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Dv 2008 Lucky Winners From Nigeria

Are LGAs Cities or is Lagos a City/State 1

Hello every one! And a big congrats to Onoriode for success in her/his interview. A friend of mine was their that day too for a visit visa. He was asked to go back to Kamorass for a DNA test, because his parents are citizens?

Now, i want to ask questions on the Place of Birth stuff that Onoriode mention about. You guys have to agree with me that Birth Certificates are issued by respective local governments in each states. So, it likely you see some thing like
this in Birth Certificates bearing the letter headed paper of LGAs

I ------- of the Registry of Birth and Death at --(name of the LGA)-- in Nigeria here by attest to the birth of ---(full names)---- born to ---(father's name)--- and ---(mother's name)--- on the ---(date of birth)--- in ---(name of LGA)--- .............etc

If you look at your international passport. the space meant for place of birth does not allow for details like city, state/province. It's just a single space. Then the initial DV electronic form gave 2 places, i.e, city and country. Further more, your DS 122 and 230 forms sent to KCC gave 3 spaces, i.e, city, state and country.

In this particular case, if your birth certificate says like Ebute-Meta or Suru-lere, does that qualify to be a city? So many people have been rejected because of this and many more will; that is why we need to look into this particular issue and find ways to address the problem for members of this forum.

I did a little bit of research on google for you guys, and these are the conclusions.
1. LGAs are not cities: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_Government_Areas_of_Nigeria
2.Lagos is a city:
3.As you all know, Lagos is a state:
4. The closest a LGA can be is a town not a city, like in Epe LGA and Epe Town; because a town according to the dictionary is a much smaller settlement, while a city is a bigger town or collection of towns.
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Are LGAs Cities or is Lagos a City/State 2

Looking at all these details, when one applied for the DV using the electronic form, it's expected that one fills in Lagos, Lagos, as city and state where you were born respectively, if you were born in any LGA in Lagos State. This is because LGAs aren't cities. The closest they can be, is a town. This should inturn be followed by the same in your DS 122 and 230 forms sent to KCC.

For the case of the POB on the passport, i have learnt that it's always good to stick to the city where you were born for consistency of data. So your POB on your passport should read the city that contains your LGA.

Then for the Birth Certificate. Since applicants are not given a chance to defend themselves during interviews. It is good to probably get a letter from NPC or your LGA Office where your birth was registered explaining that your LGA is in the said city; and present such if their is any doubt by the interviewer. You can even print all those webpages from the links i included in my part 1 to educate them.

My people, it's best to treat things these way to show you are not trying to be fraudulent. If anyone in the house has made any mistake either in your passport, Initial DV entry or forms sent to KCC. Call or email KCC to correct this stating all the above reasons and articles. For your passport, you may have to get a letter from Nigerian Immigration to show the mistake and possible corrections. Everyone should take note to make all their data, both names and name arrangement, POB, DOB etc to be consistent. Or better still coherent.

This is my quota to the house. All possible suggestions are welcomed
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An encyclopedia indeed.

Looking at all these details, when one applied for the DV using the electronic form, it's expected that one fills in Lagos, Lagos, as city and state where you were born respectively, if you were born in any LGA in Lagos State. This is because LGAs aren't cities. The closest they can be, is a town. This should inturn be followed by the same in your DS 122 and 230 forms sent to KCC.

For the case of the POB on the passport, i have learnt that it's always good to stick to the city where you were born for consistency of data. So your POB on your passport should read the city that contains your LGA.

Then for the Birth Certificate. Since applicants are not given a chance to defend themselves during interviews. It is good to probably get a letter from NPC or your LGA Office where your birth was registered explaining that your LGA is in the said city; and present such if their is any doubt by the interviewer. You can even print all those webpages from the links i included in my part 1 to educate them.

My people, it's best to treat things these way to show you are not trying to be fraudulent. If anyone in the house has made any mistake either in your passport, Initial DV entry or forms sent to KCC. Call or email KCC to correct this stating all the above reasons and articles. For your passport, you may have to get a letter from Nigerian Immigration to show the mistake and possible corrections. Everyone should take note to make all their data, both names and name arrangement, POB, DOB etc to be consistent. Or better still coherent.

