DS-156 - Question Number: 36?


New Member
I am sending my passport for H1 Re-validation and am filling form DS-156. There is a question in the form (Question Number :36)

Has anyone Ever filed an Immigrant Visa Petition on Your Behalf? If Yes, Who?

I am not sure about the answer for this question. I'll appreciate if you can please let me know the appropriate answer for this question.
(Note: I have filed I-485 for Green Card Processing during March 2003)

your answer to Question Number :36 will be YES
becase you filed I-140 and I-485
Immigrant Visa Petition is I-140

What should the answer to question 36 on DS-156 if one has sent in an application for the greencard lottery?

Have Similar Question


I am also preparing to revalidate my visa in St.Louis. I have few more questions (Ginnu answered for a lot of questions earlier, i am still preparing the application forms)

(1) My labor is still pending (applied by my employer). what should is say for Question Number :36 in DS-156
Has anyone Ever filed an Immigrant Visa Petition on Your Behalf? If Yes, Who?

* What should I write in my application ?

* What should i write in my wife's application ?

(2) For Question 25 (Name and Telephone Number of Person IN U.S Who you will be staying with)

* What should i write in my DS-156 application ? &

* What should i write for my wife's (H4) DS-156 application ? &

(3) For Question 26. How long do you intent to stay in U.S. ?
Should i write till the validity of my current H1 (10 Months) ?

(4) For Question 34 (Name and Relationships of Persons Travelling with you) ?

(5) I have a old and a new passport, think i have to write the New Passport Number only in the DS-156 application ? (My Current Visa stamping is in my old/expired passport)

I have this question in DS-157 form
(6) Question No. 8 (Full Name and Address of the Contact Person or Organization in United States)

Do I have to write my HR/Employer Contact Information or my own personal contact info. ?

I would greatly appreciate your help.

Question 36

I have filed for just I-140 and not I-485. Should my answer to this question be still a "YES"

Thanks in advance
Question 36

Also if the answer to question # 36 of DS-156 form is Yes (I have filed for I-140 but not 485), then what is the impact on visa revalidation?

Any responses to this will be helpful.
DS-157 Question # 12

This question asks to list the last two employers. My last two employers were in India. Is this still applicable to me and am I supposed to provide all the details like Telephone #, Supervisor etc?

Response to this is highly appreciated.
Re: DS-157 Question # 12

Originally posted by vishnuagrawal
This question asks to list the last two employers. My last two employers were in India. Is this still applicable to me and am I supposed to provide all the details like Telephone #, Supervisor etc?

You should provide your indian employers' name, telephone # and so on....
Thank You for providing the answer. However both my companies have changed their office location and the phone numbers are also changed. In one company even my Supervisor has left. So should I still provide the old information (Address, Phone #). It will take time to get the new information.
I will try to provide new information so that if embassy calls somebody can verify your information.
Originally posted by muntasir
I will try to provide new information so that if embassy calls somebody can verify your information.

Thanks again. I am trying to enter the information and the company name itself consumes "Name" and "Address" space. The address consumes telephone number and job title space. I am trying to write as small as possible. What do I do to fit in all the information. Should I provide additional sheet?
Try to fit in everything in the space provided. As you have to provide the job experience certificate also, I will not be worried too much about putting everything in details. Make everything short so that you can fit it in there.