DOL Submitted "Final" Regulation of Substitution Elimination Rule


Registered Users (C)
Reported by Matthew Oh, Attorney
01/29/2007: Special Alert: DOL Submitted "Final" Regulation of Substitution Elimination Rule to OMB on 01/26/2007

Since this is a final rule, upon approval by OMB, the elimination of substitution and 45-day validity of certified labor certification will be triggered. Take this message as a very special alert! This rule will not only eliminate substitutition on the OMB approval and release in the Federal Register but also kill the certified labor certification unless it is used within 45 days from the date of certification! Please stay tuned to this web site reporting.
The planned implementation day appears to be April 2007. But it can be earlier!
If the final rule retains the proposed rule, those pending substitution I-140 cases which fail to obtain approval can be jeopardized!
ginnu ..

do u think this will have impact on labor substitution cases with 140 approved and 485 pending..

Any idea when OMB will make a decision on this? Does it also affect I-140 subst labor cases with RFE response sent? I-140 cases already filed shouldn't be affected, isn't it?