• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2007 winners From Nigeria

hi there everyone!
good to see everything in the house is still in order.sorry i have not been able to send any post recently;my people the job no gree all man.however i have kept myself busy by reading the most recent threads and im very happy with the way issues are thrashed out.
i just read the case of J cloud and i must say ,it brought back a lot of memories. a friend to my younger brother won the lottery way back in 1999.the similarity is that he sent in an entry with his sister as spouse.remember the popular saying "be careful what u wish for because it may just come true". as fate would have it,the "couple" won. people, this two went as far as staging a mock wedding and getting a dagbo certificate.to cut the story short,during the interview one of the questions they asked was "when was the last time u made love?" guess what ?they fumbled. however,the were made to go thru the whole wahala payment et al and in the end they were told point blank that they were brother and sister even got an in house expert to highlight their physical resemblances.that was then now it is zero tolerence.i doubt if the will give j cloud a chance.nevertheless,dont let up if u can risk the cash go ahead like someone said "life is a box of chocolate;you never know what you are going to get".

i tire .oooo....

wahala too much pls make we no meet am, temptation too much pls make we no see am. dis thing has happen em... em... but mennnn am short of words how on earth will God or who will allow 9jas to be exposed like this knowing too well that there are some that filled the correct things but did not even smell wi.. talkless of ... nning any i dont think this is pathetic it will only help us to be much more careful for nothing cos it all matters, even if Jesus will be the consular at the time of interview because he is forgiving i think he will have to reconsider forgiving with this one and add new definition to it or house what do you think. One thing is that this people are just fufilling law of immigration that not everybody that won will go... they are making there selfs to be like Judas who musnt be the one but is the one that betrayed christ cos point blank NO VISA
Hello Peeps

I Have 2 Pressing Questions I Would Likw To Ask And Am Sure It Will Help Others To Be On Th Right Track As Well.

1. Is It Wise To Go Ahead And Do The Police Thing And The Medical
On Ones Own Or Wait To Get A Go Ahead From The Embassy?

2. The Last Bulletin For The 2007 Fiscal Year Will Be Out On July
15th 2007.if All Case Numbers Become Current Does This Mean
We Can All Proceed To The Embassy Come 16 June And Onwards?

Here Is A Big Congrats To All Who Have Received Their Visas And For Those Of Us Still Hanging...the Lord Will See Us Thru.

Hoping To Jaa From 9jaa

My opinion is very straight and mayby strict, the lady in question should not bother to follow up on the dv process, she should just forget about it.
if she explain to kcc fine, they will send a second package to her, she will waste money on medicals and visa fee, during the interview, they will take her finger print and note that, she will be ban from entry the US for some time or life depending on the mood of the interviewer,
She should just continue with her life, as it is now, if she carries on with the information and data, she may not even be given an NIV,
remeber kcc will maill all ur documents to the embassy (all original entry valid) and they will scrutinise them as if they are looking for a thief, they already believe Nigeria is fraudulent
since we all need to help. I won DV 2008, and came accross someone that won 2007 just yesterday. Lucky for her, the number possibly will be current in September (AF00030069).
The unfortunate issue here is that she was assisted by her brother to fill the form (because he actually submitted her entry, the belief that he knows better). This brother of hers fill in as the spouse to her sister (the winner), and also his school details instead of the sister. I think the brother is just selfish anyway (wanting to go to U.S.), thinking the white guys don't consider details. really I want to assist them in sending an e mail to KCC to confirm receipt of their form before possibly going further based on your valued advise. This family must not miss this opportunity.
J Cloud

J. Cloud,
What has happened has! How do you correct this mess:
* Did the sister sign her form that the brother is the spouse, if she did then she is in collusion.

I wish suggest she fills out new forms and sends it to KCC, explaining what led to this error and an affidavit backing her claim.

Since she has shown an intent to be fraudulent, convincing anybody might be difficult.

Finally, she needs to commit to the Lord.
RE: Your Valued advise is sought urgently.