This is my quota to the house. All possible suggestions are welcomed

Thank God we have your kind in the house. You have made my day with all your analysis.
I initially thought no one took notice of the issues I raised. My brother, my Birth certificate was issued in Ebute Metta, Lagos Mainland, and on my passport you find Lagos there. Some people definitely are given birth to in Ikoyi, all these places are within same Lagos, we believe Lagos is Lagos Island and the only way we can differentiate is add the original place. This thing is giving me concern, because how can I claim Lagos (Eko - Lagos Island) when in actual fact I was born in Ebute Metta, Lagos. I was given birth to at home not in the hospital. I love my Ebute Metta.
We must just find a way of getting the consulars to know that Lagos apart from been a state have many adjoining communities or even cities. Surulere is a city (may not be categorised by wikipedia) but a division in Lagos.
The problem now is, how can an applicant defend him/herself before the consulates?
We need to have more opinion on this and adopt a common front for tackling this issue if it by any means come up.
Please let us rob mind to resolve this matter. God bless you all.
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hello house.the best i think we can do is to carry both kcc and the embassy along.if we find any contradicting information,we shld send a letter to both kcc and embassy for their notification.for now that is the best i think we can do.
Advise To The House

Hi everyone,

I think that in order to avoid any trouble during the interview, it is advisable that everybody cross-checks his/her photocopied forms and if there is any information that contradicts the documents available like names arrangements, name spelling, date of birth, place of birth and so on. If there is like in my case where after cross checking my photocopied forms, I found that I did not include both my secondary and primary schools information in the dsp 122 form, that i only filled that of my university, I sent e mail to KCC informing them about the ommission and subsequently sent the required information to them (KCC). When I filled my form, I did not know that such ommission could be detrimental to my chances, but on reading through the messages on this forum, I noticed that such ommission could be bad.

What I am trying to pass accross is that I believe that when we read through the threads, and you happen to come accross any information that concerns you, try and send e mail to KCC to correct such an error before you are scheduled for interview.

If it is an error in your Birth cert. try and get an error-free-back-dated birth cert.

The same thing applies to every other documents .

I need some clarification from you. You mentioned in one of ur posts that you wrote an email to KCC and got a reply from them.
I want to know the following:
1. is this emaill (USVisa@state.gov)address you used?
2. If yes, I had used it but had an auto reply. And auto reply did not explain anything about whether they have receive my form or not.
Kindly let me know cos I want to be sure they have received my forms.
Thank you

Tazamania has answered the question; you e-mail to a wrong address.The correct add is kccdv@state,gov. Resend it, they will reply you within 3 working days.
maill Kcc now

