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DS-230/question 34/Please help


New Member
This forum is really helpful, now I know who the petitioner is!!! :)
My mother won the lottery, my father and brother will go with her. I have filled the forms for all. For question 34 "were you assisted in completing this application?", the answer I wrote is yes and I have put my name and address. I am confused because I read here that this question applies only for children. Did I make a mistake? If so, can I make corrections using liquid paper or should I download a form and fill it? I guess there is no problem with downloading.
Please help me ASAP.
Thanks for your response.
LucyMo I hope you can help.
I don't see any problem with that question, some people have an attoerny to it fill for them and its ok. You answer the question honsltly and that what is important for them- the truth.

Good Luck