J Cloud,
If you obtained the lady's contact details, it will be advisable to introduce her to this forum so that whatever advise the house makes to this complex issue can be of benefit to her.
The issues at stake here are two(2) from J Cloud story. The brother completed the forms that he is a spouse to the lady. Secondly, he filled his school details instead of the sister. If the lady's passport photograph & signature were not consented to, then she can send an e-mail to KCC that somebody received her NL, played a game on her by completing the forms which were sent to KCC without her consent. Her Case No; complete entering names & date of birth should be quoted in the e-mail which should be titled "Case Number". That she stumbled into the photo copies of the information addressed to her by KCC . She should therefore request that she be allowed to print the forms from the net, complete & send to KCC, but if her passport that supposed to be not later than 6 months old was used for submission of the forms, signature may not be an issue, then she is a 419 coniving with the brother.
By the way, can't this lady read & write for God sake? Love believes all things. I rest my case.
I think i quite agree with Soken02000. Wow it's amazing what plp can do just to get to america. No wonder we are treated like thieves and rouges anytime we leave the four walls of this country. u need to see how they search nigerians at the point of entry not just the US but the UK and other european countries. I don't know how we are going to do this, but we have to start giving the global community a different image about Nigeria.

To Ubus,
How far bros, you shd have gone for your interview by now, u said 4th week of June and we are already at the end of June, how far? Pls let the house know what's up.
Guys we are drawing close to July 15th, it's well. Our time has come, so get ready to join the trian [lol]
Nice weekend everybody
wahala too much pls make we no meet am, temptation too much pls make we no see am. dis thing has happen em... em... but mennnn am short of words how on earth will God or who will allow 9jas to be exposed like this knowing too well that there are some that filled the correct things but did not even smell wi.. talkless of ... nning any i dont think this is pathetic it will only help us to be much more careful for nothing cos it all matters, even if Jesus will be the consular at the time of interview because he is forgiving i think he will have to reconsider forgiving with this one and add new definition to it or house what do you think. One thing is that this people are just fufilling law of immigration that not everybody that won will go... they are making there selfs to be like Judas who musnt be the one but is the one that betrayed christ cos point blank NO VISA

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
hello guys
im sorry for being away from the forum for some time now but what i really want to say firstly his give glory to the almight god for me and my wife for firstly archieving our goal by getting all neccessary document ready including our medic and sponsor document well all i want to say is that my appointment was to be 7.00 am but due to the traffic at the third mainland we got to the embassy late thats 8.30 which we miss our appointment so pls if u are living far from the embassy try to locate a place so as to make it early to the embassy why it hurt men,i tell u,i wish u guy can see the tension on both of us when the secuity officer told us we had but miss our appointment and there is nothing he can do for us.

But luckly the chief officer later advise us to wait till 11.00 am so as to re shedule our appointment, which i did and got another day which is july ** but i still thank god for the new date ok,so pls try to logde or get a place in island or esle u could face what i did face ok like me now i hv try to discuss this issue which my aunt that work with the manging director of nigeria brewing to allow i and my wife sleep over for the reshedule date as her house is just a stone throw to the embassy but while i was waiting to reschule my appointment date in the embassy i asked a guy who was about to be interview the conditon so far about those already interview and guess what all the couple thats married couple all got their congratution so i hope my will be so in jesus name amen, thanks
J Cloud,
If you obtained the lady's contact details, it will be advisable to introduce her to this forum so that whatever advise the house makes to this complex issue can be of benefit to her.
The issues at stake here are two(2) from J Cloud story. The brother completed the forms that he is a spouse to the lady. Secondly, he filled his school details instead of the sister. If the lady's passport photograph & signature were not consented to, then she can send an e-mail to KCC that somebody received her NL, played a game on her by completing the forms which were sent to KCC without her consent. Her Case No; complete entering names & date of birth should be quoted in the e-mail which should be titled "Case Number". That she stumbled into the photo copies of the information addressed to her by KCC . She should therefore request that she be allowed to print the forms from the net, complete & send to KCC, but if her passport that supposed to be not later than 6 months old was used for submission of the forms, signature may not be an issue, then she is a 419 coniving with the brother.
By the way, can't this lady read & write for God sake? Love believes all things. I rest my case.