If you check the Lottery web page it is clearly stated 5. PLACE WHERE YOU WERE BORN. Birth City/Town Unknown I don't know Lagos so much but i know is a state in each state there are LGAs in each LGA there are cities or town in them. So using Lagos as a place where you were born is wrong. because they demanded the name of the town or city and not state. Then if you have any problem with this please write to kcc for them to do some corrections for you.
If you check the Lottery web page it is clearly stated 5. PLACE WHERE YOU WERE BORN. Birth City/Town Unknown I don't know Lagos so much but i know is a state in each state there are LGAs in each LGA there are cities or town in them. So using Lagos as a place where you were born is wrong. because they demanded the name of the town or city and not state. Then if you have any problem with this please write to kcc for them to do some corrections for you.
It seems we do not really get the issue here, except Demoddon. There is no problem with birth certificate or forms returned to KCC nor the place of birth, but with the Nigerian passport. For every one that claimed any of the town/communities in Lagos, what appear in the passport's POB is Lagos. The issue here is how to synchronise and get the US embassy in Lagos to understand that Lagos is metropolitan in nature as butressed by the data on wikipedia sourced by Demoddon. For me I have printed copies of that and will surely seek clarification from US consulate in Lagos, for with them the resolution reside.
Congratulation Oga Modest for all the GC, we can see that on your signature. Efi sorire ooo. Amin.
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Thank you for the information about the correct email address for KCC. I have mailed them already and had gotten an auto reply. So I will be expecting their reply.
Thank u all.
CASE NO:2008AF00006042
OCT 8th 07:Second Letter Received.
Interview Date Confirmed:7th Nov.07
Thank God we have your kind in the house. You have made my day with all your analysis.
I initially thought no one took notice of the issues I raised. My brother, my Birth certificate was issued in Ebute Metta, Lagos Mainland, and on my passport you find Lagos there. Some people definitely are given birth to in Ikoyi, all these places are within same Lagos, we believe Lagos is Lagos Island and the only way we can differentiate is add the original place. This thing is giving me concern, because how can I claim Lagos (Eko - Lagos Island) when in actual fact I was born in Ebute Metta, Lagos. I was given birth to at home not in the hospital. I love my Ebute Metta.
We must just find a way of getting the consulars to know that Lagos apart from been a state have many adjoining communities or even cities. Surulere is a city (may not be categorised by wikipedia) but a division in Lagos.
The problem now is, how can an applicant defend him/herself before the consulates?
We need to have more opinion on this and adopt a common front for tackling this issue if it by any means come up.
Please let us rob mind to resolve this matter. God bless you all.


you'll agree with me that this a complex issue. You remember Onoriode said some people were rejected because of this. In my opinion, i don't think LGAs are cities. Cities are categorized such because of their strong economic activities in form of business, commerce, industries etcs, While LGAs are just for administrative purposes.

The term Lagos as a city, was originally attributed to Eko i.e Lagos Island, in the past. That's why you notice so much economic activities on the Island even till now. But as time went by, these activities expanded to other parts of the state, making the term Lagos city to encompass all other regions. Come to think of it, when the world is referring to lagos as a city, do you think they are talking of Lagos Island? No. They must of course be looking beyond Lagos Island. Look up, cities in Africa on the internet. Lagos city that was once a small region in L.I as now metamorposized to become a state. Probably that why LGAs are not listed as cities on the internet.

If In anyway you are able to go to the Embassy to inquire, you can let us know what they say.
Re: Is Lagos a city state?


you'll agree with me that this a complex issue. You remember Onoriode said some people were rejected because of this. In my opinion, i don't think LGAs are cities. Cities are categorized such because of their strong economic activities in form of business, commerce, industries etcs, While LGAs are just for administrative purposes.

The term Lagos as a city, was originally attributed to Eko i.e Lagos Island, in the past. That's why you notice so much economic activities on the Island even till now. But as time went by, these activities expanded to other parts of the state, making the term Lagos city to encompass all other regions. Come to think of it, when the world is referring to lagos as a city, do you think they are talking of Lagos Island? No. They must of course be looking beyond Lagos Island. Look up, cities in Africa on the internet. Lagos city that was once a small region in L.I as now metamorposized to become a state. Probably that why LGAs are not listed as cities on the internet.

If In anyway you are able to go to the Embassy to inquire, you can let us know what they say.

But what i feel is best is to get a letter from your LGA where you were born stating that the LGA is in Lagos. This is because the world, and probably they (U.S embassy) see Lagos as a city state
It seems we do not really get the issue here, except Demoddon. There is no problem with birth certificate or forms returned to KCC nor the place of birth, but with the Nigerian passport. For every one that claimed any of the town/communities in Lagos, what appear in the passport's POB is Lagos. The issue here is how to synchronise and get the US embassy in Lagos to understand that Lagos is metropolitan in nature as butressed by the data on wikipedia sourced by Demoddon. For me I have printed copies of that and will surely seek clarification from US consulate in Lagos, for with them the resolution reside.
Congratulation Oga Modest for all the GC, we can see that on your signature. Efi sorire ooo. Amin.

