doubts about the F1 Status


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To all gurus,
I am an F1 student. I am almost done with my Masters degree -I need 2 more courses to finsih up my degree. The problem is that my college isn't offering these 2 courses in summer 2007 or fall 07. I am considering the option of taking these courses at some other university in summer and then get them transferred to my degree. Now my question is -according to SEVIS is an F1 student allowed to take 2 courses in summer without obtaining a new I-20 from the other college? sow what happens to my status in summer semester should i take 2 courses from other university?another questions is that would any other university let me register for 2 graduate level courses (summer semester) without enrolling into a degree program? Please share your information and experiences regarding this matter. I am sure I am not the unique case here. Thans in advance for sharing info.
sometimes universities have an agreement on what courses could be transferred for a full credit.

In any case, if you go to another school only part-time, you generally don't need a new I-20. Do talk to your international advisor about your situation.
Thanks for the information. I will find out from my international advisor how this is gonna work for me.