everyone's life situation is different.

I know Slovakia and Eastern Europe very good -this crisis in the USA IS SOMETHING VERY DIFFERENT -First you got no one over here to care about you -in the old days of communism you always had a state to back you up with free schooling and medical care and by state guranteed job and also in most of the cases with state provided housing -here you got nothing as such and everything has to be paid from your own pocket -THAT IS THE BIG DIFFERENCE -now you might say all that you had in the ''old days'' wasn't of such high standard but it was something and in the old system if you play ball you can always get something extra -here you don't even have that .Now the strenght of the USA was always in vast opportunities for people who wanted something better and more and where to work relly hard and to sacrifice a lot in order to get that ''American dream''-BUT NOW opportunities are non existent and thats that -''American dream'' is no more (its turning into nightmare). Everything here is crumbling and is this country is REALLY FAST turning into 3 world country -You will see here mass poverty you have never seen in any communist country -and thats how majority of this people here live -now don't get me wrong -I 'm 45 years old and from central Europe myself and traveled around a lot -been in every country of EE over period of times and trust me if I tell you you gonna be better off in Europe then here -at lest for next 5 to 8 years this country could not offer you anything that you can't get back home .
I know Slovakia and Eastern Europe very good -this crisis in the USA IS SOMETHING VERY DIFFERENT -First you got no one over here to care about you -in the old days of communism you always had a state to back you up with free schooling and medical care and by state guranteed job and also in most of the cases with state provided housing -here you got nothing as such and everything has to be paid from your own pocket -THAT IS THE BIG DIFFERENCE -now you might say all that you had in the ''old days'' wasn't of such high standard but it was something and in the old system if you play ball you can always get something extra -here you don't even have that .Now the strenght of the USA was always in vast opportunities for people who wanted something better and more and where to work relly hard and to sacrifice a lot in order to get that ''American dream''-BUT NOW opportunities are non existent and thats that -''American dream'' is no more (its turning into nightmare). Everything here is crumbling and is this country is REALLY FAST turning into 3 world country -You will see here mass poverty you have never seen in any communist country -and thats how majority of this people here live -now don't get me wrong -I 'm 45 years old and from central Europe myself and traveled around a lot -been in every country of EE over period of times and trust me if I tell you you gonna be better off in Europe then here -at lest for next 5 to 8 years this country could not offer you anything that you can't get back home .

then why dont you come back home ? why are you staying there? :confused:
bought a plane ticket for JUNE this year (2009)-so I'm comming back home for shure -3 and 1/2 years basicly wasted in the USA
Sorry to hear that but maybe it's better for you to come back home.I don't know...but your experience show us that those ones who already have good job home shouldn't waste their time going there.The "american dream" is everywhere around not just in the USA...Anyway GOOD LUCK where ever you go.
I know Slovakia and Eastern Europe very good -this crisis in the USA IS SOMETHING VERY DIFFERENT -First you got no one over here to care about you -in the old days of communism you always had a state to back you up with free schooling and medical care and by state guranteed job and also in most of the cases with state provided housing -here you got nothing as such and everything has to be paid from your own pocket -THAT IS THE BIG DIFFERENCE -now you might say all that you had in the ''old days'' wasn't of such high standard but it was something and in the old system if you play ball you can always get something extra -here you don't even have that .Now the strenght of the USA was always in vast opportunities for people who wanted something better and more and where to work relly hard and to sacrifice a lot in order to get that ''American dream''-BUT NOW opportunities are non existent and thats that -''American dream'' is no more (its turning into nightmare). Everything here is crumbling and is this country is REALLY FAST turning into 3 world country -You will see here mass poverty you have never seen in any communist country -and thats how majority of this people here live -now don't get me wrong -I 'm 45 years old and from central Europe myself and traveled around a lot -been in every country of EE over period of times and trust me if I tell you you gonna be better off in Europe then here -at lest for next 5 to 8 years this country could not offer you anything that you can't get back home .

I appreciate honest words. But as GCwinners, we have to try our luck. Even middle Europe is about to have big problem. Again, who knows?