Soken02000, I think it will stiill go the same way, if i understand the whole thing very well; when they were filling the forms she was there and she knew quite right that what her brother was doing is fraudulent she was a party to it, so telling KCC that " that somebody received her NL, played a game on her by completing the forms which were sent to KCC without her consent" is also fraudulent. Good Luck to her Sha!

mikabubakar, I thought someone has given us her experience on this b4, anyway i still thank GOD you got another date. Pls get there on time this time around ooo, God be with you.
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best of luck to those having there interview in the month of july..may the lord almighty be wit them all in jesus name(Amen)
where is naija_usa_visa

how was your interview, you didn't come back to gist the house about it, pls lets learn from your experience.

14 days to go, what are we expecting?

best of luck to those having there interview in the month of july..may the lord almighty be wit them all in jesus name(Amen)

Thank you cestmoi,
we shall come back to the house and give you guys millions of testimonies to the glory of GOD in Jesus Name, Amen. Thanks
Best of luck to everyone.
hello house,uncle Stann asked some questions and nobody is talking to him.Please we need answers to the issues he raised.
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@ Mikabubakr,
Sorry about missing your appointment. I guess you did not pay a visit to the house before ur appointment date. Busayo already warn us to be careful of the timing as she also miss her own appointment too. As a suggestion to the house, except u r coming from Ogudu/Ifako/Gbagada/Anthony/Oworo/Surulere/Yaba/EbuteMetta/Apapa/Lekki/Ajah areas u should book an hotel on the Island (preferably V/I - there some fairly affordable hotels there) or find somewhere to stay overnight around there.

@ Stann

Police certificates expire within three (3) months. So, its okay to go ahead with that. But for the Medicals, you have to wait till u receive the 2nd NL or whenever your name is current, you can inform the embassy who can give you some authorisation to go ahead with the Medicals-Some forum members did that.

When all numbers become current, you will still have to confirm your date which will be in September.


How far with ur preparation? Especially the medicals...?
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What are some of the affordable hotels around VI? It will assist those of us who are not living in Lagos. Just mention some names so that we can look for them on arrival. Be your brother's keeper.

Bay Dorchester is a descent hotel. Its on Bishop Oluwole street, V/I. As of May 2007, they offer a room as low as 14k/night.
I think there is still a chance

since we all need to help. I won DV 2008, and came accross someone that won 2007 just yesterday. Lucky for her, the number possibly will be current in September (AF00030069).
The unfortunate issue here is that she was assisted by her brother to fill the form (because he actually submitted her entry, the belief that he knows better). This brother of hers fill in as the spouse to her sister (the winner), and also his school details instead of the sister. I think the brother is just selfish anyway (wanting to go to U.S.), thinking the white guys don't consider details. really I want to assist them in sending an e mail to KCC to confirm receipt of their form before possibly going further based on your valued advise. This family must not miss this opportunity.
J Cloud

It is really long i came to this forum, due to my tight schdules now, it is good to know that the forum as grown so large with new people coming in everyday and that shows that the forum is progressing. Now to the case at hand my candid advice is in two options, 1. Called KCC and tell them that your husband mistakenly filled in his educational background on the forms instead of yours and that you resquest that they give you permission to get another forms or sent you another form and if it work out fine then you need to make every arrangement to prove that you are married to the guy and also make sure that the date of marraige does not conflit with this all things being equal both of you can still make it to the states. 2 make a prove to KCC that you are no longer married as at the time the NL came and your husband was in hand to get it and he just wanted to ridicule you without your knowledge and you sign the forms ignorantly and if everything goes well you will only make it to the states. All i want u to know is that this is just a chance it may come and it may not. Another thing i want to know is if the lady involve really have the minimum requirements. The american really love truth and hate lies but if you want to lie try and may it look like the truth. It is a lesson you will have to live with if you are denied this opportunity.
Please end this topic...

mauriceeta et al,
I read your last comments with shock! The issue raised by JCloud suggested everything was done with premeditation. You suggested in your comments that the Americans hate lies and love the truth. Why are you then offering solutions suggesting a way to get round the problem by offering advice based on deception? I urge everyone to please put an end to this topic since the person concerned has not even stepped forward. From my standpoint, it is all hypothetical. Your response to this hypothesis however, reflects your character. Please clean up youir act. It is very sad that posting suggesting a way to beat the system is even allowed to post here with impunity. I think Jrcies did a commendable job by starting this forum. If there's no credible contribution to add to it, please stay away. You just never know who's watching at the other end.