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DV 2009 lucky kenyan winners


New Member
R there guys from Kenya who have won the DV 2009.lets share ideaswe can help each other in one way or the other.am a lucky one ma CN is AF****.cheers guys
Iko nini

Namba yako ni? U can post it as such 2009AF00001XX (i.e. blank out the last 3 or 2 digits)

Anyways, My advice to you is pay very close attention to the case #, and since you are processing in NRB, then this will determine when to send the paperwork.

A lot of people rush to send their paperwork, but they have really high numbers, when it makes no sense.

If your # is less than 6000, then send asap, else if your number is 35000 then send it later in the year, and dont even start dreaming of coming to US coz it might never become current.

Also, make sure your fingerprints are done within 12 months of going to the embassy.

Good Luck!!
Atually ma CN NO is 2009AF8***.thanx for the advice.there is a time i was denied entry in to Zimbabwe n ma pasport stamped n cancelled nothing else was written on in it.will thiis kill ma chances.
Guys lets pray n hope for the best.
Wishing all u guys the best
Jambo wananchi, mimi pia nilipata barua, lakini nambari yangu ni mbaya sana ata sijui kama nambari langu itaitiwa. Ati AF60xxx!

TNDV2008 - any updates on ur application? r u in kenya or abroad? cp or aos?

Good luck to you guys though.
...nambari yangu ni mbaya sana ata sijui kama nambari langu itaitiwa. Ati AF60xxx!

Usikufe roho. number yangu ni AF44XXX, and I am waiting for it to become current in Aug-Sep 2008.

Keep in mind that a lot of pple cannot afford the new applicatin fees, and therefore will have to forfeit the opportunities. a family of 4 has to spend about $20 appt fee; $3,600 on paperwork at the embassy; $1000 for medicals; and then $1200 X 4 = $4,800 on airfare.

All these expenses before they even land in US soil. I will not be surprised if a spot for you is still available....remember, when your number is current (usually all #'s after 37000 are current by Aug), it's a mad dash to the consulate so be ready.

TNDV2008 - any updates on ur application? r u in kenya or abroad? cp or aos?

Mine is still cooking. I am waiting for the # to be current. I am in the US and will be doing CP in Montreal, Canada
Asante for your thoughts TNDV2008. I'm really hoping that your application works out well. In a way you are my inspiration.

I am also in the states, and my main concern is the 'intent to immigrate' status that I would adopt if I do apply. I am in graduate school, and I am worried that if my number fails to become current, then I might have difficulty obtaining any other visa later on. Anyways, I am going to see a lawyer really soon to inform myself better about this. By any chance, do any of you have any opinions about this matter?

Are you a DV2009 winner? if so, then keep this in mind:

The STATE DEPARTMENT is responsible for managing the DV program. Also, The STATE DEPARTMET oversees the Consular Offices. This means the embassy people will know about you being selected in the DV.

The trick is to Stay in status, and respond to the 1st NL sometime in April/May of 2009. Why is this, you ask?...well when you fill out DSP-230, you have, at that point, shown "clear and irrefutable" immigrant intent.

If you respond now, you may jeopardize any NIV that you are seeking. I had my TN status renewed in last year in November, even though I had won. I beleive this was because I HAD NOT responded to the 1st NL by sending in the DSP-230.

Finally, avoid going to face a consulate officer macho-kwa-macho, since this presents an opportunity for them to scrutinize you. I am not sure if you use I-539 in your student visa, but just know that there is a question in there that asks if an immig. visa has ever been filed for you...and you will have to answer "yes" to this question if you have already submitted the DSP-230
...Anyways, I am going to see a lawyer really soon to inform myself better about this. By any chance, do any of you have any opinions about this matter?

I hate to say it, but I do not waste money on lawyers....this forum will provide most, if not more than enough answers for your situation.

The only time you may have to use a lawyer is if your situation is messed up. the CP process is so easy that you are basically giving your hard earned money to a lawyer for free. I greatly advice against AOS process with your high CN.
I think your response aptly narrowed down on my concern. Yes I am a DV2009 winner. I just renewed my F1 visa this last December in Nairobi, and it's valid until December 2009. However, I am hopeful that I will graduate by June 2009, and will start looking for employment thereafter.
So in terms of visa renewal, I think I will be fine until the end of next year. Its afterwards, that I am worried about.
I have not sent in the DSP-230, and hopefully am not already in the 'intent to immigrate' status. Its the question of sending them in or not that i cannot seem to answer. I wish I knew the past statistics on case numbers that became current in Aug/Sept, then i would be able to know how much of a risk this is.

So are you Canadian now?
i am sure that if i do apply, it will be through CP in Nairobi.

I think you are right about the lawyers- but I've been pounding my head on this issue for a while. I do agree that this forum is probably more informative than any lawyer would be. But even after reading alot, I have been to solve my conundrum. I actually found myself looking for the answer in a coin toss! There must be a better way to decide!

So are all your documents in order? btw, did u need to get police records from Kenya? And are you done with ur medicals?
This is a good forum for us to discuss issues n help each other where we can.Getting thepolice clearance is so simple its just 1000ksh n takes 2 weeks.if abroad u can use the high commision they charge the same or send the finger prints to someone in kenya.
Anyone with an interview experince from Nairobi,
CP Processing in Canada


I am thinking of changing for AOS to CP,but to avoid the hassle and expense of travelling to Kenya, I would like to do my CP in Canada. Is this okay? Would I face any hurdles in doing this as opposed to going back to my native Kenya?

TNDV2008, I see that you will be applying for your CP in Canada? Any advice there?

I am a canadian citizen. Your CP process will be based on your wifes country of birth (or current citizenship). Remember, She's the one that won, not you, so everything will be based on her. You are just piggybacking on her DV
To nanii...are you in US?, if so then pay close attention to the VISA bulletin especially if u r doing AOS (given your low CN). DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT send back your 2nd NL (I-485) until your CN becomes current.

If u r still in Jamuhuri, then there is no need to worry about the issue above, since the embassy will send you a appointment letter.

Good Luck!!
Where r Kenyan DV winners?we need to keep the questions coming so we help each other.anyone who knows of the situation in Nairobi embassy.the most important things they need n the cost for medicals n how long they take.