In addition to what you intend to do, l think it will be good if anybody in Lagos area can get a senator or house of rep member from Lagos state or even the state government to make a presentation to kcc and US embassy on this and even mention the case of those refused visa base on this same issue.
Arrived Safely

Hi everybody,
I arrived safely in Dallas after 18hours in flight and bus, I passed through London. the whether is somehow hot here over 85 degree for now, i'm coping with it. I have to change my Laptop charger that i brought here, because the outlet is not compatible with all the socket here, everything here is different. I wish all awaiting Interview DV winner successful interview in advance, it's nice and good to be here.
Bye for now.
Amin e po

It seems we do not really get the issue here, except Demoddon. There is no problem with birth certificate or forms returned to KCC nor the place of birth, but with the Nigerian passport. For every one that claimed any of the town/communities in Lagos, what appear in the passport's POB is Lagos. The issue here is how to synchronise and get the US embassy in Lagos to understand that Lagos is metropolitan in nature as butressed by the data on wikipedia sourced by Demoddon. For me I have printed copies of that and will surely seek clarification from US consulate in Lagos, for with them the resolution reside.
Congratulation Oga Modest for all the GC, we can see that on your signature. Efi sorire ooo. Amin.

Amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin oh, adun na aka ri oh

Let me just say a few things about the place of birth, there is no probrems with Nigerian passport,
if ur place of birth is ebute-metta, it is allowed and there is room for that in the pali.
it can be ebute-metta, lagos state.
my place of birth is umuahia, abia state. in my passport is is umuahia, and my passport was issued in ibadan.
so i dont see any problem
onoriode said one of those people passport read place of birth as nigeria.

dont just disturb ur psychy with these issues, becos i know that everybody in this forum have enough information

i will also want to seize this opportunity to advice new members to go through this thread befor asking questions, some of the issues have been clearly discussed ( i will permit jcries to start using her cane, you know:D)
by now we should come of with new developments and cross check our documents.
Also ask direct questions, since our identities are sort of undercover, if u are from delta state go ahead and mention issues, u can never tell, there could be people that are familiar with that area and they will trash it out.

Onyii is doing a very good job i must say.
Jcloud ur interview is soon, i just pray that u will still be around after ur interview.

Job well-done by everybody

Hi everybody,
I arrived safely in Dallas after 18hours in flight and bus, I passed through London. the whether is somehow hot here over 85 degree for now, i'm coping with it. I have to change my Laptop charger that i brought here, because the outlet is not compatible with all the socket here, everything here is different. I wish all awaiting Interview DV winner successful interview in advance, it's nice and good to be here.
Bye for now.

na wah oh
oga americana, whic state wey u dey
oga i will personally beg that u share ur experience with us as things unfold.
so that our new winners wil be better prepared to tap the honey in ame, land of Gold.
best of luck my guy, i feel u
Hi everybody,
I arrived safely in Dallas after 18hours in flight and bus, I passed through London. the whether is somehow hot here over 85 degree for now, i'm coping with it. I have to change my Laptop charger that i brought here, because the outlet is not compatible with all the socket here, everything here is different. I wish all awaiting Interview DV winner successful interview in advance, it's nice and good to be here.
Bye for now.

if your laptop power is 240 Volts, u might wanna get a converter that would convert the US 120 Volts to 240V or your laptop will be history.

I want to use this opportunity to thank everybody in the house,NEDICHUKS,ADMIRAL,ONYII,LADYBEE,CHACHO,AGANWOKO,CHIMEXROW,FAVOUR1,NELLYP,JUSTBYGRACE,ISLANDGIRL,JOYFUL,ORERE,ADMIRAL AGAIN,ADEBAYO AND MODEST, THE GRAND MASTERS,and others who do not have the chance, that congratulated me on my succesfull interview a big THANNNNNNNK YOU.I prayed that tis word CONGRATULATIONS, shall be peemanent and will rotate round to everybody in the house in the days/months to come.AMEN.

Amen, the congratulationssssssssssssssssssssss need to go round, becos we need it for the house.

Thanks u for opening on a good ground
God bless you