I won GC in DV2008 I am from Slovakia , now living in VA. If is somebody coming here Fairfax(Virginia) let me know . Maybe we can go fro beer or cafe.
Or If you need some info let me know.


BTW. Financial crisis is bad, but I am sure USA will be the first to get out of it!
it will be the first one no doubt about that -but when? -5-8 years from now ?- this society it has to go through radical change -little its known that well into late 80s USA actualy had most restrective immigration laws ,labour laws and quota system limiting any kind of immigration of all developed countries -only so called new industries of the 90s (internet ,mobile telefonia etc .)opened due to rapid expansion a lot of oportunities for new immigramts to actualy ''jump '' into Americam middle society class just by virtue of having skills in demand at the moment -that came to an end in matter of 10 -15 years (early 90s conclusive with 2002-2003 ) and I think that time would never come back again because quite simply it has no industries now which could pull the whole country out of recession in the short run .also USA or should I say politicians made a huge mistake by destroying comprehensive welfare system which was in place till early 80s -Clinton was the one president which hammered last nail by limiting welfare hand outs to merly pitance in 1996 . Why I think it was a mistake ?-well this is why -during 80s welfare system was dismantled and has created ever widening gap between poor and rich -medical care was put aside also -all this created problem of rising crime and discontent especialy in poor getos of the LA ,NY CHICAGO etc. -all that come to light during to LA riots in early 90s also before that it was of course a blackout in NY which resulted in widespread looting and anarchy -so naturaly amidst forecast of simmilar problems brewing in other cities across the continent govermant actualy gave a nudge to banking sector to start give away loans and mortgages even to so called ''financial unsolvent persons '' or plainly speaking to poor and peopel on low income -this all in order to create ''stake in the comunity''(this is actual fraze from the govermant documents ) -so instead giving relatively small amounts on anual basis goverment passed the buck to private sector in vain hope that it could actualy create the profit even fron this social nosedive -result is now for all to see -in order to maintain social peace they actualy bankrupted the whole country without solving any single social problems to begin with .so now how long its gonna take for this country to get out of this crisis? hmm first: politicians here has to admit what went wrong and I don't see that happens any time soon + they have to ''invent '' new industries to actualy start producing something which could be of some use to someone and on such wast scale it could actualy employ 5-6 million people realy fast ???sorry but I don't see that happen any time soon -good example how much deeper the crisis could go its this -everytime Obama speaks about solving the economic porblems stock market bombs to a new low -twice he spoke and twice markets went down like a rock -for how long he can ride the story ""we gonna pul out of this...because we are great nation etc ." it remains to be seen but he is already running out of time -by spring something has to start change (but my guess it won't )
Office Processing

My wife is the main applicant. We were at the us embassy dublin almost 4 weeks now. We have our Irish police certificate few days over 6 months. After payment, finger printing, the consular said every other things are OK, that we need to update the police cert and call to book an appointment. Now we have the certificate updated and call to book an appointment, but we were told that they have not finished office processing on the application.
What is office processing?
Is it the same as Admin Processing?
How long does it take?
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Offcie processing? :confused:

Could please be so kind and use some paragraphs in your posts? They are nearly unreadable without and I guess a lot ppl skip them because of this ;)
Office Processing

Offcie processing? :confused:

Could please be so kind and use some paragraphs in your posts? They are nearly unreadable without and I guess a lot ppl skip them because of this ;)

Thanks, you don't have to be :confused:. Its my first posting, and I am just getting a grip of the application.
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Had the infamous interview today and was successful.
No issues or any questions at it really. Didnt need a quarter of the stuff i brought to it.
Thanks for the advise and help from those who gave it.
Had the infamous interview today and was successful.
No issues or any questions at it really. Didnt need a quarter of the stuff i brought to it.
Thanks for the advise and help from those who gave it.

Congrats smcg!

Why infamous:confused:
Eu winners

Hello Slimsmile,
Please let me know how you inquired about your interview date?
Thanking you lots in advance.